Extreme Potato Counter Cheat!


Everyone knows this game, its really simple and I don’t have nothing more to explain about it except my method. So let’s go to the trick.



Trick (Legit)
Enter the calculator 1 + 1 = and on your display appears the number 2. Then start the game. Expect 2 potatoes pass (because we already have 2 on the calculator) and for each potato that you see press = in the calculator. In the end of the level look at the calculator display, enter the number in the game display and be happy!
But be fast, you have 15 seconds to enter the number of potatoes.


I will explain in the image:


Started the game … You’ve done the 1+1 and is ready to count the potatoes. So after seeing the potatoes 1 and 2 in the image, you will see the Potato 3 so press =, and for each potato who come keep pressing =. In the image the next would be the Potato 4. At the end of the level you will have the quantity of potatoes in the display of your calculator!


There is no guarantee that you will get the avatar using this method, because you can make mistakes and miss some or count too many potatoes.


Ilegit Way
Game ID: 226
Wait: 561
Score: 203
Credits for this part: Rabies.

Trophies & Avatar



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