Guide to Neopets Battledome Acronyms!

What are icons:

For people that don’t know what an icon do they are the things that determine how much damage you will do. There are 7 different kinds of icons:Air, Fire, Physical, Dark, Earth, Water, and Light.
This what the 7 attack icons look like
This is what the 7 defense icons look like

What are Boosts:
Boosts are things that help to increase the damage you do. Below is a list of the boost and their damage multipler

0 – 0.5
8 – 0.75
13 – 1.0
20 – 1.25
35 – 1.5
55 – 2.0
85 – 2.5
125 – 3.0
200 – 4.5
250 – 5.5
300 – 6.5
350 – 7.5
400 – 8.5
450 – 9.75
500 – 11.0
550 – 12.0
600 – 13.0
650 – 14.0
700 – 15.0
This is for strength and defence boost. For those people that don’t understand what ppots or gc’s do they use your opponents and does damage according to their boost. Like say your strength boost is 125 and your fighting the space faerie who’s boost is 550 because that is how much her hp is. So since the sf strength boost is higher the ppots icons are times by the damage multipler of 12. That is why ppots is a great item to use for space faerie because it is in a sense a gc but a much much more affordable.

What the terms mean

Multiple use means that you can use it as many times per battle. However in the battledome you can only use 2 items at a time

Once per battle means just that you can use that item once per battle. Items that are once per battles is HP, Gbomb,Fpot,H4K

One use means that you can only use it one time then it disappears.Items that are one use are thick smoke bomb, and jade elixer.

Fragile means that the items has a chance to break and they disappear. Items that are fragile are scroll of freezing

Constant means an item that you can use in battle multiple times like sword of skarsden

Freezer means an item that can freeze your opponent for a turn like freezing potion

Stealers are items that you can steal an item from your opponent like sticky hands

Bombs are items that are once per battle that do alot of damage like honey potions

Semi-Fragile- Items that won’t break forever but they make break during the battle like snowglobe staff.

Shields/Blockers are items that block or defending against icons like Shield of Pion Troect.

Reflectors are items that reflect some of your opponents icons back at them like Jhudoras wand.

What are abilities and how can i get them
Abilities are like powers that a bottled faerie grants to a neopet but you have to be a certain level to be able to use them. You can get them from Bottled Dark, Earth, Fire, Light, Air, and water. Although there are more abilities then i will list these are the ones that are best to have. You can only use 3 abilites per battle.

Diamond dust

Need to have the other abilities before it and be level 28 to have the air faerie bless you with this abiliity. What it does is it has a 17% chance of freezing your oppoenent. So it is like having another freezer because you can only have one freezing item attached to your pet. Once it freezes it disappears from your ability list for the battle

Fiery Gaze

Need to have all the other fire abilties before it and you need to be level 6 and have the fire faerie bless you with this ability. What this ability does is it has a 15% chance of freezing your oppenent. So it is like you have a second freezer. Once it freezes it disappears from your ability list for the battle.


Need to have all the other fire abilties before it and you need to be level 28 and have the fire faerie bless you with this ability. What it does is it blocks all water icons after it does so it disappears from your ability list for the battle.


Need to have all the other water abilities before it and you need to be level 9 and have the water faerie bless you with this ability. What this does is it blocks all fire icons after it does so it disappears from your ability list for the battle.

Healing Vapor

Need to have all the other water abilities before it and you need to be level 27 and have the water faerie bless you with this ability. What this does is it heals 33% of lost hp. You can use this as many times per battle before your ability thing runs out.


Need to have all the other earth abilities before it and you need to be level 10 and have the earth faerie bless you with this ability. What this ability does is it blocks 97.5% of all earth, air,water, fire, physical. Once per battle.


Need to have all the other earth abilities before it and you need to be level 23 and have the earth faerie bless you with this ability. What this does is it heals 33% of your lost hp. You can use this as many times per battle before you ability thing runs out.


Need to have all the other light abilities before it and you need to be level 22 and have the light faerie bless you with this ability. What this does is it heals 33% of your lost hp. You can use this as many times per battle before you ability thing runs out.

