Guide to the Super Shop Wiz

So- you’re trying to decide whether or not to pay for neopets premium, eh? You hear about the benefits, beta-testing games, scratchcards, prizes for referring people, and all of that. The one thing you’re a little hazy on is the Super Shop Wiz. Can this net you profits, or not. That’s what you’re looking for.

Most Super Shop Wiz guides out there will tell you that you can profit by buying codestones and other things, but that big profit is not possible because TNT won’t let you search for Trans potions, Nerkmids, SLM pieces, or Paint brushes. This may be true, but you can still get a decent profit from using this.

Is this profit SUPAR HUGE!!!! ? No. I’m sorry, you won’t make /that/ much off this strategy. What I’m showing you is tips to make this more profitable, but because of the low number of times you can RF and other factors, it is not worth the money you pay for premium just for this.

What is the SSW?
The SSW is this:

The SSW is like the regular shop wizard, but he searches for the lowest prices in ALL the shops, not just a select group like the shop wizard does. As you can imagine, this will make sniping things a lot easier, something TNT unfortunately thought of u.u

Using this guide, though, you can maximize your profits even with their restrictions on it.

It is somethign you get when you pay for neopets premium, along with other things. Unless you already have NPP, I would not recommend buying it just to follow this guide. Just spend 15 bucks and get 3mil np off someone on this forum in the neopets section. If you already have premium, though, this can show you how to maximize your profits!

The first thing you’re going to have to know about is “Sniperspace.” A picture is shown below of the SSW as you’ll see him on the portal page, with the sniperspace option highlighted. When you click this you get to a different window that is basically the same thign it just loads much quicker because you don’t have to load the entire portal page ^^

So what do I search for?
Now, as every guide out there for the SSW will tell you, neopets has blocked probably the best profit items from being searched for, at least with links to the shop (more on this later). What they fail to realize, though, is that while Secret Lab Map pieces cannot be searched for, “Piece of a Treasure Map”

This is pretty self explanitory. Just search in the SSW for these, and buy them when you see a crazy low price. As with my other guide, you can sell them in your shop or wait, collect them all, and sell them as a whole map for a bigger profit! 😀

You can also search for other extremely expensive items that newbies might get from random events too in the SSW, I’d recommend searching for “Mootix” with the “identical items only” option selected ;D

Is this really all you can do with this? Sounds like good profit anyway.

Well, it’s not all you can do, and the main problem with the SSW is that it bans you after a very small amount of refreshes. Chances aren’t too bad that you will get under 10 each hour. But no, that’s not the only tip in this guide either. I try to be as complete as possible and I won’t hold anything back.

The “Price check only” trick
Ok, I’m going to tell you something that I’ve never heard or even heard a hint of anywhere else. This worked as of about a month ago when I tried out premium. I decided my profits weren’t great enough to justify keeping it, but this is a very very neat trick. Ok, so you remember the SSW image you saw before? the one on the portal page? Check out what I have highlighted below:

It’s not “unlimited” anymore, probably because people were abusing it in the way I’m going to outline for you. With this, you will only get a certain amount of searches before it tells you that “you have had too many.” Even this type is limited. What you can do is search one broad term, then keep refreshing at the results page to keep getting results for that. What I recommend doing is searching like this for “transmogrification potion” on “contains” and “price only.”

What this is going to do is tell you the 10 lowest prices for Trans potions. So what, you say, what’s the point of that? What’s the point of that? You must be crazy! As you probably know, all trans potions are UB now, so you can just search for them using this method, and have the SW open in another window. If you see any prices at all pop up, search for that trans potion on the SW and hope you find it. I would rate your chances as fairly good to get it if you ever see one, as not many people snipe obscure trans potions anymore. If it’s a draik or krawk one, you better hurry