Looking to spruce up your user lookup with some shiny trophies but don’t have the patience for intense games or high scores? Neopets has you covered! While some trophies require dedication and skill, others are surprisingly easy to obtain. Here’s your guide to snagging those effortless accolades and boosting your trophy count in no time.
Why Bother with Trophies?
Trophies are more than just digital bragging rights. They’re a testament to your Neopian journey and a fun way to showcase your achievements. Plus, a well-decorated lookup can attract visitors and impress your Neofriends.

When you’re trying for a trophy, there are a few things you should keep in mind:
- Play on the first of the month. Scores on Neopets’ high score tables are reset on the first of each month. So, the scores needed for a trophy are typically lower on the first of the month and stay low at the beginning of the month, but they get higher as the month continues. Playing on the first of the month means a lower score is needed to earn a trophy – but it also means many other players may be going for that trophy, too.
- Practice, practice, practice. It’s very rare for even a seasoned gamer to win a trophy on their first try. You have to keep trying in order to be successful. Even if you follow the tips on this site and you don’t get a trophy right away, continuing to practice will make you even better.
- Set measurable goals. One of the best ways to reach a goal is to make it measurable. Say you want to earn a trophy and you know you need to practice. You could set a goal for yourself like “I’m going to play this game 30 times or until I win the trophy” or “I’m going to play until I increase my high score.” Setting this goal in advance gives you an indication of when you’ve achieved it, which gives more motivation to actually practice. If you think you don’t need this, pay attention to how many times you practice for a trophy. You might find it’s a lot less than you think. (For more information on this strategy, read this Neopian Times Article about improving your account through setting goals.)

These trophies do not require much ability or strategy; only a bit of luck.

Difficulty: Easy
Trophy Requirements: Winning any amount of NP will earn you the Bronze Trophy. Winning 500,000 NP or greater will earn you a Silver Trophy. Winning 1,000,000 or more will earn you a Gold Trophy.
Strategy: Since this trophy is based on luck, just keep playing the lottery each day and eventually you’re bound to win. The trophy color depends more on how many people play and how many people win, so there’s no real way to control or influence it. Just keep trying.
Relevant Guides: Trudypink’s Petpage Guide

Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: Your score is based on the amount you bet and the odds. You’ll need to do some math to figure out what the best strategy for you is. Find out at the game page what your maximum bet can be (it’s based on your account age). Then look at the current high scores to see what your target score is. Then, divide the target score by your max bet to find out what multiple you need to win: x2, x3, x5, x8, or x25. Once you know your multiple, look at the chart below to determine how many eggs you should pick to maximize your chances of getting your multiple. The table will also tell you how many games, on average, you’ll need to play in order to get that multiple.
Multiple | Eggs to Pick | Eggs to Match | Number of Plays |
x2 | 4 | 2 | 15 |
x3 | 3 | 2 | 26 |
x5 | 2 | 2 | 70 |
x8 | 6 | 4 | 588 |
x25 | 3 | 3 | 667 |
Your target score will probably be lower earlier in the month, so you’ll have a better chance of winning.
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: You need to win at least 10 battles for your scores to count for the high score table. There’s not much strategy to this game: just keep playing and hope you win. In the FAQ, TNT recommends using one type of attack until it stops dealing damage and then switching to the other type of attack. Another strategy is to use Head Shots at the beginning of a battle when can afford to have it hit less often, and then use Body Blow at the end of the battle to chip away at your opponent’s health. Whatever you do, the best strategy to get a trophy is to play as much as possible early in the month.
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: This game is mostly luck with a little bit of strategy. Your goal is to complete each round in the fewest number of rolls so you can maximize bonus rolls. To do that, hope for high rolls, and always choose the highest number you can. You can fill in with lower numbers as needed. Once you’ve cleared the 7, 8, and 9, add up your remaining numbers. If it is 7 or more, keep rolling 2 dice. If it is 6 or less, switch to one die – that maximizes your chances of rolling the number you need.
Remember that you can use more than 2 numbers to add up to your total. If you roll an 8 and you’ve already cleared the 8 spot, you could use 1+3+4 to add up to 8. This comes in handy toward the end of the round when you (hopefully) have lots of low numbers left over.
To get the trophy, just keep playing until you get a good score. You may want to consider restarting your game if you score less than 130 on the first round.
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article #1, Neopian Times Article #2

