Guide to Beating the Black Pteri

WARNING: This guide involves spending some neopoints. Up to around 50k for weapons and more for training (if you train). Although about 4/5ths of the money spent on weapons can be recouperated, you could spend up to 10k on single use weapons. Be warned.

Recommended Stats

50+ HP
35+ Strength
20+ Defence (not a nessecity)
50+ Level if you wish to beserk attack (although I beat him without)

Recommended Abilities

Burrow (Earth Faerie Level 4)
Sink – Just in case – (Dark faerie level 8 )

Recommended Weapons

Freezing weapon – Snowglobe Staff, as it is cheap and effective fairly oftenly)
Sticky Hand – Purple recommended as is cheapest)
Healing item – Greater Healing Scroll is a good choice
4 x Fire/Shooting Star Muffins – For damage
Multiple Use Weapon – Scarab Ring is a cheap option


Turn One: Use Purple Sticky hand and Snowglobe Staff and use earth faerie ability ‘Burrow’.

Hand must steal Thyora’s Tear and snowglobe staff freeze before moving onto step two. If not withdraw, heal and try again.

Turn Two: Use 2 x Fire/Shooting Star Muffins and Fierce Attack/Beserk

Turn Three: Use Thyora’s Tear, 1 x Fire Muffin and Fierce attack/Beserk

Turn Four: If the Black Pteri isn’t dead by now, use:
1x Fire Muffin, Your Multiple Use weapon and Dark Faerie Ability ‘sink’, or ‘Defend’.

Turn Five: There should be no turn five as the black Pteri should already be dead. But however, use your multiple use weapon and ‘defend’.