The main objective in 1-P Battledome is to do the most or targeted damage possible and preferably done within a reasonable budget. Quantity over quality! The Battledome is good source of income for its daily spoils and connected to a large array of achievements to strive for such as avatar collecting, trophies, and more!
Once you hit Level 50 and 55-85 Strength, all further equipment choices after the Intermediate Set are plausibly unnecessary to obtain if you plan to exclusively battle for the Battledome rewards. You will most likely only need two Constants as Lens Flare the “Stunning” Ability will make your opponent unable to use any abilities or weapons to harm you. This does not mean you should stop training, but this is the common plateau of where weapons upgrades are really just extra.
Equipment solely dealing offensive damage. These are vital pieces in every Battledome Set and really you will most likely just need two of them to get through.
Equipment that will defend against incoming damage.
Equipment that both attacks and defends.
Equipment that recovers your Hit Points.
Equipment that will freeze your opponent the next round. When frozen, your opponent will not be able to use their equipment nor any abilities for that round.
Equipment that will take your opponents incoming damage and throw it back at them! The damage you will take will be based off your Defense and their Strength, but the damage returning back will be based off their Strength and the percentage reflected.
beginner equipment
beginner brigadier
Set Build
Scroll of Ultranova / Scroll of Ultranova / Downsize! / Magical Healing Potion / Bottled Holiday Cheer / Shining Celesta Sword / Jhudora Hourglass / Virtupets X-514 Super Shield
This is a cheap and simple set for those newly introduced into the Beta Battledome and wanting to start their 1-Player journey!
The strategy is to use both your constants then attack with one and any healer the next turn to defeat your opponent which should be either the Chia Clown or S750 Kreludan Defender Robot.
Required Stats
Any, but highly recommended at least 7 Strength (STR).
Other Options
Scroll of Ultranova → Corrosive Spear Wand
Magical Healing Potion → Scroll of Three Wishes / Lesser Healing Scroll
3-click cursed elixir
Set Build
Cursed Elixir / Scroll of Ultranova / Scroll of Ultranova / Downsize! / Bottled Holiday Cheer / Shining Celesta Sword / Jhudora Hourglass / Virtupets X-514 Super Shield
This is the quick and easy Cursed Elixir “Drain-N-Go” set where you will sap up to 20 HP from your opponent and will most likely leave the battle unscathed against the two commonly recommended Beginner Daily Battledome opponents, Chia Clown and S750 Kreludan Defender Robot (7+ STR), on Mighty. You really only need to use Cursed Elixir and a Constant like Scroll of Ultranova with Static Cling to defeat them on the first turn.
Required Stats
Any, but highly recommended at least 7 Strength (STR).
Other Options
Scroll of Ultranova → Corrosive Spear Wand
Magical Healing Potion → Scroll of Three Wishes / Lesser Healing Scroll
beginner constants

Scroll of Ultranova ~ 3.4



(Total: 9.8 | Multiuse)

Molten Boulder ~ 0-5 5-8
(Total: 13 | Multiuse)
[] OR
[] OR
Poisonous Mushroom Tea ~ 3 5
(Total: 13 | Multiuse)
Corrosive Spear Wand ~ 1-6 5
(Total: 11-16 | Multiuse)
Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer ~ 3 3
(Total: 9 | Multiuse)
Bow of the Hegelob ~ 3 3
(Total: 9 | Multiuse)
beginner dual-duties

Shining Celesta Sword ~ 6-10


| 3

(Total: 12-16 | Multiuse)



Bubble Wands ~ 3 3
| 3
(Total: 12 | Multiuse)
Gilded War Hammer ~ 2 3
| 3
(Total: 11 | Multiuse)
Scarab Ring ~ 2 2
| 3
(Total: 11 | Multiuse)
beginner shields

Virtupets X-514 Super Shield ~ 2





(Total: 9.3-12 | Multiuse)


Shiny Shoal Shell Shield ~ 2.714 2.714
(Total: 8.1691-10.856 | Multiuse)
Parchment Cloak ~ 0-5 2.667
(Total: 7.017-12.017 | 150+ INT for Air Defense | Multiuse)
Parasol of Unfortunate Demise ~ 1.4-5 100%
(Total: 3.14-8 and 100% Light defense based off the Strength Boost of whoever moves first | Multiuse)
[100% ]

Yooyuball Goal Net Shield ~ 100%

OR 3

OR nothing.
(Total: Multiuse)
1. If earth is received, all air is blocked. [

] OR
2. If air is received, 3 fire is blocked. [

] OR
3. Otherwise, does nothing. [Nothing]
Flaming Bronze Helm ~ 100% (3 Self-Damage) 5
(Total: Multiuse)
[100% , but you will inflict 2 Physical Icons based off your own Strength (STR).]
Slippery Floor Potion ~ 2 2
| 100%
(Total: 6 | 100% Fire and Water Block | Single Use)
[100% 100%
Potion of Concealment ~ 3 0.3-3
| 100%
(Total: 7.3-10 | 100% Earth Block | Single Use)
[100% ]
Steam Jug ~ 2 2
| 100%
(Total: 9 | 100% Water Block | Single Use)
[100% ]
Stream of Light ~ 2 2
| 100%
(Total: 6 | 100% Dark Block | Single Use)
[100% ]
Starlight Potion ~ 2 3
| 100%
(Total: 5 | 100% Dark Block | Single Use)
[100% ]
beginner bombs

