Guide to Sewage Surfer (Walkthrough / Solutions)!

Sewage Surfer Guide
There’s more than 1 way to get through a level… just posting the ones that got me through in case anyone wants to use it as a guide/reference.
^ game link…to-player.html
^ Auto Player Link

I only did it up to level 49. Because to get the avatar, you have to quit when you get to level 50.

If you really want the 50th answer, just tell me 😛
I’ll play the game again and solve it 😛 But it’ll take a while. 

  • Press the blue button to discard your “Next” piece.
  • Press the Green Button to attempt to finish a level after fittng the pieces.

  • If you run out of discards, you can try fitting your pieces on left over spots on the board.
  • If you get to the 50th level and QUIT GAME, you’ll be awarded an avatar: 
  • The trophies: 

The Solutions I Used:
Be smart.  Use my solutions as a guide/reference. You don’t need to follow it exactlyÂ