Drain life

Need to have all the other dark abilities before it and you need to be level 21 and have the dark faerie bless you with this ability. What this does is it takes 11% of your opponenets hp up to 100 hp and gives them to your pet. Once per battle.


Need to have all the other dark abilities before it and you need to be level 30 and have the dark faerie bless you with this ability. What this does is block 97.5% of all light,dark,water, fire and physical icons. Once per battle.

What is intelligence and how can i get it

Intelligence is basically how smart your pet is. The point of intelligence is it allows you to use certain items like Crisp Blue Tunic, Heavy Blue Tunic, Heavy Robe of Thievery, and Short Sleeved yellow Tunic. You can get intelligence by reading books, playing guess the card, playing cliffhanger, do the faerie crossword. You can only get a scroll potion and steal intelligence from other pets.

Stat increasers

These are items that will increase your pets stats.

Basic Power Negg
May give you +1 defence

Cackling Negg
Gives you ‘Shadow Health’ ability, regardless of level

Grants you ‘Psychic’ ability regardless of level

Cool Negg
Gives you 1-2 level,1-3 Max Hit Points, 1-3 movement, 1-3 strength

Faerie Queen Negg
Gives you + 1 HP

Ferocious Negg
Gives your pet 1-3 strength and your pet a random disease

Power Negg
Grants + 1 strength

Rainwater Negg
Gives you ‘Shield of Water’ & ‘Steam Shield’ abilities regardless of level

Silver Knight Negg
Grants 1-2 defence

Gives you 2-3 Max Hit Points 2-3 movement

Spiked Negg
Gives your pet 1-3 Max Hit Points

Spinning Negg
Gives your pet ‘Air Shield’ ability regardless of pet’s level

Super Negg
Gives you 1 level, 1-3 Max Hit Points, 1-3 movement

Level Up Shroom
1 level

Super Fast Shroom
1 movement

Strength Shroom
1-3 strength

Purple Spotted Shroom
Can heal 3 HP, grant 1 permanant HP or grant 1 strength. (outside Battledome only)

Mega Power Plusshroom
1 HP, 1 strength or 1 Level

Bomberry Elixir
Can grant 1 defence

Cooling Balm of the Warrior
Can grant you defence.

Scroll of the Warrior
Gives your pet 1-3 Defence while decreasing your pet’s movement by the same amount. May decrease Intelligence by 1

Kauvaras Marvellous Potion
Kaus only! 1-3 defence, 1-3 strength, 1-3 level, 1-3 HP

Essence Of Drackonack
1-2 strength or nothing

Muntando Fruit
1 HP or nothing

Energising Elixir
Can grant your pet 1 HP or nothing

Mummified Scroll
Reading this scroll will take 0-3 movement away from your pet and add them to your Hit Points. You will lose 1 intelligence point as well.

Scroll of the Ancients
Read this scroll to your pet to receive 1 strength , 1 movement, and 2 intelligence points. You can only read this to your pet once

Strength Serum
1-4 strength

Twisted Potion of Strength
This potion can grant your pet 5 strength, lose 5 strength, or do nothing at all.

Kaylas Super Special Potion
Grants your pet 0-1 level, 0-1 defence

Irritable Genie-in-a-Bottle
Drinking these increase your pet’s level by 1-3

Illusen Day Elixir
Gives your pet +2 intelligence

Sparkle Potion
Increases intelligence by 1-3 points.

Genius Negg
Gives 1 book (R101), increases intelligence by 1 point

Newbie Battledome items: 
Here are some bd items that are great for people just starting off.
Scarab Ring-(multiple use) 2 water , 2 dark , and 2 physical icons. Blocks 3 fire and 3 physical. Currently Costs 2-3k

Ice Club(multiple use) does 9 icons: 3 water, 3 air and 3 physical icons. Currently about 60kish.

Stone Club(multiple use) does 9 icons: 3 air, 3 earth and 3 physical icons. Currently about 60kish.

Caustic Potion(Once per battle) Does 6 earth and heals 1-5 hp. Currently cost about 200 nps

Leaf Shield (Multi use) Blocks 5 earth, 5 water and 3 physical. Currently cost 7k.