Candy Cane Dragon Star ~ 6


(Total: 12 | Once Per Battle)

Honey Potion ~ 13 0.3-3
(Total: 13.3-16 | Once Per Battle | Limited Healing One )
Brain Muffin ~ 5 5
(Total: 15 | Single Use)
Darigan Muffin ~ 5 5
(Total: 15 | Single Use)
Icy Muffin ~ 5 5
(Total: 15 | Single Use)
Robot Muffin ~ 5 5
(Total: 15 | Single Use)
Ruby Elixir ~ 5 10
(Total: 15 | Single Use)
Smelly Dung Muffin ~ 5 5
(Total: 15 | Single Use)
Water Muffin ~ 5 5
(Total: 15 | Single Use)
Yoyo Bomb ~ 5 5
(Total: 15 | Single Use)
beginner healers

Scroll of Three Wishes ~ 25 HP

(Total: 25 HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item

[25 HP

Lesser Healing Scroll ~ 25 HP
(Total: 25 HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[25 HP ]
Bronze Scorchstone ~ 15 HP
(Total: 15 HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[15 HP ]
Bottled Holiday Cheer ~ 15 HP
(Total: 15 HP | Once Per Battle | Can Equip With Other Healers)
[15 HP ]
Faerie Healing Dust ~ 15 HP
(Total: 15 HP | Once Per Battle | Can Equip With Other Healers)
[15 HP ]
Magical Healing Potion ~ 15 HP
(Total: 15 HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[15 HP ]
Tangella Tonic ~ 15 HP
(Total: 15 HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[15 HP ]
Wheatgrass Juice ~ 15 HP
(Total: 15 HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[15 HP ]
beginner freezers

Green Frost Cannon ~ 2.667


| 20% Chance Of Freezing

(Total: 2.8-3.8 | 20% Freeze | Semi-Fragile | Breaks For The Battle Once It Freezes | Limited One Freezing Item



[20% Freeze

Ice Mote ~ 3 | 25% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 3 | 25% Freeze | Fragile | Breaks Once It Freezes | 20% Chance of Breaking Permanently | Limited One Freezing Item )
[25% Freeze ]
Snowglobe Staff ~ Will either attack, defend, freeze, give an item or break.
(Total: Everything has a 20% Chance of happening | Semi-Fragile | Limited One Freezing Item )
[Freezes And Breaks For The Battle] OR
[] OR
[Defends Icy Snowball] OR
[Gives 1 Yellow Snowball] OR
[Breaks For The Battle]
Meerca Mesh Net ~ 16.5% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 16.5% Freeze | Meerca Only | Multiuse | Limited One Freezing Item )
[16.5% Freeze ]
beginner miscellaneous