Difficulty: Medium/Hard
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores table when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: Once you know how to play, this really comes down to luck. Play at the beginning of the month when scores are lower. Play on hard and try to clear a lot of spaces at once to get a x3 bonus. The real key here is to get a large Negg bonus, which is all luck. So just keep playing (even after you’ve reached your daily max) and hope for the best!
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article, JellyNeo Guide

Difficulty: Hard
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: This game is almost completely random chance, and you can only play it 3 times per day, so you only get a few opportunities to test your luck. However, if you keep trying each month, you might get lucky. There are theories for how to maximize your chances of finishing quickly: for example, that diving left and diving right reduces your chance of hitting obstacles, and that buying more expensive cheeses increases your chance of the cheese rolling quickly and saving you time. But really, it all comes down to luck.
Relevant Guides: Cheeseroller Petpage Guide, JellyNeo

These games all require you to win a certain number of times or rounds. If you practice the game and learn the strategy, you are almost sure to win a trophy.

Difficulty: Very Easy
Trophy Requirements: Win two rounds to earn a runner-up medal. Win 5 rounds for a bronze trophy, 7 rounds for a silver trophy, and all 10 rounds for a gold trophy.
Strategy: Look for the large pieces first, like the catapult, which is 3 squares long. Then find the 2×2 pieces: the snowman and the castle. Next, search for the 1×2 pieces: the cannon and the piles of snow. Finally, click in the remaining spots to try to find the 1×1 snowmen. (This, unfortunately, is just pure luck.)
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

Difficulty: Easy
Trophy Requirements: Win two games for a bronze trophy, 5 games for a silver trophy, or two games in a row for a gold trophy.
Strategy: Try to make the longest chains you can to clear the most cards. When choosing between two cards of the same value, choose the one that’s lower on the pyramid to free up more cards. If you’re choosing between two cards in the same row, choose the one that reveals more cards.
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

Difficulty: Easy
Trophy Requirements: Earn the bronze trophy after winning 2 games. Win 5 games to earn the silver trophy. Win 2 games in a row to earn the gold trophy.
Strategy: This game works like the classic card game Solitaire, but like some variations, you can go through the draw pile only a limited number of times (once on the Draw 1 games, and three times on the Draw 3 games). To win, try to turn over the face-down cards. Also try to build cards from the draw pile in the playing field for easy access later (but prioritize turning over face-down cards). Not every game is winnable, but keep playing and you’ll get a lucky game or two. Winning the gold trophy can be pretty challenging, but the silver or bronze is very achievable!
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article #1, Neopian Times Article #2, Neopian Times Article #3

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Earn the bronze trophy after winning the 3rd round. Win the 5th round to earn the silver trophy. Win the 7th round to earn the gold trophy.
Strategy: In general, a good way to win is to try not to Cheat. When you’re selecting your cards, actually select the ones that you say you’re selecting. That way even if someone accuses you of cheating, you won’t get cards added to your hand. If the pile isn’t too big and you expect you won’t have a move on your turn (that is, you won’t be able to play without cheating), then you may want to accuse the player before you of cheating. If you’re right, you’ll get to play without having to cheat.
When another player is playing all of the remaining cards in their hand, always accuse them of cheating! You have nothing to lose because they’ll win if they aren’t cheating. Your opponents will do the same to you, though, so try not to cheat on your last card(s).
Finally, you should count cards. Try to keep track of where all the cards are: in your hand or someone else’s. If you know you have two 7s and Capara the Kyrii has one 7, when Little Timmy the Tuskaninny plays two 7s, you will know to accuse him.
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