Sword of the Dead (Multi use) Does 3 air and 3 dark icons and blocks 5 light icons.Currently Costs 110k

Golden Compass (multiple use) Does 3 dark, 3 light, 3 wind icons. Blocks 3 dark icons. Currently Costs around 80-100kish.

Tyrannian Lupe Tooth– (multiple use) does 9 icons: does 3 fire, 3 earth, and 3 physical icons. Currently cost 60kish.

Snowglobe staff(semifragile) either does 6 icons:3 light and 3 water, give out a yellow snowball, freeze(20% of freezing) or breaks for the battle. Currently costs 40kish

Downsize! (once per battle) Blocks 50% of all icons. Currently cost 5kish

Battledome set for different price ranges

Unstable Slime
Scarab Ring
Illusens Earth Potion
Green Frost Cannon
Mud Mixture
Mud Mixture
Lesser Healing Scroll

Lesser Healing Scroll
Leaf Shield
Tooth Of Terask
Jade Staff
Green Frost cannon
Battle Ready Pencil Box
Unstable slime

Blue Scorchstone
Enchanted Wooden Bow
Leaf Shield
Scarab Ring
Hand Painted Scarab
Illusens Earth Potion

Stone Club
Ice Club
Snowglobe staff
Greater healing scroll
Leaf Shield

Golden Compass
Golden Compass
Patched Magic Hat
Greater Healing Scroll
Snowglobe Staff
Psellias Fighting Fan

1 million
Greater Healing Scroll
Sophies Magic Hat
Pike Pike
Rainbow Frost Cannon
Scuzzys Comb
Golden Compass
Essence of Esophagor

Battledome Acyronyms:

AARG – Alien Aisha Ray Gun (Multiple use) Does 9-13 icons: 3 fire, 5 light, 1-15 physical

Price: 70 Million

AFC- Air Faerie Crown (Multiple use) Does 9 icons: 3 air,3 dark, 3 light icons. Blocks 5 light icons

Price: 3.2 million

AP-Attack Pea (Multiple use) Does 24 icons: 24 earth icons

Price: 325 million

BFC-Black Frost Cannon (semi Fragile) 23% chance of freezing, Does 3-5 icons: 3 water and 2 physical icons

Price: 500k

BGC-Bony Grarrl Club (Multiple use) Grarrl Species weapon that does 6 icons: 3 earth and 3 light icons. 

Price: 22 million

BoD-Bow of Destiny (Multiple use) Does 13 icons: 5 air icons, 5 earth icons, 3 fire icons

Price: 3.2 million

BoHD-Bag of healing dust (Once per battle) non-species 50% healing item

Price: 7.5 million

BoK- Bracelet of Kings (multiple use) use’s opponents boost for icons if it is greater than yours..Does 5.5-10 icons: 5 light and .5- 5 physical icon. Either blocks 5 earth and 5 dark icons or heals 50hp

Price: 3.2 million

Cflour- Chia Flour (One-use) Turns opponent into a chia.

Price: 7.5 million

CBT-Crisp Blue Tunic (Multi use) Blocks 2 earth and 2 water If you have over 750 intelligence and you have less than 100 hp off your max and your opponent has more than 100 hp then drains 100 hp. Breaks for the battle after draining

Price: 10.9 million

C-Shield or cs-Clawed Shield (Multiple use) Blocks 3 dark and reflects 60-80% of fire icons.

Price: 3.8 million

DFC-Dark Faerie Collar(Multiple use) Does 10 dark icons. blocks 5 light icons and reflects 25% of dark icons.

Price: 6.2 milion

DMB- Dusty Magic Broom (Multiple use) Does 8 total icons: 3 air icons and 5 earth icons and blocks 5 light icons.

Price: 1.7 million

DSA-Dull Stone Axe (Multiple use) Does 12-19 icons: 5 light icons, 5 Phsyical icons, and 2 to 9 earth icons.

Price: 6.3 million

DSOD-Darigan Sword of Death (Multiple use) Does 70 icons: 10 of each icon.

Price: Unknown.

