Guide to Beating Terask-II on Neoquest 2 Insace!

This is an extremely important battle and can mean the difference between wasting a lot of hard earned work, and earning a prize worth over 2 million neopoints.

First of all we will start with where your skill points should be for this battle.


Critical Attacks: 9
Damage Increase: 15
Combat focus: 0
Stun: 0 (does not have effect on this boss on InSaNe)
Taunt: 5
Magic Resistance: 15
Innate Haste: 15


These stats are what I find best for insane mode. Most people like critical attacks with more points but they are rare and its not often you score many hits on Terask2 anyways, and usually they arent strong hits. Magic resistance is a great way to resist being mesmerized, which is horrible when it happens. If Terask has damage shields on then it is a good idea to get Rohane to throw some damage potions until his shield wears off.

Direct Damage: 12 (if using cheesies nq2 autoplayer this should be 0)
Group Direct Damage: 0 (unless on autoplayer then 12)
Group Haste: 12
Damage Shield: 11
Innate Defense: 12
Innate Haste: 12


Nothing on 15, surprised right? Well by this point in the game mipsys best armour/weapons have stat upgrades.. and with those they should boost each of these 5 important stats to 14-15.


Damage Increase: 15
Multiple Targets: 0
Ranged Attack: 0
Shockwave: 0
Slowing Strike: 0
Magic Resistance: 15
Innate Haste: 15


Those are the only stats that help with this battle, every other stat has no effect in this battle. However to get to this point with Talina I would recommend putting a few points in shockwave and increasing multiple targets 8-10 points.

Healing: 0
Group Healing: 15
Group Shielding: 15 
Celestial Hammer:
Innate Defense: 15 
Innate Haste: 15


Since you only get 59 points one of these stats will have to be 14 but with the armour you get this late in the game you will get the appropriate stat upgrades to make sure all 4 are at 15.
mesmerize and celestial have no effect on this battle.
Now before we get into this battle there are a few things we NEED to make sure we have. If you are on InSaNe mode already then you know where and how to get these.
20 Jhudora’s Lifeforce Potion (heal 170)
20 Fyora’s Blessing Potion (heal 160)
20 Hurricane Potion (dmg 170)
20 Typhoon Potion (dmg 155)
20 Corrode Potion (dmg 140)
20 Coma Potion (slow 80%)
20 Slumber Potion (slow 70%)
20 Sloth’s Sloth Potion (slow 60%)
Now onto the battle


First and most important thing to do in this battle is throw slowing potions at terask until he is slowed. While doing this make sure Mipsy casts group haste and Velm casts damage shields.


Once he is slowed and you are hasted/shielded it is time to begin attacking.


Rohane: Rohane should be attacking constantly. Heres where the 5 taunt points come in and its good to have Terask focused more on Rohane because of his high health so feel free to Taunt him occasionally to protect Mipsy and Velm.


Mipsy: Mipsy should be doing a combination of (Group)Direct Damage and throwing damage potions (mostly damage potions unless Terask’s MR+30 shield is on then most potions are wasted). Remember when Group Haste wears off to re-cast it. All members should always be hasted.


Talina: Talina should be attacking at all times and throwing slow potions when needed.


Velm:Velm should be group healing everytime members need it. His goal should be to keep each party members health just below full incase someone gets mesmerized in which case Velm can heal them to bring them back into the fight faster. Velm should also make sure Shields are always up. If Shields are on and everybodys health is good then Velm should be throwing Damage potions.
Key Points to Remember


Always, Always, Always keep Terask Slowed. Always keep Damage Shields and Haste on all party members. If Terask throws up his damage shield than it is better for Rohane to throw damage potions until it wears off.


You can not Flee from this battle so make sure your prepared beforehand.


This battle is extremely long and hard but if you used this guide during your fight you should not have a problem.


If everything went according to plan
And With the Defeat of Terask



Along With 50,000 Neopoints
and an Extremely Expensive BD Weapon.


I do believe Bow of Destiny is the best possible weapon you can win here and it is worth over 2 MILLION NEOPOINTS.