Cursed Elixir ~ 0.3-3

| 20 HP Drain

(Total: 0.3-3 & 20 HP Drain | Once Per Battle | Limited One



[20 HP Drain

Duelist Dagger ~ 2 2
| 17 HP Drain*
(Total: 4.3-7 /& 17 HP Drain* If the user is at least 17 HP under their maximum and their opponent has more than 17 HP, this item drains 17 HP in addition to attacking, then breaks for the battle. Otherwise, this item just attacks. | Semi-Fragile | Can Equip With Other Healers)
[17 HP Drain* ]
Downsize! ~ 50% 50%
(Total: Blocks 50% Of All Icons | Once Per Battle | Limited One )
[50% 50%
Thick Smoke Bomb ~ 100% 100%
(Total: Blocks 100% Of All Icons | Single Use | Limited One )
[100% 100%
Amulet of Reflection ~ 75% Reflect 25% Reflect
(Total: 75% Dark Reflect & 25% Fire Reflect | Single Use | Limited One )
[75% Reflect 25% Reflect
Ultra Dark Reflectorb ~ 50% Reflect
(Total: 50% Dark Reflect | 1% Chance of breaking | Fragile | Limited One )
[50% Reflect ]
Shovel Plus ~ 50% Reflect
(Total: 50% Earth Reflect | 1% Chance of breaking | Fragile | Limited One )
[50% Reflect ]
Super U-Bend ~ 50% Reflect
(Total: 50% Water Reflect | 1% Chance of breaking | Fragile | Limited One )
[50% Reflect ]
Expert Lens ~ 50% Reflect
(Total: 50% Light Reflect | Fragile | Limited One )
[50% Reflect ]
Turbo Flame Reflector ~ 50% Reflect
(Total: 50% Fire Reflect | 1% Chance of breaking | Fragile | Limited One )
[50% Reflect ]
Double Dryer ~ 50% Reflect
(Total: 50% Air Reflect | 1% Chance of breaking | Fragile | Limited One )
[50% Reflect ]
intermediate equipment
turned tooth
Set Build
Turned Tooth / Turned Tooth / Downsize! / Helm of Recovery / Thistleberry Pingrenade / Jhudora Hourglass / Rusty Pitchfork / Solar Flare Shield
You grab both Turned Tooth with the Lens Flare Ability and beat Koi Warrior/Jetsam Ace on Easy. Turned Tooth is a extremely powerful weapon for a cheap price and Lens Flare stuns the enemy for the round use. Lens Flare is a Once Per Battle ability and will reset when the battle is completed.
Required Stats
Level 50 for Lens Flare is the desired reach. 55-85+ STR is ideal as well and if you’re not at Level 50 yet, then it’d be wise to have around 50+ HP.
Other Options
Helm of Recovery = Greater Healing Scroll
Jhudora Hourglass → Randomly Firing Freeze Ray
Thistleberry Pingrenade → Jhudoras Potion
Rusty Pitchfork / Solar Flare Shield → Jhudoras Potion
Solar Flare Shield → Worn Leather Shield (Jetsam Ace) / Cobrall Utility Blade
Worn Leather Shield (Jetsam Ace) → Studded Leather Cuirass (Jetsam Ace)
lightning in a bottle
Set Build
Lightning in a Bottle / Jhudoras Potion / Downsize! / Helm of Recovery / Turned Tooth / Turned Tooth / Jhudora Hourglass / Solar Flare Shield
By using Lightning in a Bottle and Jhudoras Potion together with Lens Flare, you will be able to unleash a minimum of ~32 icons which will ensure the defeat of Medium difficulty Koi Warrior and Jetsam Ace in a single round. This can only be done with an STR of 85 or higher.
At 55 STR, you are able to ensure the defeat of Easy difficulty Jetsam Ace with just Lightning in a Bottle and Turned Tooth as a cheaper substitute, but will not be able to OHKO Koi Warrior with either Jhudoras Potion nor Turned Tooth substitution.
At 200 STR, you are able to ensure the defeat of Medium difficulty Giant Spectral Mutant Walein with Lightning in a Bottle and Jhudoras Potion. Medium difficulty Giant Spectral Mutant Walein is slightly better than Mighty difficulty Koi Warrior in terms of rewards.
Required Stats
Level 50 for Lens Flare and 85+ STR is the ideal reach.
Other Options
Lightning in a Bottle (Once Per Battle) → Bowling Ball of Lost Cities (Constant)
Helm of Recovery = Greater Healing Scroll
Jhudora Hourglass → Randomly Firing Freeze Ray
intermediate constants

Turned Tooth ~ 8-5


(Total: 13-22 | Multiuse)


Bowling Ball of Lost Cities ~ 5-10 5-10
(Total: 15 | Multiuse) [PRICEY]
[] OR
Yooyu Knuckle Duster ~ 7 7
(Total: 14 | Multiuse)
Tyrannian Sceptre ~ 7 0-7
(Total: 14 | Multiuse)
[] OR
Magic Gridlock Gun ~ 2 2
(Total: 14 | Multiuse)
intermediate dual-duties

Rusty Pitchfork ~ 3



| 5

(Total: 16 | Multiuse)


Cobrall Utility Blade ~ 6.33-10 5
| 5
(Total: 16.33-20 | Multiuse)
Water Powered Pistol ~ 3 10
| 5
(Total: 18 | Multiuse)
Stocking Full of Coal ~ 3 3
| 5
(Total: 14 | Multiuse)
Golden Compass ~ 3 3
| 2.667
(Total: 11.667 | Multiuse)
Fearsome Gladius ~ 2 3
| 5
(Total: 17.5-22 | Multiuse)
Claw Gloves ~ 0-3 3
| 5
(Total: 13-16 | 3 “Darkness” icons dealt if you submit your move second in a 2-P battle | Multiuse)
Fire-Spitting Energy Shield ~ 6 | 5
(Total: 16 | Multiuse)
Portable Cloud ~ 5 5
| 5
(Total: 20 | Multiuse | Gives Opponent Watery Eyes)
Shenkuu Spikes ~ 3 3
| 4
(Total: 14 | Multiuse)
Altadorian Swordbreaker ~ 5 | 100%
(Total: 5 | 100% Physical Block | Multiuse)
[100% ]
Winged Scarab ~ 3 | 3
100% (2 Self-Damage)
(Total: Multiuse)
[100% , but you will inflict 2 Physical Icons based off your own Strength (STR).]
intermediate shields

Solar Flare Shield ~ 3




(Total: 12 | Multiuse)

Worn Leather Shield ~ 3 3
(Total: 9 | Multiuse)
Leaf Shield ~ 5 3
(Total: 13 | Multiuse)
Nebula Force Field Generator ~ 3 3
(Total: 12 | Multiuse)
Studded Leather Cuirass ~ 3 2
(Total: 11 | Multiuse)
Royal Blue Cape ~ 3 3
(Total: 12 | Multiuse)
Sophies Magic Hat ~ 3 5
(Total: 14 | Multiuse)
Kiko Skull Pirate Hat ~ 5 5
(Total: 12-14 | +2 Physical Defense when Air is present | Multiuse)
Patched Magic Hat ~ 5 3
(Total: 13-16 | +3 Physical Defense when Air is received | Multiuse)
Wanderers Cloak ~ 2 3
(Total: 12 | +3 Earth Defense when opponent has 325 or more INT | Multiuse)
Carafe of Corruption ~ 2 2
| 100%
(Total: 5 | 100% Air Block | Single Use)
[100% ]
intermediate bombs

