Guide to Meepit vs Feepit

Why play this game? Well, besides earning a snazzy avatar at just 3000+ points

You also get to enjoy shiny trophies that can be easily earned in the first few weeks of each month.

(taken on 6th June 2009, 10:50 pm NST)

This guide will allow you to score 4000+ points, which as you can see gives you a gold trophy and avatar.

There are 4 main attack combinations in the game that you must know.

1. XZXZ – This attack causes you to dive forward headfirst, ramming into your opponent. Gives 19 points.

2. ZXZX – This attack causes you to roll forward, crashing into your opponent. Gives 19 points.

Note: There is no difference between XZXZ and ZXZX; both moves give 19 points, take about half of the screen, and can be countered when your opponent uses an attack combination manoeuvre.

3. XZX[Left/Right][Up]Z – This move can only be executed as the final blow. First, press XZX. Let your opponent use an attack manoeuvre on you. Then, walk up right beside your opponent, press [Left/Right] (so that you are “pushing against your opponent”), then [Up] (without letting go of [Left/Right]), then complete the combination by pressing Z. Gives 83 points.

4. ZXZ[Left/Right][Up]X – This move can only be executed as the final blow. First, press ZXZ. Let your opponent use an attack manoeuvre on you. Then, walk up right beside your opponent, press [Left/Right] (so that you are “pushing against your opponent”), then [Up] (without letting go of [Left/Right]), then complete the combination by pressing X. Gives 83 points.

Note 1: There is no difference between between XZX[Left/Right][Up]Z and ZXZ[Left/Right][Up]X. They even look the same. Just do the combination that you are most comfortable with.

Note 2: The above list is not exhaustive. There are other attack combinations that give marginally better points. However, since they are extremely difficult to execute, you are best off sticking with the above combinations.

Points to note

  • Scores of 3500 and above are reviewed
  • The greatest number of ZXZX/XZXZ combinations you can execute on your opponent without it dying is 5.
  • There are 5 levels (5 different opponents) to the game
  • Although in each level your opponent looks different, there is really no difference, so fight each one the same way as you fight the others.
  • In each level, both you and your opponent have 3 lives.
  • To maximise points, you must let your opponent defeat you twice, and you have to defeat it three times.
  • If you do the above combinations flawlessly, you will gain 5×19 + 83 = 178 points each time you defeat your opponent.
  • You will gain 5×19 = 95 points each time you let your opponent defeat you.
  • You gain 100 points for completing a level
  • If you make no mistakes, you will gain 3×178 + 2×95 + 100 = 824 points per level, and 824×5 = 4120points for the whole game.
  • Based on the above trophy list, you need 3857 for gold, 3507 for silver, and 3481 for bronze.
  • So, do not be discouraged even if you make a few mistakes!


  • Do not wait till your opponent is back on its feet before you start pressing XZXZ/ZXZX.
  • While your opponent is down, press XZX/ZXZ (take care to stand away from it so you don’t accidentally hit it!).
  • Once your opponent stands up again, you can immediately execute the combination by pressing Z/X.
  • To help ensure that you don’t accidentally hit your opponent when preparing for the combination, you can jump up and move away from it while typing the X’s and Z’s.
  • When you execute your combination, make sure that you are neither too close nor too far from your opponent.

Too close

Too far

Just right (doesn’t have to be exactly this distance)

  • When you attack your opponent without any combination, you cause it to become defensive like this.

  • When this happens, not only do you get a lower score for the round (because you cannot execute the 5 XZXZ/ZXZX combinations), it is harder to execute the finishing combinations.
  • Thus, when you accidentally do this, you should get your opponents health as low as possible (through XZXZ/ZXZX then slowly punching its health down), then letting yourself be defeated (assuming you still have lives of course)


  1. Start the game
  2. Execute 5 XZXZ/ZXZX combinations.
  3. Let it use a combination on you.
  4. When you get back up, walk up next to it and defeat it with XZX[Left/Right][Up]Z or ZXZ[Left/Right][Up]X.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4.
  6. Execute 5 XZXZ/ZXZX combinations.
  7. Let your opponent defeat you.
  8. Repeat steps 6-7.
  9. Repeat steps 2-4. You have completed the first level.
  10. Repeat steps 2-9 for the next four levels.
  11. Send your score.
  12. Enjoy your new avatar and trophy 😀

In this guide I have shared all my secrets I used for getting the gold trophy. With a little practice, you too can show off your fighting prowess