ECA-Everlasting Crystal Apple (Multiple use) Heals 30 hp

Price: 4 million

ELL-Entangling Lenny Lasso (Once per Battle) Lenny 100% freezer

Price: 4 million

EoDF – Eraser of the Dark Faerie (Single Use) Permanently deletes a random weapon of your opponent

Price: 40 million

EoE- Essence of Esophagor (Multiple use) Does 10 icons: 5 water icons and 5 earth icons.

Price: 125k

Fpot-Freezing Potion (Once per battle) Does 2 water icons and non-species 100% freezer

Price: 7.6 million

Fray-Fungus Ray (multiple use) Does 11 icons: 5 water, 3 dark, 3 earth icons

Price: 1.7 million

FSS-Faerie Slingshot (multiple use) Does two types of attacks: weak attack that happens 2/3 of the time does 5-7 icons: 2 earth and light icons and 1-3 physical icon. Other type of attack that happens about 1/3 of the time does 35-60 icons: 17 earth icons, 12 light icons, 6-31 physical icons.

Price: 125 million

F-Tab- Faerie Tabard (Multiple use) blocks all water icons, 3 air and 3 earth icons, 5 fire and 5 physical icons.

Price: 7.3 million

FWoC– Frozen Wand of Crystals (multiple use) Does 8 icons: 3 light,3 wind, 2 fire, blocks 3 water icons.

Price: 90k

Gbomb- Ghostkerbomb (once per battle) Does 21- 30 icons: 10 fire icons,10 earth icons, 1-10 physical icons (Averages about 25 icons)

Price: 7.5 million

GC- Glowing Cauldron (Multiple use) Does 10 fire icons that use your opponents boost if its higher then yours.

Price:13 million

GEB-Garoo Elite Blaster (Multiple use) Does 11 total icons: 5 fire icons, 3 earth icons, 3 physical icons.

Price: 1.7 million

GFD-Glittery Faerie Dust (Multiple use) Does 15 icons of one random icon type.

Price 12.2 million

GHS- Greater Healing Scroll (Once per battle) non-species 50hp healer.

Price: 30k

GoC-Golden Compass (Multiple use) Does 9 icons: 3 fire icons, 3 air icons, 3 light icons. Blocks 3 dark icons

Price: 100k

Gshield- Ghostkershield (Mutliple use) Blocks All dark icons, 3 air and 3 light icons, 5 earth and 5 physical icons

Price: 7.8 million

Gsword- Ghostkersword (Multiple use) Does 16-31 icons: 8-23 air icons, 3 dark icons, 5 physical icons

Price: 200 million

H4K-H4000 Helmet (Once per battle) 100% non-species freezer

Price:7.3 million

HBT-Heavy Blue Tunic (Multiple use ) blocks 3 air icons, 3 fire icons, 3 water icons. If over 1000 intelligence freezes opponent then disappears for the battle.

Price: 10.4 million

HNB-Hubrids Noxious Blade (Multiple Use) Does 7 icons against non-lupes: 2 dark and 5 physical icons, does 20 icons against lupes:10 dark and 10 physical icons.

Price:4.5 million

HoD – Halo of Devilpuss (Multiple use) Does 6-10 icons: 5 dark icons and 1-5 physical icons.


HP-Honey Potion (Once per battle) Does 13.3 to 16 icons:13 earth icons and .3 to 3 physical icons

Price: 800k

HPB – Hubrids Puzzle Box (Once per battle) gives you a hubrid puzzle box 2 which gives you another box. Which the last box takes 1/3 of your opponents current hp.

Price: 5 million

HRoT – Heavy Robe of Thievery (Once per Battle) Blocks 2 light icons and steals an opponenets weapon(100% steal rate) Need 201 agility and 68 intelligence to use it.

Price: 175k

IBD-Icy Battle Duck (Multiple Use) Does 10 icons: 5 air icons and 5 water icons.

Price: 1 million

ICG-Icy Chia goggles- Once per battle chia 100% freezer

Price: 3 million

ISS-Ice Scorchstone (Semi Fragile) Heals full 24% of the time.

Price: 2.8 million

I-Staff- Illusens Staff (Multiple use)Does 14-19 icons: 13 earth, 1-6 physical icons. Blocks all dark icons, heals 20% of max hp when your hp is red and reflects 75% of light as dark icons.

