Guide to Dubloon Disaster

Dubloon Disaster Guide
Click here to play!

NP Ratio : 3.34
300 Point to get 1000 NP
2500+ Point to get Avatar


Hello! This is my very first guide in DZ.
Before i made this guide i did a search on it. I found out that some guides on dubloon disaster are lacking of image or using the wrong method to play. (i will explain further later)
So i decided to step in to help and of course earn some rep. 😀


First thing first, you need to understand how to play the game.
You basically a controlling a Rowboat.
Your objective is to collect those dubloons without getting exploded by the mines.

Do you see the whirlpool in the image? It will suck the mines and destroys them. HOWEVER, you CAN be sucked in too.

Value of dubloons



This is basically “luring” the two mines close together and make them explode. From here you get 2 dubloons again and the cycle repeats.

*sorry there are some lags in the video
HOWEVER, i do not recommend this method as sometimes when you just gets a dubloon, and a mine will just pop up right in your face. BOMB. gone.

This is basically make mines close together but do not make them explode.
Just watch the video and you’ll understand.

*sorry there are some lags in the video
You will have to first not to die in the first 9 mines and the rest would be smooth for you.
Sometimes when the mines are so closed together, they will explode.
And you need to separate them slightly. from the video, you can see that i started separating for the 3rd mine.


  • If you do check forum or game guide, you do realized that when you type “scallywags” a whirlpool will appear. If you are using the “grouping” method. Please do not type “scallywags” as those will just clear all of the mines for you and you will have to restart all over again.
  • Pray hard that no whirlpool will appear after you get your mines grouped together.
  • Sometimes train your “backward” control, sometimes as i said earlier, a mine might just appear right in front of you and you have no time to turn!
  • Uncheck the “Water Effect”. This effects may affects your gameplay!


  • This game is very easy as long as you can manage to group them and having a technique to “separate them”.
  • Finally there are some tips that i can’t really write down in words, you will have to figure out yourself! 😛
  • Dubloon disaster was the first game trophy i got, it may seems hard at first but with practice, you might just get both the trophy and the avatar! Good Luck! 8)