Jhudoras Potion ~ 16


(Total: 16.8-24 | Once Per Battle | Limited One



Thistleberry Pingrenade ~ 9-16 4-8
(Total: 13-24 | Once Per Battle | Limited One )
Lightning in a Bottle ~ 5 5
(Total: 15 | Once Per Battle)
Spellseeker Vial of Power ~ 6.5-11 6.5-11
(Total: 13-22 | 5% Chance Of Self-Damage & No-Damage | Once Per Battle)
Chainmail Mote ~ 2 5
| 5
(Total: 22 | Fragile)
intermediate healers

Helm of Recovery ~ 50 HP

(Total: 50 HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item

[50 HP

Greater Healing Scroll ~ 50 HP
(Total: 50 HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[50 HP ]
Cursed Elixir of Neovia ~ 2 | 40 HP
(Total: 2 & 40 HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One )
[40 HP ]
Oasis Tonic ~ 35 HP
(Total: 35 HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[35 HP ]
Mysterious Red Potion ~ 5 | Heals 25% when Current HP is ≤ 25%
(Total: 5 & 0-25%* HP | Semi-Fragile | Can Equip With Other Healers)
[Heals 25% when Current HP is ≤ 25% ]
Kacheek Life Potion ~ 33%-100% HP
(Total: 33%-100%* HP | Kacheek Only | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[33% HP of Max HP when you have 33% or less of your Max HP] OR
[100% HP when you’re over 33%]
Blumaroo Health Potion ~ 50% HP
(Total: 50% HP | Blumaroo Only | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[50% HP ]
Elephante Unguent ~ 50% HP
(Total: 50% HP | Elephante Only | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[50% HP ]
Gelert Healing Remedy ~ 50% HP
(Total: 50% HP | Gelert Only | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[50% HP ]
Healing Ankh of the Nimmo ~ 50% HP
(Total: 50% HP | Nimmo Only | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[50% HP ]
Lucky Uni Charm ~ 50% HP
(Total: 50% HP | Uni Only | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[50% HP ]
Amulet of Life ~ 100% HP
(Total: 100% HP | Single Use | Limited One Healing Item )
[100% HP ]
Jade Elixir ~ 100% HP
(Total: 100% HP | Single Use | Limited One Healing Item )
[100% HP ]
Life Giver ~ 100% HP
(Total: 100% HP | Single Use | Limited One Healing Item )
[100% HP ]
Lucky Robots Foot ~ 100% HP
(Total: 100% HP | Single Use | Limited One Healing Item )
[100% HP ]
intermediate freezers

Jhudora Hourglass ~ 5

(No Damage) | 40% Chance Of Freezing

(Total: 40% Freeze | Semi-Fragile | Limited One Freezing Item

[40% Freeze

Randomly Firing Freeze Ray ~ 2 2
| 50% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 2 / 50% Freeze | Attacks if it doesn’t freeze | Semi-Fragile | Limited One Freezing Item )
[] OR
[50% Freeze ]
Scroll of Freezing ~ 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 100% Freeze | Fragile Once Per Battle | 20% Chance of Breaking Permanently | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
Terror Stone ~ 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 100% Freeze | Fragile Once Per Battle | 33.33% Chance of Breaking Permanently | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
Calculation Device ~ 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 100% Freeze | Single Use | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
Blanking Ray ~ 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 100% Freeze | Single Use | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
Thrown Slushie Cup ~ 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 100% Freeze | Single Use | Can Be Equipped With Other Freezers
[100% Freeze ]
Lupe Wand ~ 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 100% Freeze | Lupe Only | Fragile Once Per Battle | 33.33% Chance of Breaking Permanently | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
Ancient Lupe Wand ~ 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 100% Freeze | Lupe Only | Fragile Once Per Battle | 12.5% Chance of Breaking Permanently | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
Entangling Lenny Lasso ~ 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 100% Freeze | Lenny Only | Once Per Battle | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
Lenny Ray Gun of Freezing ~ 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 100% Freeze | Lenny Only | Once Per Battle | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
Icy Chia Goggles ~ 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 100% Freeze | Chia Only | Once Per Battle | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
intermediate miscellaneous

Dark Faerie Collar ~ 10

| 5

| 25% Reflect

(Total: 15 & 25% Dark Reflect | Multiuse)


