Archive | November, 2017

The Official Wraith Resurgence Plot Guide

  Overview The site of the Faerie Festival is now unrecognizable. After the unexpected attacks, the faeries seem to be using it as makeshift headquarters to rally for help, organize their forces, and make plans for their resistance efforts. Why don’t you look around and find a way to help out? Step One Click on […]

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Neopets Wraith Resurgence FAQ

Wraith Resurgence has begun on Neopets! Get your BD Neopets and BD Set ready! If you’ve got questions to Neopets Wraith Resurgence, you can find the answers below! Q: Where do I get wraith ectoplasm?? A: Fight the wraith in the BD. You can still collect ectoplasm after maxing out NP/items. Or buy it from […]

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