Guide to Escape from Meridell Castle Avatar!

Escape from Meridell Castle

Hello, I am Kwarty and I’m here to show you guys the first guide ever on Dark Ztar of the Escape from Meridell Castle game (EFMC). This game has and avatar and three trophies.

To get the avatar you need to achieving the table of the Top 50 when the trophies are awarded daily.
Usually the score that guarantees the avatar is 1300, and the score that guarantees a trophy is 1740-Gold, 1730-Silver and 1550-Bronze.

In hard months I’ve to say.

Draik – Escape from Meridell Castle

_________Attack_________Move Left__Move Right__Fly
NOTE: You can’t attack while pressing the button up.

Good ones:

Bad Ones:

The Game:

1: Your energy bar, stop flying to fill it.
2: Shows how many stars are on the level and how many you’ve picked.
3: The game time, 300 seconds (five minuts). You shoul not worry about it.
4: Your points.
5: Valrigard (you!).
6: The quit button (you will not receive neopoints if you click this button).
7: Shows the level you are now.


Level 1
Level Map – Level Video

Level 2
Level Map – Level Video

Level 3
Level Map – Level Video

Level 4
Level Map – Level Video

Level 5
Level Map – Level Video

Level 6
If you have collected every star so far you should win an extra life.
Level Map  Level Video

Level 7
Level Map – Level Video

Level 8
Level Map – Level Video

Level 9
Level Map – Level Video

Level 10
If you have collected every star so far you should win an extra life.
Level Map – Level Video

Level 11
If you entered from level 11 then the bonus level lasts about 10 seconds. The aim is to collect as many stars as you can for points and an extra life! 
I’ve found that to gain the most you should hold right as you start the level and fly up a bit until you reach the 2 star column which lasts most of the way down.
Level Map – Level Video

Level 12
Level Map – Level Video

Level 13
Level Map – Level Video

Level 14
Level Map – Level Video

Level 15
Level Map – Level Video

Level 16
Level Map – Level Video

Level 17
Level Map – Level Video

Level 18
Level Map – Level Video

Level 19
When you reach this level for the second time the time limit is 300 seconds just like the normal levels. So you repeat the path i described earlier and once you run out of flight energy you will fall until your time runs out. You lose a life when you run out of time, but you get to repeat the level. 
I average about 85 stars each time, so if you come into the level with 5 lives, that’s (5×85) 425 extra points, including 4 bonus lives to go through it again! 
As you progress you can see the points stack up fast: (4×85) 340 + (3×85) 255 + (3×85) 255 + (2×85) 170 + (2×85) 170 + (1×85) 85 + (1×85), plus the original run of 425 points comes to a grand total of 1785 just from that bonus level.
Level Map – Level Video

Level 20
I don’t recommend doing this level because the level bonus of the level 19 gives a lot more points. 
Level Map – Video not avaliable. 

Bonus Level (11 and 19)
Level Map (Is the same map for both) – Video not avaliable.


NOTE: The Level maps and videos aren’t mine. I used a legit user guide to help me in some parts of this guide. These parts will be in orange color.
But I just put them here to help you guys and to help me, because I am Portuguese and it’s hard to me to write in english, If not, I would do a better description of each level.

Avatar Strategy:
To get the EFMC avatar easily, you should wait for a month that ends on a weekend. For example: Month A 31th (Friday), so the first day of the next month will be a Saturday. You should know few people play on weekends, so the score to get into the Top 50 will became lower.
A real example was the month of October, when the score for the avatar in the first two days was 800! AND the first day of the month is a lot easier to receive 100 points from those mystery boxes.
So, just do a score of 950 and your avatar will be guarantee for the next day.


Type “valrigard” to reset the timer.

This game has some bugs.

  1. Names errors
  2. Two Red Doors inaccessible (Level 6 and 10)
  3. Cannon balls really fast

But the worst one is a bug that “holds” you in a hole in the ground, you can’t die but can’t get out the hole.
The only option is to restart the game and lose all your points. There is a screen:


  1. Fly very close to the spikes: When you’re flying close of it, make sure to stay close to one side and facing away from it.
  2. Walking very close to the Metal Star: When the Metal Star is going to the other side, you can walk very close to it without dying.
  3. Killing enemies in your back: When an enemy is coming in your back, press the space bar at the right time and he will die. Kill Korbats too.