Neopets Maractite Bomb

New Neopets Maractite Bomb has hit the Smugglers Cove! Only 100 being released, buy it fast!

Maractite Bomb

G-Bomb is two sets of independent discretely uniform .5-5 physical icons. So if you are getting 0.5 icon increments I think it is safe to say it is a true G-Bomb clone. I just wanted to double check it was the same. With the exception of Skarls Hasty Mace and TFB I think, TNT has pretty straight forward icon distributions for modern weapons.

in 1-p you might, just to one-hit a large range of opponents or it could be a good surprise in 2-p. Imagine the opponent thinking they’re well outside the zone to worry about freeze. All of a sudden it turns out you’re packing two bombs.

Read more on the Neopets MBomb here…