Petpetsitter Guide: Find the Perfect Sitter for Your Petpet!

Petpetsitter Game

You can find the game here:
Play Petpetsitter

Petpetsitter Avatar

NP Ratio: 0.74
Avatar Requirement: 2500+ points to earn the avatar.

Before Starting: Basics of Petpetsitter

In Petpetsitter, your goal is to take care of various Petpets with different needs. Below is a list of common problems and how to solve them:

Hungry for SatisfactionHungry for Satisfaction of HungerThe petpet is hungry… Maybe we should let him eat?1
Hungry for Something to DoHungry for Something to DoThe petpet is bored… Maybe we should let him outside?2
Hungry for RepairsHungry for RepairsThe thing is broken… Let’s put it in the garage and see what happens.3
Hungry for SleepHungry for SleepThe petpet is tired… Maybe we should let him sleep?4
Hungry for UrinationHungry for UrinationThe petpet has to go… We should let him go.5

Cleaning with Mop

The mop cleans up the following messes:

  • Milk bottles knocked over.
  • Bucket knocked over.
  • Flower pot broken.
  • Petpet urinates on the floor.
  • Robotic petpet leaves oil on the floor.

Note that the first three messes will occur regardless of your actions. When a Petpet runs into one of these items, it gets knocked over, and you lose 5 points. However, by cleaning it up, you gain 10 points. Over time, you may want to disregard these objects, as they won’t hinder your progress.

Controls: You will be using your mouse. Code:oscillabot” during gameplay for an extra life. (Use it once per game.)

Using Cheat Engine

To easily achieve the trophy and avatar, you can use Cheat Engine (5.5 or later). Here’s a quick guide on how to do it safely:

  1. Start the game and Cheat Engine.
  2. Click on PC and select your browser from the process list.
  3. Click open. Make sure to select the correct tab in your browser.
  4. Enable Speedhack and set the speed to 0.3. This will slow down the game, allowing you to score more points.


Trophy 1
Trophy 2
Trophy 3

By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to take care of your Petpets and earn those coveted trophies and avatars. Good luck and have fun!