Difficulty: Medium (for bronze)/Hard (for gold)
Trophy Requirements: Earn a medal after winning Level 4 in Tournament 1. Earn the bronze trophy after winning Level 8 in Tournament 1. Earn the silver trophy by winning Level 4 in Tournament 11, and winning Level 8 in Tournamet 11 will award you a gold trophy.
Strategy: To win a game, you must get 5 of your pieces in a row. A great way to do this is to get 4 pieces in a row with a blank sqaure on either side. That way, your opponent can block you in only one direction, and you can win in the other direction. Don’t forget to block your opponent from doing this, though! Keep a lookout for three in a row from your opponent and start blocking then. With some practice, you should be able to understand the strategy and win reliably.
Relevant Guides: Goodjolly’s Guide to Cellblock, Credendo_vines’s Cellblock Guide

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Earn a bronze trophy after completing Round 2. Earn a silver trophy after completing Round 5. Earn a gold trophy after completing Round 8.
Strategy: Play the lowest card you can, with the exception of 2s. 2s can be played on the most cards, so they are handy to have in case you can’t play anything else. You can play multiple cards of the same value at a time, but you may want to save some high cards if the draw pile is still in play. If an opponent is about to win, try to block them by playing a card of higher value than their cards (but still the lowest you can).
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

Difficulty: Medium/Hard
Trophy Requirements: Gold, Silver, and Bronze trophies are awarded to the top 17 on the high score table, but the runner-up medal is awarded after winning Tournament 5.
Strategy: There are indicators to deduce what kind of hand your opponents have; you just have to know where to look for them. Take note of the looks on your opponents’ faces right after the deal and after they have received their replacement cards after discarding. Players who looked neutral after the deal but happy after the discard got what they wanted, and you should be wary of betting high against them.
Also, watch how many cards each opponent discards. Someone didn’t discard any cards probably has a straight or better. Somebody who looked neutral after the deal and discards one card probably is going for a straight or flush, while someone who was happy after the deal and discards one card probably has two pair. Discarding two cards means they probably have three of a kind. If they discard three cards, it usually means they have a pair or worse.
If you have a good hand, bet as much as you can in the first round of betting because your opponents rarely fold early. That will help you get a lead on them. If you have a commanding lead with just a few rounds left, fold. It doesn’t matter how much you win by, so don’t risk losing your NP and letting an opponent catch up to you.
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article #1, Neopian Times Article #2

Winning a trophy in these games may not require a lot of talent, but they surely require some persistence. Keep at these and eventually that shiny trophy will be yours!

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Complete the game on Normal mode to win a bronze trophy. Earn a silver trophy by completing on Evil mode and earn a gold trophy by completing on InSaNe! mode.
Strategy: If you choose your character’s abilities wisely, NeoQuest isn’t very difficult. Mostly it’s just time-consuming. Keep traveling on the map to battle the regular enemies to gain experience and levels until you’re ready for the bosses. Favor choosing the Life Magic weapons and abilities over all the others – they will help keep you alive. After you’ve maxed those out, select the Shock Magic and Spectral Magic ones. An opponent can’t hurt you if they’re stunned, and it’s really great when your remarkable reflexes have them doing damage to themselves!
Relevant Guides: Kate’s NQI Petpage Guide

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Complete the game on Normal mode to win a bronze trophy. Earn a silver trophy by completing on Evil mode and earn a gold trophy by completing on InSaNe! mode.
Strategy: Much like NQI, NeoQuest II isn’t too difficult as long as you choose the right abilities for your characters and put in the battling time. The main difference is you play multiple characters and you may fight multiple enemies at one time. When battling multiple enemies, in general focus on finishing one off rather than attacking both. An enemy with half health can hit you just as hard as an enemy with full health, but if you get rid of one enemy, they won’t have their turn anymore so you won’t take as much damage. An exception to this is when you have multiple characters in your party and one of them has a particularly strong attack, like Mipsy’s Direct Damage that can do up to 100 damage in a single turn. You don’t want to waste that kind of power on an enemy that only has 10 health left, so you might want to attack the full-health enemy and use another character to finish off the other enemy. You’ll have to play a bit and decide for yourself.
You start the game with one character, Rohane. At the beginning, focus on building up his attack with Critical Attacks and Damage Increase. Once those are nice and high, put some points into stunning. You can also spend points on Melee Haste and Magic Resistance. Halfway through the first act, the wizard Mipsy joins your party. For Mipsy, start with building Direct Damage so she can hit enemies with 100 damage. After that, you can build her Melee Defense and Casting Haste. Group Haste can also be helpful if you have extra ability points to spend. In the second act, the archer Talinia joins. For her, focus on Multiple Targets and Shockwave, plus increasing Magic Resistance and Melee Haste. Finally, in the third act, Velm joins the party. Velm is a healer, so build up his Group Healing and Group Shielding abilities. Mesmerization can be handy, too, so you may want to spend a few points there. And also build his Magic Resistance and Casting Haste. With these abilities, you should be beating enemies with little trouble!
Relevant Guides: NeoQuest 2: A Comprehensive Guide