Price: 600 million 

JCB-Jhudoras Crystal Ball (Multiple use) List all your opponent’s weapons.

Price: 3 million

JJp-Jittery Jipple Potion (Multiple use) Does 6 icon when used against opponent with 9 int or less(3 air and 3 dark) otherwise does 10 icons:5 air and 5 dark icons.

Price: 10k

J-pot-Jhudoras Potion (Once per Battle) Does 17-26 icons:16 dark and 1-10 physical icons.

Price: 7.5 million

JSS or Jade-Jade Scorchstone (Once per battle) 100% non-species healer.

Price: 60 million

J-Wand-Jhudoras Wand (Multiple use) Does 8 icons:3 earth and 5 dark icons. Blocks all air and reflects 75% light and 25% of air icons.

Price: 200 million

K-flour- Kacheek Flour(Fragile) Does 4 icons 2 air and 2 light. If it turns your opponent into a Kacheek then it does no icons

Price: 7 million

KLP-Kacheek Life Potion (Once per battle) kacheek healer heals 33% of Max HP when you have 33% or less of your Max HP heals full when you’re over 33%

Price: 100k

LEV-Leaded Elemental Vial (Once per battle) 100% non-species healer

Price: 35 million

LRGoF-Lenny Ray Gun of Freezing (Once per Battle) Lenny species 100% freezer.

Price: 5 million

MMoM- Magical Marbles of Mystery (Once per battle) Does 3 physical icons and 100% non-species freezer

Price:7.8 million

MoC-Mask of Coltzan (Multiple use) Does 8 fire icons, Blocks 6 dark icons and 5 earth icons.

Price: 3.4 million

Mskull- Moehog Skull (Once per battle) Does 15 total icons: 10 air icons and 5 dark icons. Blocks 10 icons: 5 earth icons and 5 dark icons. 100% non-species freezer.

Price: 300 million

NCB-Noxious Carrot Blade (Multiple Use) Does 22-35 icons:12-25 dark icons and 10 physical icons.

Price: 42 million

PCC-Pirate Captains Cutlass (Multiple use) Does 16.25-24 icons: 5 Light and 5 physical icons, 6.25-14 air icons (Averages about 18 icons).

Price: 15.6 million

PCH-Pirate Captains Hat (Semi-Fragile) Blocks all earth and light icons and 5 fire icons.

Price: 4.5 million

PFF-Psellias Fighting Fan (Multiple use) Does 9 icons: 3 air icons, 3 light icons, 3 physical icons.

Price: 50k

PKiln-Portable Kiln (Multiple use) Does 11 fire icons

Price: 2.9 million

Ppot-Prickly Potion(multiple use) Does 6 icons: 3 fire and 3 dark show up as reflected icons (Just like MoC and gc it uses your opponents boost if its higher then yours.

Price: 400k

RCG-Rainbow Clockwork Grundo (Once Per battle) Does 16-20 icons: 4-5 fire, 4-5 dark, 4-5 light, and 4-5 air icons.

Price: 3.3 million

RMB-Runed Maractite Bow (Multiple use) Does 14-18 icons: 5 fire,3 water, 5 air, 1-5 physical icons.

Price: 57 million

RoDN- Rod of Dark Nova (Multiple Use) Does 4 icons: 2 dark and 2 fire. Blocks all fire and dark icons and heals about 35 hp. (Gives you 3 darknovas for the battle)

Price: 300 million

RoN- Rod of Nova (Multiple Use) Does 3-4 icons: 2 light and 1-2 physical icons. Blocks all dark or no dark and heals about 15 hp.(Gives you 3 novas for the battle)

Price: 150 million

RoSN- Rod of Super Nova (Multiple Use) Does 4-6 icons: does 1-2 fire, 2 light, 1-2 physical icons. Blocks all fire and dark or none and heals about 40 hp. (Gives you 3 supernovas for the battle)

Price: 250 million

RoTL- Ring of the lost (Multiple use) Does 9.5 icons: 5 fire icons and 4.5 light icons and blocks all dark icons.

Price: 16 million 

RoW-Ring of weightlessness (Multiple use) Blocks all air and blocks 3 earth icons.

