How to Transfer Illegitimate Neopets Items Safely!

Ive heard directly from the text of TNT how they bust the accounts autobuyers transfer to, sellers, and just cheaters in general.

TNT monitors certain items, this is a proven fact. SOS, PCC, TT, Gsword… Basically any ETS extremely expensive items, and typically people who need to transfer lotsa nps run for big ets to do it, but odds are you could be risking a massive amount of neopoints. Self freezing always seems smart, but doesnt always work. Yes it throws TNT off your trail, but if they decide to really look into it, they can clearly see what you have done. So now lets get into different transfer methods (Keep in mind these all assume that the two accounts are on different IP addresses)

1. Send to NF:
This is a good method of transfer, relatively safe, and even good when transferring extremely rare items. Some people see it as an obvious transfer method which will obviously get you caught, and this is half true. If you want to avoid ice, make it look real! Volley a neomail or two between the accounts making it seem like a friend giving a gift, Say Hey dude! this is for ur gallery!…Yes, TNT will check the history btw the two accounts, and you could be saved by these neomails.

2. Trades:
This can be an okay method of transfer, but really is difficult considering the 800k limit put on the trades is now a pretty bad trade method. If you need to transfer a single item it can be somewhat useful, but TNT can spot a junk trade for a tower item and could detect and freeze you, and I dont really know any way to make this seem legit, b/c if it actually was a gift btw 2 legit accounts, they wouldn’t do it through trades, theyd just send the NF…. So i do not recommend this method except with trades worth less than 1-2m.

3. Auctions:
Id say this is the WORST way to transfer. This is the ONLY method Ive ever been frozen using. I wanted to transfer 2m into an acct and just bought junk for 2m and was frozen b4 the auctions ended! The only time I would ever recommend use of the auctions is when you wanna get millions of pure for some tower item, OR if you wanna transfer a relatively expensive item you can set up a NF only trade and get it done, but as for Np transfer, NEVER use the auctions.

4. Shop:
Id say the shop is the best way to transfer items, and a great way to transfer smaller amounts of neopoints. Due to the 99k limit, TNT assumes that cheaters wouldnt have the pacience to set up 30 items and then buy them all up for 99k, and that is exactly why it is a great method. If you want to transfer an item, just have your friend chill at his computer and buy up the item as soon as you put it in. Dont worry, you wont accidentally lose it to a lucky newb that happened to be searching for ur item at that very moment, that will never happen if you have a friend waiting in the shop. Hey me and Billy transferred an item worth over 15m through the shops… Ok and as for NPs.. I wudent really know if its unsafe to buy 100 junk items for 99k to transfer over 9.9 million… but Id say its an awesome way to transfer 1-3m by buying an item 30 times. Im guessing TNT might be able to trace this if they look into it, so This might not be totally safe if your account has been involved in some really serious cheating, but if the accounts are probably clean otherwise this is a smart way to transfer.

5. I owe this method to derrick viewtopic.php?p=208484#p208484 who suggested it: Buy an ETS petpet, maybe a meoclops or something, Equip it to a fugly pet with a name like ASDDSF___DSFSD___UGLY_kasdk__YUKALU the Ogrin and pound it. Log into your Main and snatch up that pet, and the petpet will be attached… This a probably an awesome np transfer method as Im guessing its 100% undetectable. Thanks derrick!

6. Combining/using more then 2 accts:
This has gotta be the safest way. Here I’ll tell you what you should combine:
For an item:
– have the middle account get the item from the original account by the give to NF, and then have the 3rd and final account buy the item from the middle accounts shop.
For Nps:
– Have the original account buy many items from the middle accounts shop for 99999nps. Then once youve got all the nps ther, buy a tower item and send that to NF, OR auction it NF.

——All this takes alot of work and proxy use, see marlene’s proxy guide for that kinda help.

Lastly, Ill let you guys in on a CRAZY secret. This is the KEY way to transfer with 0 chance of losing the items:
-Ok, so youve just autobought a 10m item and are freaking out at losing it. Heres wat to do: Make a new acct on a different IP and send the item to that acct thru the send to a neofriend option. DO NOT claim the item on the new acct. Wait and see if the original account gets frozen, and if it is, NOW you go into the new account and claim the item!!!!!!!! Its a prefect plan, b/c even if your original account is frozen, you can still claim the item that has been given to you! If you havn’t yet accepted the item on the new acct, its likely that TNT won’t even look at this account at all (b/c its on a separate IP!). Yes i have tested this method, and if the original account is frozen you definately can claim the item on the other account, so dont tell me this wouldn’t work. If it just so happens that this is what you do and successfully pick up the item on the new account, id suggest doing the same thing once again just in case the new account happens to get iced.