Guide to Zurroball

Zurroball is a very basic game. All that needs to be done is click the ball and it bounces up.
You have to prevent it from hitting the ground (sort of like ‘kick-ups’, if you’ve ever heard of it. It sounds like a mighty simple game, right?
Well, there is much more strategy involved. What a person normally does (what I used to do) is just keep clicking, let it go over the red line, score 1 point, and do it again. Well, this can get boring. Instead, try moving the ball as close to the ground as possible and then click it (keeping it low of course). You will then hear a sort of ‘beep’. Each of these beeps means you are getting lots of points. This is the most valuable trick you should know in this game. It’s not that hard either. With a little practice, you can start scoring higher scores. Now you’re probably asking, “Which ball should I use?” The following is a list of all the balls you can use and all their pros/cons:

Zurroball – Its easy to control and bounces rather well. Probably the perfect ball to start out with.

Snot Ball – This is no doubt the worst ball to use. It’s small and bounces too much. It definitely doesn’t comply with the strategy stated above. Don’t use this ball.

Metal Ball – This ball is almost as good as the reg. zurroball, but is probably for more advanced players with lots of practice. Of course, since this ball is metal, it doesn’t bounce very well. Good for the strategy that I stated earlier. Don’t mis-click it, it’s hard to regain control.

Energy Ball – Besides the snot ball, this is the worst ball to use. Definitely way too bouncy. It’s also too slow moving. Only use this ball if you have extreme patience.

Eye Ball– Hard to control. Just don’t use it.

Grundo Ball– To get this ball click on the badge with an ‘N’ on the spinning grundo dude. This is the ‘ideal’ ball to use. You need to have at least some experience to use this ball. It helps. It doesn’t move much, bounces a little, and is very easy to control. I personally use this ball, it’s just perfect.

During the game, the number on the right is number of times you’ve clicked the ball during the game, but be careful not to get to distracted Try getting at least 60. I believe that is enough to qualify for the 1000 NP max you can get during a game. That’s about it.

Remember that practice is all it’s about. Practice well, score high, and you might get a pretty ‘nifty’ trophy. I don’t think TNT has released any avatars for this game though. Good luck! 


Freestyle – Hitting ball without doing a trick (1 point)

Left Zurro – Hit the ball on the left wall (3 points)

Right Zurro – Hit the ball on the right wall (3 points)

Boomerang – Bounce off one wall, hit ball, bounce off other wall (5 points)

Around the world – Bound off both walls without hitting it in the middle (10 points)

Grounder (that’s the one I talked about above) – Saving the ball just as it hits the ground (10 points)