Guide to Mynci Beach Volleyball!

Basic info
The game is pretty simple, you use the left arrow to go left, right arrow to go right and up arrow to jump.
Your objective is to score as many points as possible by throwing the volleyball into your opponents side so that it hits the ground.
To win you need to score 12 with at least two more goals than your opponent.
For example, if you score 12 goals and your opponent has 8 goals you complete the level.
If you score 12 goals and the opponent has 11 goals, you need to score another point, making you lead by two points, in order to complete the level.
There are of course trophies that can be won.

And also an avatar to be gained.


You get the avatar once you’ve submitted your score of at least 800 points.

How to score high enough to get both the gold trophy and the avatar:
It’s quite simple actually. As mentioned before, as soon as you have 12+ goals and are in the lead with more than two goals than your opponent, the level is completed. But you don’t have to complete the first level to get a high score.

If you complete the level, you get five points for each goal you scored more than your opponent, plus an additional 50 point bonus. The maximum points you can get is 1220 or so, playing a perfect game.

If you lose a game, you get five points for each goal you’ve scored on that level regardless of your opponents score.

So what you do is that you keep playing on the first level without winning.
As long as you keep your lead by only one goal, you won’t win the game.
Win the first ball, lose the second (easiest way to do this is to just throw the ball up in the air and back away from it).
(Important! Make sure you never score more than one goal more than your opponent! If you score two goals over your opponent you will win the game and proceed to the next level, and that is not what you want to do.)
Keep doing this until you’ve scored 245, and then lose on purpose.
Since you get five points for each goal, this will give you the score of 1225 (245*5=1225), which is five points more than what can be gained playing it the regular way. No one will be able to beat your score unless they’re using the same strategy (which most of the people on the high score board isn’t).
If the highest score on the list is over 1220, just keep playing until you’ve reached enough goals to beat them (using the goals*5=score calculation).
This is the way I got my trophy and avatar.

Extra hints and tips:
Hitting the pawkeet that flies over the screen with the ball will give you a Power Up. Your opponent can also get these Power Ups.
The seven Power Ups are:
*Super Size – Makes you bigger
*Super Jump – Let’s you jump higher
*Super Speed – Makes you faster
*Big Net – Makes the net bigger
*Small Net – Makes the net smaller
*Giant Ball – Makes the ball bigger
*Turdle – Places a turdle on your opponents side and if they touch it they will be stuck for a few seconds.

I suggest you keep hitting the pawkeet until you’ve gotten Super Size, which is the easiest Power Up to control.
Both Super Speed and Super Jump can be a bit tricky to control, and you can easily lose a ball if you get them.

Typing turdle will make a turdle appear on your opponent’s side and works in the same way as the Power Up.
Typing dirigibles will make a Kiko ballon float across the screen.