Price: 15 million

RSB-Ramtors Spellbook (Multiple use) Does 10 total icons: 5 light icons and 5 dark icons.

Price: 325k

RSH-Rainbow Sticky Hand (Multiple use) 85% chance of stealing opponents weapon

Price: 1 million

RWR-Royal Wedding Ring (Multiple use) Does 9-11 icons: 5 fire icons, 3 dark icons, 1-3 physical icons.

Price: 2 million

SAP-Seasonal Attack Pea (Multiple use) Does 28 icons: 8 light icons and 20 earth icons.

Price: 400 million

SC-Scuzzys Comb (Multiple use) Does 10 icons: 5 light icons and 5 physical icons.

Price: 200k

SoA-Sword of Apocalypse (Multiple use) Does 9-13 icons (seems to average about 11 icons): 3 fire icons, 5 dark icons and 1-5 physical icons.

Price: 750k

SoF- Scroll of Freezing (Fragile, once per battle) non species 100% freezer.

Price: 125k

SoPT- Shield of Pion Troect (Multiple Use) Does 3 dark icons. Blocks all earth and 1 light icon.

Price: 5.9 million

SoRF-Staff of Righteous Fury (Multiple use) Does 8-12 icons: 7 light and 1-5 physical icons.

Price: 300k

SoS-Sword of Skardsen (Multiple use) Does 16.25-24 icons: 15 dark icons, 1.25-9 physical icons (Averages about 18 icons)

Price: 10.8 million

S-gel- Sloth Approved Hair Gel (Once per battle)Does 2 dark icons, 100% non species healer

Price: 19.5 million

S-Ray- Sleep Ray (Once per battle) Does 2 dark and 2 wind icons, 100% non species healer.

Price: 15 million

SSYT-Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic (Multiple use) Blocks 2 fire, 2 dark, 2 air and heals 75 hp if you have over 500 intelligence. Breaks for the battle after healing.

Price: 3.2 million

SuAP-Super Attack Pea (Multiple use) Does 32 total icons: 12 air icons and 20 earth icons.

Price: 600 million

TBB-Tiki Bomb Bag (semi-fragile) Gives you 1 tiki bomb

Price: 3 million

THC-Trusty Hand Cannon (Multiple use) Does 14-18 icons: 5 fire,5 dark,3 light, 1-5 physical icons.

Price: 30 million

TSoD-Toxic Sock of Doom (Multiple use) Does 10-12 icons: 3 fire, 3 earth,3 dark and 1-3 physical icons.

Price: 5.5 million

TTD-Triple Turbo Dryer (Multiple use) Reflects 75% of air icons.

Price: 14 million

Ttear-Thyoras Tear (once per battle) blocks all icons except reflected icons.

Price: 65 million

TSB- Thick Smoke Bomb (One use) Blocks every icon.

Price: 10k

WCN-Werelupe Claw Necklace (Once per battle) Does 5 dark and 5 fire icons, 3 earth icons and 1-5 physical icons. (Averages about 16 icons)

Price: 7.5 million

WoDF-Wand of the Dark Faerie (Multiple use) Does 21-30 icons:20 dark icons, 1-10 physical icons. Reflects 75% of light and Heals HP by 25% when you have 25% or less of your Max HP.

Price: 550 million

WoR-Wand of Reality (Multiple use)Does 13 icons: 5 light icons, 5 air icons, 3 physical icons.

Price: 4 million

WS- Winged Scarab (Multiple use) Does 3 air icons blocks 3 air icons and all physical icons.

Price: 200k

UBG-Ultra Bubble Gun (Multiple use) Does 10-20 icons: 5 water icons, 5-10 air icons, 5 physical icons (Averages 13 icons)

Price: 6.4 million 

UDS-Ultra Dual Shovel (Multiple use) Reflects 75% of earth icons.

Price: 11 million

Yblaster- Ylanas Blaster (Multiple use) Does 12.63 icons: 5 fire icons , 2 air icons 3 physical icons and 2.63 earth icons.

Price: 1.1 million

YKCG- Yooyuball Keepers Chest Guard (Multiple use) Blocks 2 water icons, 3 earth and 3 dark icons, and blocks all physical icons.

Price: 4.2 million