[25% Reflect

Pretty Negg Shield ~ 60% 60%
| 20% Reflect
20% Reflect
(Total: 60% Earth and Light Defense & 20% Earth and Light Reflect | Multiuse)
[60% 60%
[20% Reflect 20% Reflect
Craftsmans Lens ~ 50% Reflect 50% Reflect
(Total: 50% Earth and Light Reflect | Multiuse)
[50% Reflect 50% Reflect
Dangerous Maraquan Yo-yo ~ 2 2
| 35 HP Drain
(Total: 6-8 /& 35 HP Drain* If the user has ≥100 HP and is at least 36 HP under their maximum with their opponent has more than 35 HP, this item drains 35 HP in addition to defending, then breaks for the battle. Otherwise, this item just defends. | +2 Fire Defense when Physical is received | Semi-Fragile | Can Equip With Other Healers)
[35 HP Drain* ]
advanced equipment
dual sos & bombs
Set Build
Sword of Skardsen / Sword of Skardsen / Downsize! / Ghostkerbomb / Bag of Healing Dust / Freezing Potion / Maractite Bomb / Faerie Tabard
When you have extra Neopoints laying around and just want to smash your opponents in the face big time! At this point, you are just really spiffying up your set and wanting to hit harder with Lens Flare/Warlock’s Rage.
Use both constants or bombs and use Lens Flare/Warlock’s Rage to deal damage without getting harmed in the process. You can throw in a freezer + a damage dealing weapon with either those abilities to have the next turn free to deal as much damage as possible with An Icicle ideally.
Required Stats
If you want to defeat Giant Space Fungus on Easy or Giant Spectral Mutant Walein on Medium or Mighty difficulty, then having about 250-300+ STR is enough to OHKO with Lens Flare, Warlock’s Rage, and/or a combination with a Freezer with your offensive equipment. Level 50 for Lens Flare is necessary and Level 200’s Warlock’s Rage is also helpful but not required. Both abilities stun your opponent for the round used and resets when the battle is over.
If you want to defeat Giant Space Fungus on Mighty, notably for his Bubbling Fungus drops, then to ensure the OHKO with Lens Flare/Warlock’s Rage you will need 750+ STR and use Ghostkerbomb + Maractite Bomb. Otherwise reaching 400-450+ STR is enough to 2-3HKO GSF while using both Lens Flare and Warlock’s Rage with your constants.
Other Options
Sword of Skadsen → Turned Tooth (Downgrade)
Sword of Skadsen → Any Other Anagrams / Kelpbeards Trident
Sword of Skadsen → Blazing Embers / Sword of Malum (Only obtainable through TWR Plot)
Maractite Bomb → Jhudoras Potion (Downgrade)
Bag of Healing Dust → Listed Species Healers in Intermediate Healers and Advanced Healers
Bag of Healing Dust → Potion of Healing (Downgrade)
Freezing Potion = H4000 Helmet (whichever’s cheaper really)
Faerie Tabard → Hanso Charisma Charm (filter space)
advanced constants

Sword of Skardsen ~ 15


(Total: 16.25-24 | Multiuse)


Kelpbeards Trident ~ 5 11.25-19
(Total: 16.25-24 | Multiuse)
Sword of Reif ~ 15 1.25-9
(Total: 16.25-24 | Multiuse)
Sword of Ari ~ 15 1.25-9
(Total: 16.25-24 | Multiuse)
Sword of Thigl ~ 15 1.25-9
(Total: 16.25-24 | Multiuse)
Sword of Thare ~ 15 1.25-9
(Total: 16.25-24 | Multiuse)
Pirate Captains Cutlass ~ 6.25-14 5
(Total: 16.25-24 | Multiuse)
Skarls Hasty Mace ~ 5-11 8-11
(Total: 13-29 | Multiuse)
Glittery Faerie Dust ~ 0-15 0-15
(Total: 15 | Every different attack has a 1/7 Chance of happening | Multiuse)
[] OR
[] OR
[] OR
[] OR
[] OR
[] OR
advanced dual-duties

Blaze ~ 10


| 66.6%


| Heals 16.66% when Current HP is ≤ 25%

(Total: Attacks, Heal, and Defends | Multiuse)




[Heals 25% when Current HP is ≤ 25%

Hanso Charisma Charm ~ 5 5
| 100%
(Total: 10 & Blocks 100% Dark | Multiuse)
[100% ]
Ring of the Lost ~ 5 4.5
| 100%
(Total: 9.5 & Blocks 100% Dark | Multiuse)
[100% ]
Mask of Coltzan ~ 8 | 6
(Total: 19 | Multiuse)
Korbats Lab Potion ~ 8 | 3
(Total: 20 | Multiuse)
advanced shields

Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield ~ 5





(Total: 20 & Blocks 100% Light | Multiuse)


Faerie Tabard ~ 3 3
(Total: 16 & Blocks 100% Water | Multiuse)
[100% ]
Pirate Captains Hat ~ 100% 5
(Total: 5 & Blocks 100% Earth and Light | Semi-Fragile)
[100% 100%
Dr. Sloths Personal Body Armour ~ 5 3
(Total: 16 & Blocks 100% Light | Multiuse)
[100% ]
Ghostkershield ~ 3 100%
(Total: 16 & Blocks 100% Dark | Multiuse)
[100% ]
Shield of Faerieland ~ 100% 5
(Total: 10 & Blocks 100% Air | Multiuse)
[100% ]
Illusens Silver Shield ~ 3 100%
(Total: 3 & Blocks 100% Earth | Multiuse)
[100% ]
advanced bombs

