Guide to the Habitarium – Unique Strategy

So… You play Habitarium? Or maybe you don’t yet. Why would you want to
waste your time earning Neopoints the old fashioned way, legitly? The answer
is quite simple, it can be very profitable if you know what you’re doing, and it
requires hardly any time. So start making Neopoints in your sleep with
Habitarium and let my guide show you the way!


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The only resources you need to collect are wood, mud, and stone. You can
collect small amounts of grass, water and pollen for decorations and such,
but it’s not necessary. Your houses will cure health, hunger, and energy, so
don’t waste your time buying food and nectar to heal your p3s. 

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Nesters obviously provide you with eggs, which is important, but other
than that, I wouldn’t rely on them for gaining massive amounts of xp, even at
lower levels. Depending on how often you can check your eggs and the
strategy you use, you really only need 1-8 nesters. The only job of the
nesters should be maintaining your population.

Your workers are the most important of your p3s. They have the highest xp
earning potential and they produce valuable resources. Unlike nesters,they
require little maintenance other than placing them in the houses a few times
a day. You should try to keep the bare minimum of nesters and soldiers and
have the rest all workers.

Soldiers are important for protecting your other P3s, buildings and resources.
If you have too few soldiers out, your workers will try to defend against pests
and sometimes die in the process. Depending on your level and strategy,
you’ll need 0-4 soldiers.

This is possible and very profitable. Surround one tree, one marsh, and one
rock on three sides with decorations. On the open side, leave one square for
your workers to harvest, then surround that square on all sides. Place the
desired number of workers in the open square and then place another
decoration on top of them. Here is a diagram if you’re confused:

By doing this you are protecting your resource and your workers from pests,
so you don’t need soldiers to protect them anymore. You will also have to
block off all your buildings and nests as well. The pests will damage your
resources, but only the ones you are not using. Utilize the edge of the screen
to your advantage. I recommend using dandelion seeds for the decoration on
top of your P3s as they are tall and easy to grab. Do not use clovers on top
of them, you can’t grab them without lifting up P3s instead.

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If you haven’t noticed yet, every time you construct a building it earns you 200
xp and every time you upgrade a building it earns you 300xp. Your soldiers
are not doing much just wandering around all day, so they can be used to give
you that extra punch. Once you reach a point in the game where you have extra
resources (~level 25+), start buying nests. Nests are the cheapest buildings to
buy and upgrade, so it’s ideal for this process. Spend all you can spare on
upgrading and discarding nests.
You can also save your level 2 nests in your bag until you reach level 40 when
you can upgrade your nests again to level 3.

Checking eggs every hour can be tiresome, repetitive, and boring. So why
not get it all done in one hectic week and reap the rewards for months?
First build 46 upgraded nests when you still have a good worker force.
After all your workers die off, hatch all nesters and get to it! Even if you only
check your eggs 5 times a day in your nesting week you will accumulate
approximately 400-500 worker eggs. This averages to at least 10 weeks of no
nesting! So after all your nesters die off in a week, it’s back to worry free
harvesting, and you only have to check your habitarium 3/4 times a day now!

Note: You will always be required one nester. Put him to work and don’t worry about it.

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This is a picture of a nesting setup. The nests are stacked against each other and
blocked off to avoid pests attacking the eggs. Also remember if you have all
46 nesters you will not be able to fix your nests without buying seed hammers.
If this is a problem, keep a few soldiers around to move out and fix your nests. To
some leaving your nests damaged may be easier, especially if you go awhile
before checking your nests.

Level 3 Nest Condition Time
Perfect: 50 min
Broken: 120 min

Leave your Habitarium open in a tab whenever you’re on the computer. Check
in every hour or so to harvest eggs (if you are nesting) and to make sure
your p3s don’t need rest. Leaving your Habitarium open during the night is
essential to leveling up fast and for gaining the maximum amount of Neopoints.
Before bed, harvest your eggs, heal all your p3s to full health, and leave it running.
You may have to change your settings so your computer does not go into
sleep mode or screen saver mode.
 After 8 hours, most of your p3s will be sleeping,
but you will have gained a lot over night.

Energy Saving Tip:
When leaving your Habitarium on over night, tweek your screen saver settings
to the blank black screen. You can also turn your screen to the lowest brightness
setting and view a full screen black image such as this one.

If you’re on Level 50 you may have noticed how purple gems only spawn
in your original 10 x 10 map. You want to leave this area as open as
possible. Put your nests, buildings and decorations on the expanded map
to give more room for gems to spawn. The Blossom Meadow map has the
least amount of useable space on the original map due to water.

