Guide to Quickly Getting the Snow Wars Trophy!

First, download the snap links firefox add-on (

Next, start your snow wars game! The benefit of snap links is that you can quickly fire upon all the ? targets without having to open two new pages. All you have to do is hit F5 (refresh) on your main page, and the hits will be updated!


Start off by highlighting the inner rectangle (4×6) of ?s. What you’re hoping to find is both of the single snowmen within this box, along with as much of the other pieces as you can.


Based on whatever you uncover, you’ll then search for what is left. As you progress higher in the levels, the number of moves the computer allows you to take declines (aka: the computer gets smarter). In the example above, I’m missing the last of the catapult, the bottoms of the giant snowman and snow castle, the lower snowball pile, and the snow cannon. The first four objects to finish are easy since they’re just finishing the objects, but the snow cannon will take some guesswork. At this point, you can still use snaplinks to open a page, but open only one at a time and follow it with a F5 to see if you got what you need. Play this smart, using logic to determine where the missing objects could be (i.e. if you need the catapult, it has to have at least 3 horizontal pieces).

This strategy works well the first 5 or 6 levels (I finished it the first try), but levels 8, 9 and 10 require a bit of a change in strategy. The opponent doesn’t allow you to take very many guesses, so it will take a bit more strategy.