Ghostkerbomb ~ 10



(Total: 21-30 | Once Per Battle | Limited One



Maractite Bomb ~ 10 1-10
(Total: 21-30 | Once Per Battle | Limited One )
advanced healers

Rejuvenating Jar of Brains ~ 60 HP

(Total: 60 HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item

[60 HP

Salve for the Bruised Petpet ~ 55 HP
(Total: 55 HP | Once Per Battle)
[55 HP ]
Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic ~ 2 2
| 75 HP
(Total: 6 | Only heals if INT is ≥ 500 | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[75 HP ]
Velms Healing Potion ~ 10% HP
(Total: 10% HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[10% HP ]
Parachuting First Aid kit ~ 33% HP
(Total: 33% HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[33% HP ]
Bag of Healing Dust ~ 50% HP
(Total: 50% HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[50% HP ]
Potion of Healing ~ 90-300 HP
(Total: 90-300 HP; specified below | Once Per Battle | Can Equip With Other Healers)
[90 HP If ≤ 180 Base HP] OR
[50% Max HP If = 181-600 Base HP] OR
[300 HP If ≥ 601 Base HP]
Bag of Lenny Healing Seeds ~ 50% HP
(Total: 50% HP | Lenny Only | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[50% HP ]
Squishy Shoyru Healing Stone ~ 50% HP
(Total: 50% HP | Shoyru Only | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[50% HP ]
advanced freezers

Freezing Potion ~ 2

| 100% Chance Of Freezing

(Total: 100% Freeze | Once Per Battle | Limited One Freezing Item


[100% Freeze

H4000 Helmet ~ 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 100% Freeze | Once Per Battle | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
Heavy Blue Tunic ~ 2 2
| 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 6 /& 100% Freezes if 1,000+ INT and if ≤ 1,000 INT then it just defends and Multiuse | Once Per Battle | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
Shuriken ~ 2 2
(Total: 14 / 50% Freeze | Attacks if it doesn’t freeze | Semi-Fragile | Limited One Freezing Item )
[] OR
[50% Freeze ]
Golden Peophin Harp ~ 3 | 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 3 & 100% Freeze | Once Per Battle | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
advanced miscellaneous

Combo Battle Mirror ~ 75% Reflect

(Total: 75% Light Reflect | Multiuse | Limited One

[75% Reflect

Mega U-Bend ~ 75% Reflect
(Total: 75% Water Reflect | Multiuse | Limited One )
[75% Reflect ]
A Shovel ~ 0-100% | 60% Earth Reflect
(Total: Multiuse)
1. The user receives Earth []
2. If Earth [] is received, the user blocks 100% of Fire [
] icons received.
2a. The Earth [] makes copy of itself into Fire (now there is x Earth [
] and x Fire [
2b. The user receives 100% of the Earth [] and 40% of the Fire [
], and reflects the 60% of Fire [
Princely Lens ~ 25% Reflect 25% Reflect
25% Reflect
(Total: 25% Dark, Earth, and Light Reflect | Multiuse)
[25% Reflect 25% Reflect
25% Reflect
Crisp Blue Tunic ~ 2 2
| 100 HP Drain
(Total: 4 /& 100 HP Drain* If the user has ≥750 INT and is at least 100 HP under their maximum with their opponent has more than 101 HP, this item drains 100 HP in addition to defending, then breaks for the battle. Otherwise, this item just defends. | Semi-Fragile | Limited One Healing Item )
[100 HP Drain ]
Blazing Embers ~ 5.8 5
(Total: 16.38-21.6 | Multiuse | Only Obtainable Through The Wraith Resurgence Plot)
Sword of Malum ~ 5.8 5
(Total: 16.38-21.6 | Multiuse | Only Obtainable Through The Wraith Resurgence Plot)
elite equipment
pure powered push
Set Build
Super Attack Pea / Wand of the Dark Faerie / Illusens Staff / Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield / Magical Marbles of Mystery / Fan of Swords / Thyoras Tear / Leaded Elemental Vial
Now you’re looking at with some high powered equipment! There’s not really much to say that have been already said in the previous set descriptions, that everything up to here is pretty much spiffying up your set into a dream set.
HNMS goes great with WoDF/IStaff in terms of defensive capability. WoDF with FoS is great against dealing with other Anagrams and opposing WoDF as well.
Required Stats
At this point, you should be at Level 200 and 500+ STR to best utilize these weapons.
Other Options
Super Attack Pea → Anangrams, Kelpbeards Trident, Sword of Malum, Blazing Embers, or Focus of Immeninent Destruction (Downgrade)
Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield = Faerie Tabard = Ghostkershield
Magical Marbles of Mystery → Moehog Skull
Magical Marbles of Mystery = Any Other 100% Freezer
Thyoras Tear → Ghostkerbomb (filter space)
late lame game
Set Build
Sword of Lameness / Wand of the Dark Faerie / Super Attack Pea / Super Attack Pea / Illusens Staff / Fan of Swords / Faerie Tabard / Thyoras Tear
When you’re going to fight an opponent with a million HP in 2013, then this set is for you! Sword of Lameness a Multiuse healing and freezing weapons for those lengthy fights given you have enough HP to take on. As the weapon does take up a Healing and Freezing spot, it allows the user to use other equipment to utilize.
Sword of Lamness, Wand of the Dark Faerie, and two constants are the most vital parts of this set. The four slots can be anything else.
Required Stats
You should really be at 750+ STR and DEF and have as much HP as possible (4,000+ HP would be the goal).
Other Options
Super Attack Pea → Anangrams, Kelpbeards Trident, Sword of Malum, Blazing Embers, or Focus of Immeninent Destruction (Downgrade)
Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield = Faerie Tabard = Ghostkershield
Fan of Swords → (filter space)
Illusens Staff → (filter space)
Thyoras Tear → (filter space)
elite constants