Also, some items take up more squares than others. Don’t block your p3s
with larger items as that will reduce the number of squares you have for
gem spawning. Another good tip is to leave your houses in your bag when
they are not in use. This will also prevent them from decay and you will
not make the mistake of forgetting p3s in them.


I don’t have any advice on raiding, except don’t waste your time with it if you
focusing on leveling up fast. It doesn’t give you any xp and you hardly get any
resources from it. To effectively raid you need more soldiers and more
soldiers means less workers which means less xp. 

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Once you reach level 50 you will receive purple gems for every 1000xp that
you earn. Each gem is worth 500nps and you have to collect them manually.
You usually earn about one gem every 4-8 minutes depending on your
setup. Leaving your Habitarium open 24/7 has some serious Neopoint earning
power without much effort.

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After you reach level 50, and even before, you need to really worry about
lockouts. Lockouts happen when your Habitarium gets too much going on at
once and the system can’t handle it anymore. They usually occur from either
having too much in your bag or by having too many purple gems out and
refreshing. Once you are locked-out, you can no longer access your
Habitarium. Deleting whatever you don’t need from your bag is essential. Don’t
keep pointless decorations; only buy them when you need them. Don’t keep
pages and pages of eggs either. Keep only your worker eggs, a
min/max of 46 nester eggs, and always discard the extras.

Lockout is said to happen somewhere after having 60 pages of items combined.
Another way lockouts happen is from refreshing with purple gems on the page.
ALWAYS make sure to collect your gems before closing the window. Collect your
gems at least every 8 hours if you can. You can leave your Habitarium
running 24/7, but make sure there is no reason your internet will fail or your
computer will restart while your Habitarium open. Disable all automatic updates.

If while collecting gems you notice your neopoint count isn’t increasing, this is
a good sign there is something wrong. Stop imediantly and make sure your
connection is working and you are signed in, otherwise it’s Lockout Central.

A great guide on lockouts is posted on this petpage.

Stocking piling resources will help you level up faster once the new levels are
released and it’s safer than stock-piling eggs. Upgrade your storages to level 3
and place your full storages back in your bag to conserve space in your
Habitarium. If you accumulate too many full storages, delete them from your
bag or buy and gift items to people on the neoboards.

When the levels finally do arrive and you have a multitude of resources,
simply upgrade and discard nests. Depending on how high the xp
increases are, you may not even need the extra xp for building the nests.
Nests can be upgraded and discarded without actually building them.

If you plan on leaving your Habitarium for over a week, make sure you have
plenty of eggs to restart your population. Place all your buildings into your bag
to avoid decay and let your p3s die. When you come back, collect your blue
gems, hatch your eggs, move out your buildings and continue without problems.

These tables compare harvesting to nesting. You can make conclusions about
how worthless egg discarding is, how profitable harvesting is, and if upgrading
nests is really worth it. The worker profit table does not account for discarded
eggs and neither table calculates for healing time or other down times. Nester
table accounts for 8 hours of sleep.

Can my p3s die if I don’t feed them? 
P3s can only die when their lifespan ends (at about one week) or if their health
reaches 0 from pest attacks. Even if you mistreat your p3s, you will
always get the 150xp gem. Soldiers can also die during raids.

What happens if all my P3s die?
If all your P3s die, regardless of how many eggs you have in your bag, you will
receive a random hatched nester, soldier and worker to restart with.

What can I do with extra built nests/storage units?
Extra items you don’t need should be discarded to avoid lockout. Don’t
accumulate them. You can only gift un-built items to people on the neoboards.

What happens when I place a full storage in my bag? 
Your resource count will decrease on the screen, but they will remain full in
your bag. Take them out again and you can access the resources.

All my Pinchet nesters died. How do I get more Pinchets?
If one of your nester species dies off, you have to wait for Professor Milton to
randomly give you that egg from leveling up or receive that P3 from running out
of nesters. 

The pests keep attacking my nests and my soldiers won’t kill them! 
This is a glitch. Fence your nests in with decorations and the problem will be

I upgraded my workers to level 2. Is this permanent?
Once you upgrade a p3, all of that occupation will be upgraded permanently,
even future generations. 

Should I buy Houses or Hospitals? 
This is a personal preference. I prefer houses because they can hold more p3s
so they take up less space. The time difference it takes between healing in a
hospital or house is insignificant if you can wait an extra minute for houses. 

What do Barracks do? 
They work as hospitals or houses do, but they can only hold soldiers. It’s a myth
that soldiers can leave a Barrack at will.

Does the location of my storage have anything to do with how fast I can harvest?
No. Your workers will always harvest at the same rate. Moving your storage
closer or blocking them off with decorations so the walking animation is skipped
will help with lag though.

My buildings are still decaying, even though they are blocked off!
Buildings will decay about one level every other day. It has nothing to do with