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: Points for this game are accrued throughout the month. You score more points if you complete quests quickly, and then if you continue doing quests you will continue earning points. So here’s what you do: on the last day of a month, accept a quest and fail it. This will restart you to Level 1 so your next quests are easier. Then on the first day of the month, in the morning, complete a quest and try to finish the quest as quickly as possible. Quests can only be accepted 12 hours after the previous one was completed, so 12 hours later, complete another quest. Continue doing quests every 12 hours and keep earning points. Other people will stop doing quests as they earn their trophy, so as long as you can keep up the schedule you’ll eventually get the trophy you want. If you have trouble, setting an alarm for your quest time can help you remember.
NOTE: You cannot do quests for Illusen and Jhudora on the same day, so it is recommended to focus on one faerie for one month and obtain the trophy for the other during a different month.
Relevant Guides: Illusen’s Glade

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Win a Battledome fight against Punchbag Bob (on any difficulty level) to earn this trophy.
Strategy: Punchbag Bob doesn’t attack or defend (ever), but he has an insanely high number of health points (HP): 5,000. To defeat him, your pet will need to do that much damage over multiple turns. To calculate how many turns you will need, choose your two best multi-use attack weapons. (If you don’t have ones, Scroll of the Scholar or Sun and Moon Chakram are pretty affordable 10-icon weapons.) Figure out how many icons each one attacks with and add those numbers together. Then look at your pet’s strength and figure out your pet’s strength boost. (To do that, look at Garmfry’s petpage guide.) Finally, multiply your pet’s strength boost by the total number of icons. That number is how much damage your pet will do to Punchbag Bob each round. So, divide 5,000 by the damage your pet can do each turn, and that is how many turns it will take you to beat Punchbag Bob.
For example, let’s say you are using one Scroll of the Scholar and one Sun and Moon Chakram. Since they both attack with 10 icons each, your pet can attack with 20 icons in total each turn. If your pet’s strength is 55, then your strength boost is 2. Therefore, your pet will deal 20 x 2 = 40 damage points each round. To beat Punchbag Bob, this pet will need to complete 5,000 / 40 = 125 turns. However, if the pet’s strength is higher, say 200, then the strength boost is 4.5. This pet can deal 20 x 4.5 = 90 damage per turn, meaning this stronger pet needs to complete only 5,000 / 90 = 56 rounds.
As you can see, beating Punchbag Bob isn’t particularly hard, but it’s definitely a time commitment! If you want to reduce the number of turns (and thus the time it will take), either purchase multi-use weapons with a higher number of icons or train your pet until its strength is in a higher strength boost category.
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores table when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: This game can be so long and so frustrating that only those who persevere can be successful. But, because it’s such a long game, it’s not very popular. So if you keep at it, you can earn a trophy even toward the end of the month. (Author’s Note: I earned my gold trophy on the last day of the month!)
In short, you want to complete each level by using as many pieces as you can, without placing extra unused pieces and without restarting the level. As levels get harder, you may need to restart a few times and/or place some unused pieces, especially after you run out of discards. Try to keep your possible solutions as flexible as possible – but know that you’ll need to make decisions that will box you into corners. Keep trying and keep hoping for the right pieces.
Your score updates on the high score table every 5th level finish (5, 10, 15, etc.). Your score also carries over from month to month provided you place a piece. So, if you’re going for gold, work on the game toward the end of the month and prepare level 50 so you can win with one piece. Then on the 1st, place that piece and – voila! – you have a high score on reset day!
Relevant Guides: Sewage Surfer Trophy Guide

