Guide to Neopets Greasemonkey

Greasemonkey is a Firefox extension that allows yo to add bits of Javascript to the page (or pages) you specify. There are similar extensions for Safari and Internet Explorer. I will explain the details about Greasemonkey in this guide.

What can I use Greasemonkey for?
You can use it to cheat, add things, and change around neopets or any other site you want.

Whats the freeze rate on greasemoneky scripts?
Varies, but generally, very low. Unlike the conventional programs, greasemonkey actually goes to the right pages, so instead of TNT seeing you refresh randomly 100 times at the login page, you really going to those pages, making look like you are doing it your self.

Will all scripts work in all browsers?
Sadly, no. The command line is different in every browser, thus a lot of scripts will not work in all browsers. Also, some other things are different, and most scripts are written FF, so for IE and Safari users you can not use all scripts. The only way to know is to install the script, test it, and see if it does or not.

Where can I find these ‘Greasemonkey’ Scripts?
You can find them here: or for neopets:

Can TNT detect Greasemonkey?
People do get frozen occasionally using greasemonkey, but freeze rates are much lower then using programs. Some scripts are detectable, but most are pretty safe.

How can i get Greasemonkey?
I will explain the ways to get greasemonkey for FF, IE, and safari below.

Installing Greasemonkey in Firefox
1. Install Firefox if you don’t have it here:
2. In firefox, go here and download it:

Installing Greasemonkey in Internet Explorer
1. Open IE (You should have it if you are using windows)
2. Go to
3. Under Getting started, click on Install Greasemonkey for IE. If you have problems, search around that site for help.

Installing Greasemonkey in Safari
1. Go to
2. Under Download, click on on file GreaseKit-1.5.dmg
3. Follow the instructions under the header ‘Install’. This is the hardest and most complex one to install, and can be very frusterating. It took me about an hour of playing around with it to get it to work, but it does work good.