Super Attack Pea ~ 12


(Total: 32 | Multiuse)

Faerie Slingshot ~ 2-17 2-12
(Total: 4.3-62 | Multiuse)
(1/3 Chance of Strong Hit)] OR
(2/3 Chance of Weak Hit)]
Focus of Imminent Destruction ~ 0-5 0-5
(Total: 0-35 | Semi-Fragile/Multiuse)
[30% Chance of Breaking for the Battle and only works every two hours starting at Midnight NST (UTC-7)]
Grápes of Wrath ~ 15 9
(Total: 24 | Multiuse)
Ghostkersword ~ 8-23 3
(Total: 16-31 | Multiuse)
Sword of White Lies ~ 3 8-23
(Total: 16-31 | Multiuse)
elite dual-duties

Wand of the Dark Faerie ~ 20


| 75% Reflect

| Heals 25% when Current HP is ≤ 25%

(Total: Attacks, Heal, and Reflect | Multiuse | Can Equip With Other Healers)


[75% Reflect

[Heals 25% when Current HP is ≤ 25%

Illusens Staff ~ 13 0.6-6
| 100%
| 75% Reflect
| Heals 20% when Current HP is ≤ 20%
(Total: Attacks, Blocks, Heals, and Reflects | Multiuse | Can Equip With Other Healers)
[100% ]
[75% as
[Heals 20% when Current HP is ≤ 20% ]
Fan of Swords ~ 5 3
| 5
(Total: 25 | Multiuse)
Skarls Sword ~ 5 10
| 100%
(Total: 20.5-25 & Blocks 100% Light | Multiuse)
[100% ]
Rod of Dark Nova ~ 1.75 1.75
| 100%
(Total: Attacks, Blocks, Heals, and Give Dark Novas | Multiuse)
[6-60 HP ]
[3 Dark Nova ]
[100% 100%
Jhudoras Wand ~ 5 3
| 100%
| 75% Reflect
(Total: 8, Blocks 100% Air, and 75% Light Reflect as Air | Multiuse)
[100% ]
[75% as
elite shields

Frozen Cyodrake Shield ~ 5



(Total: 8 & Blocks 100% Fire | Multiuse)


elite bombs

Maractite Dimensional Trap ~ 5




| 50% Chance Of Freezing

(Total: 20 & 50% Freeze | Once Per Battle | Limited One Freezing Item


[50% Freeze

Moehog Skull ~ 10 5
| 5
| 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 25 & 100% Freeze | Once Per Battle | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
elite healers

Leaded Elemental Vial ~ 100% HP

(Total: 100% HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item

[100% HP

Jade Scorchstone ~ 100% HP
(Total: 100% HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[100% HP ]
Jewelled Scarab ~ 100% HP
(Total: 100% HP | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[100% HP ]
elite freezers

Magical Marbles of Mystery ~ 3

| 100% Chance Of Freezing

(Total: 3 & 100% Freeze | Once Per Battle | Limited One Freezing Item


[100% Freeze

Slumberberry Potion ~ 10 | 16.67% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 10 & 16.67% Freeze | Multiuse | Limited One Freezing Item )
[16.67% Freeze ]
Ice Dice ~ 25% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 25% Freeze | Multiuse | Limited One Freezing Item )
[25% Freeze ]
Sloth Approved Hair Gel ~ 2 | 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 2 & 100% Freeze | Once Per Battle | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
Sleep Ray ~ 2 2
| 100% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 4 & 100% Freeze | Once Per Battle | Limited One Freezing Item )
[100% Freeze ]
The Death Knell ~ 10 5
| 50% Chance Of Freezing
(Total: 18 & 50% Freeze | Breaks For The Battle Once It Freezes | Semi-Fragile | Limited One Freezing Item )
[50% Freeze ]
elite miscellaneous

