Aboard the Coincidence

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The Coincidence, a spaceship orbiting Neopia, offers a unique daily activity where you can trade items for a chance to experience unpredictable events. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about this quirky daily, from the quests to the rewards (and the risks!).

How it Works

Each day, you can visit Dr. Landelbrot aboard The Coincidence. He’ll ask you to fetch three different items, which can range from common to rare. Once you deliver the goods, you get to test his “Random Event generating machine.” This machine can trigger a variety of outcomes, some beneficial, some not so much!

Requested Items: Two Pools of Possibilities

Dr. Landelbrot draws his requested items from two pools:

1. Standard Pool: This pool contains a fixed set of relatively common items obtainable from various daily activities like Underwater Fishing and Tombola.

2. Alternate Pool: This pool is more dynamic and features rarer items, often with rarities between r75 and r95. The items in this pool, and the specific subset the doctor requests, change at irregular intervals, making each visit a surprise.

Navigating the Alternate Pool

The alternate pool is where things get interesting. Dr. Landelbrot will select a small subset of items from this pool, usually 3 to 6, but sometimes as many as 17! He’ll then ask for 1 to 3 of each of those items. This means you might need to scour user shops or try your luck with other dailies to fulfill his requests.

Important Note: The alternate pool seems to include items with rarities between r75 and r95, so any item within this range could potentially be requested.

Canceling a Quest

If the requested items are too expensive or difficult to obtain, you can always cancel the quest by clicking “No thanks!” You can usually cancel once per day, but if you’re canceling a quest from a previous day, you might be able to cancel twice.

Rewards: The Thrill of the Unknown

Once you deliver the requested items, you get to activate the Random Event generating machine. Brace yourself, because the outcomes are wildly unpredictable!

Events With Effects:

  • Stat Increases: Your active Neopet might receive a small (1-3 points) or large (8-10 points) boost to a random stat (Strength, Defence, Movement, HP, Level, or Intelligence).
  • Stat Decreases: A random stat of your active Neopet might decrease by 1 to 3 points. (Watch out for a potential typo where “Defence” might actually mean “Movement” loss!)
  • Lottery Tickets: You might receive five lottery tickets.
  • Item Loss: A random item from your inventory could vanish! (It might even be one of the items you just turned in!)
  • Neopoint Loss: You could lose between 200 and 800 Neopoints.
  • Neopoint Gain: You could gain Neopoints, ranging from 1,000-2,500 or 10,000-25,000 NP.
  • Petpetpet Prize: You might receive a Petpetpet! (Not all Petpetpets are possible rewards.)
  • Robot Petpet Prize: You might receive a Robot Petpet.
  • TCG Card Prize: You might receive a rare TCG card (likely r101 to r103).

Events With No Effects:

These events are purely for entertainment and don’t impact your Neopets experience:

  • Humorous Encounters: You might witness a Shoyru lost in space, Alien Aishas on a sightseeing tour, or a Lutari parade trying to find Shenkuu.
  • Mysterious Occurrences: You might see a portal with a disappearing box, a floating amulet, or the Ghost Lupe complaining about not being on Mystery Island.
  • Intriguing Glimpses: You might encounter floating plans for The Coincidence, a giant Whalein blowing bubbles, or the Turmaculus roaring over the comm system.

Conclusion: Embrace the Chaos!

Aboard the Coincidence offers a unique blend of risk and reward. While you might lose items or Neopoints, you also have the chance to gain valuable prizes and experience amusing events. So, visit Dr. Landelbrot daily, embrace the randomness, and see what surprises await you on The Coincidence!