Since its introduction in 2010 during the Haunted Faire, Apple Bobbing has become a beloved daily activity in Neopia. Bart and his apple cart invite Neopians to try their luck each day. Although it began as a seasonal event, Apple Bobbing is now a permanent fixture, allowing players to visit once daily for a chance at exciting prizes.

Important Note: Apple Bobbing can result in the loss of valuable items or Neopoints. Before you dive in, check your inventory and consider not bringing anything valuable with you.
Possible Outcomes and Prizes
Every day you participate in Apple Bobbing, you can experience a variety of outcomes:
- Loss of Neopoints (your total can even go negative)
- Loss of a random item from your inventory
- Decrease in your active Neopet’s mood
- Hitpoint loss for your active Neopet
- Your Neopet contracts Blurred Vision
- Win a prize
- Nothing happens
Negative Outcomes
Unlike many other daily activities, Apple Bobbing can have quite a few adverse effects:
- Thieves Guild Encounter: While you’re bobbing for apples, a thief might snatch some of your Neopoints.
- Result: Lose 300 Neopoints (your total may go negative).
- Neopoint Slip: Your hard-earned Neopoints might fall out of your pockets while you lean over the barrel.
- Result: Lose a larger amount of Neopoints, typically ranging from several hundred to thousands.
- Dentures Surprise: You may find something unexpected when you finally surface from the water, like someone’s dentures.
- Result: Your active Neopet loses half its hitpoints.
- Uneasy Reflection: Staring into the murky water might give you an uneasy feeling, leading to a change of heart about bobbing.
- Result: Your active Neopet’s mood becomes sadder.
- Accidental Drop: As you lean over to select the best apple, you might accidentally drop an item into the water, resulting in an unfortunate surprise.
- Result: A random item from your inventory is lost. If it’s an Imposter Apple, you’ll also earn the avatar.
Positive Outcomes
While there are many ways things can go wrong, you can also walk away with some delightful prizes. Below are the potential rewards you could receive after a successful bobbing session:
- “Bully for You” Prizes: When you win, one of the following items may be added to your inventory:
- Aisha Toffee Apple
- Angry Pumpkin
- Apple Bobbing Bart Plushie
- And many more!
Check the Apple Bobbing special category in the Item Database for a full list of prizes.
Avatar Opportunity
If you manage to bob an Imposter Apple, you will also receive a unique avatar as a bonus!
Released: December 9, 2010.
Negative Prize Outcomes
Not all bobbing experiences yield wonderful treasures; some might even leave you with items you wish you could return! If luck isn’t on your side, you might receive one of the following:
- “Oh No!” Prizes: These unappealing outcomes may include:
- Cup of Stagnant Water
- Linty Bologna
- Poisonous Jelly
- And more!
In conclusion, while Apple Bobbing offers a chance for fun and prizes, it also carries risks that can lead to unfortunate outcomes. Always remember to keep an eye on your inventory, and happy bobbing!