Ultra Dual Shovel ~ 75% Reflect

(Total: 75% Earth Reflect | Multiuse | Limited One

[75% Reflect

Ultimate Dark Reflectorb ~ 75% Reflect
(Total: 75% Dark Reflect | Multiuse | Limited One )
[75% Reflect ]
U-Bend of Great Justice ~ 81-100% Reflect
(Total: 81-100% Water Reflect | Multiuse | Limited One )
[81-100% Reflect ]
Clawed Shield ~ 3 | 61-80% Reflect
(Total: 3 & 61-80% Fire Reflect | Multiuse)
[61-80% Reflect ]
Kings Lens ~ 50% Reflect 50% Reflect
50% Reflect
(Total: 50% Dark, Earth, and Light Reflect | Multiuse)
[50% Reflect 50% Reflect
50% Reflect
Superior Reflection Shield ~ 100% | 25% Reflect
(Total: Blocks 100% Light & 25% Water Reflect | Multiuse)
[100% ]
[25% Reflect ]
Flame Reflectozap ~ 75% Reflect
(Total: 75% Fire Reflect | Multiuse | Limited One )
[75% Reflect ]
Triple Turbo Dryer ~ 75% Reflect
(Total: 75% Air Reflect | Multiuse | Limited One )
[75% Reflect ]
Thyoras Tear ~ 100% 100%
(Total: Blocks 100% Of All Icons | Once Per Battle | Limited One )
[100% 100%
Sword of Lameness ~ Will either attack, heal, freeze, or do nothing.
(Total: Everything has a different chance of happening | Multiuse | Limited One Healing and Freezing Item )
(25%)] OR
[(37.5%)] OR
[Freezes (12.5%)] OR
[100% Heal (12.5%)] OR
[Nothing (12.5%)]
Hubrids Puzzle Box ~ 1/3 Current HP Drain (Non-Heal)
(Total: 1/3 of Opponent’s HP (Non-Heal) | Once Per Battle | Limited One Healing Item )
[This requires 3 moves to fully execute. The first two moves transforms the puzzle box to its various forms, and the third form takes 1/3 of the opponents HP. ]
Aisha Myriad ~ Transforms into a random current Hidden Tower Item ≥1M NP
(Total: Random | Once Per Battle)
[Transforms into a random Current Hidden Tower Item excluding those under 1 Million NP. ]
Smugglers Treasure Chest ~ Gives a Random Smuggler’s Cove Item (with some exceptions)
(Total: Random | Once Per Battle)
[Gives a Random Smuggler’s Cove item (with some exceptions). ]
Hubrids Odial Sphere ~ Gives a Random Hidden Tower Item in exchange for 1/2 of Current HP
(Total: Random | Multiuse)
[Gives a Random Hidden Tower Item. ]
[Takes 1/2 of Current HP each use.]
The Mystical Tablet ~ 3 3
| 100%
(Total: Attacks, Blocks, and Heals | Multiuse | Only Obtainable Through Legends and Letters App)
[8-26 HP ]
[100% 100%
Crystal Plateau Dacardian Shield ~ 7 | 75%
(Total: 7 & Reflects 75% Dark | Multiuse | Only Obtainable Through Neopets: Island Builders App)
[75% Reflect ]
frequently asked questions
Do I need to buy everything from a set?
You do not need to obtain all the items from a set. The most vital pieces of equipment needed are your constants, a healer, and some Downsize! variant.
What determines the weapon’s status tier?
I organized the items by how obtainable and effective the equipment are. A newbie player on their own can surely obtain a Scroll of Ultranova for the Chia Clown if their starter pet has low stats. Assuming you have trained enough, Dual Turned Tooth would be the next step up to defeat them are sufficient towards defeating Koi Warrior and Jetsam Ace. To best utilize a Sword of Lameness, it would be ideal if you had thousands of HP.
How effective is icon typing in 1-P Battling?
Icon typing is very niche, but otherwise secondary in 1-P Battling. The reason being is that a large quantity of icons would be more practical when using abilities such as Lens Flare or Warlocks Rage, or when the opponent is frozen. Using a mass iconage might overcome your opponent’s defensive capabilities.
Where’s all the Stealing Weapons?
In the new Battledome, Stealers are glitched and do not work anymore, so they felt pointless to mention. When Stealing Weapons were functional, Heavy Robe of Thievery, Rainbow Sticky Hand, and Purple Sticky Hand were commonly used.
Why did you mention equipment such as Illusens Silver Shield, but did not mention Shield of Pion Troect or Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie?
There was a thought process of what would more readily obtainable and/or reasonable to pursuit over. Some similar duty equipment were both mentioned, because those are on a degree of being reasonable to include as they hardly had a difference or their purposes were unique.
For example Illusens Silver Shield is a fraction of the price of Shield of Pion Troect and Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie. Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie is scarce from being a retired Hidden Tower weapon. Shield of Pion Troect was 2.429 more offensive icons which was not very practical to pursuit in terms for defense.
Bombs like Maractite Bomb was mentioned even though it had the same iconage amount as Ghostkerbomb, because they can be paired with each other.
Healers such as Greater Healing Scroll and Helm of Recovery have the same amount of Healing 50 HP and are usually around the same price. Purple Scorchstone also Heal 50 HP, but it is commonly more expensive in comparison of the two.
Why are some Single Use Equipment mentioned in one place than another even though they are both Single Use?
That would be based off its usage. For example, Single Use Equipment such as 15-Icon Muffins are more offensively based while Concealment Potion is more notable for its 100% Earth Block.
Why is Maractite Dimensional Trap not with The Death Knell even though they have the same effects?
Maractite Dimensional Trap is Once Per Battle and The Death Knell will only disappear for the battle once it freezes.