Difficulty: Hard
Trophy Requirements: Finish the game with at least 50,000 NP in-game. Finish the game with 250,000 NP for a silver trophy, or over 1,000,000 NP for a gold trophy.
Strategy: This month-long game takes a lot of commitment. But you’re only playing against the market, not other players, so it’s definitely doable. An in-depth guide will be most helpful for you, but here are a few tips:
- Adjust your time zone so the game updates when you are available, not when you are at work/school.
- Set an alarms for the next update when you need to do something. Giving yourself reminders (like “sell plushies”) can help you stay on track and not miss an important action.
- Fire your workers after one update so you only pay them for one update. They may not complete every job but they’ll get enough done for you to work with.
Relevant Guides: Plushie Tycoon Guide, 10 Step Guide to Plushie Tycoon

Some games in Neopia have a maximum score. As long as you can achieve that perfect score, you’ve got a great chance at a trophy.

Difficulty: Easy
Trophy Requirements: Earn a perfect score of 40,000 and be on the high score table when trophies are awarded. (Tied scores will be awarded the same trophy regardless of what trophy position they are in.)
Strategy: As long as you win first place every round, you’ll get a perfect score. The key to winning is knowing when to pull your parachute. At the bottom of the mountain, behind and to the left of the landing rock, is a cliff rock. You’ll recognize it by the rope ladder going to its top. Open your parachute by pressing the spacebar when your character is between the top and halfway down this cliff rock.
Relevant Guides: Daniel’s Ugga Drop Guide

Difficulty: Easy
Trophy Requirements: Earn a perfect score of 1,520 and be on the high score table when trophies are awarded. (Tied scores will be awarded the same trophy regardless of what trophy position they are in.)
Strategy: Faerie Caves II is a puzzle game where the levels are the same each time. Learn how to solve each level and you should have no trouble getting this trophy.
Relevant Guides: JellyNeo has comprehensive step-by-step walkthrough guides.

Difficulty: Easy
Trophy Requirements: Earn a perfect score of 5,180 and be on the high score table when trophies are awarded. (Tied scores will be awarded the same trophy regardless of what trophy position they are in.)
Strategy: Collect all of the potions in each level before dropping them off at the cave to maximize your points. The potions are in the same spot every game, so once you learn where they are you should be able to ace this game.
Relevant Guides: Bruno’s Backwoods Breakaway Guide

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Earn a perfect score of 126,266 and be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded. You start at 100 (provided 99 or 100 people have already submitted perfect scores this month) and as other people submit perfect scores you get bumped up. Playing early in the month will increase your chances but also means you may get bumped off completely before trophies are awarded. Just keep trying for a few months and eventually you’ll get lucky.
Strategy: To get a perfect score, you need to finish all 50 waves on a map with Hard difficulty and end with 100% health. This means none of the enemies can get through to the other side of the board. Make sure they don’t!
When placing your towers, you’ll see the enemies’ path highlighted. Do NOT place a tower on this; if you alter the path, the enemies might go around your towers. Concentrate on lining the path with towers so the enemies will always be under attack.
When starting, select the first three towers: Wooden, Rapid-Fire, and Catapult. You’ll only use those three. As your first towers, place 2 Rapid-Fire towers. These should be placed one above and one below the enemy path and they should be 3 spaces in (so you’ll have two blank spaces between the edge of the board where the enemies enter and your towers). When you have enough gold, buy a Catapult Tower and place it in a square right next to the edge of the board either below the enemy path. When you have enough again, place the catapult tower above the enemy path against the edge of the board. Place two more catapult towers between your existing catapult and rapid fire towers. You should be at about Wave 7 by now. Once you have those 6 towers, start upgading them as gold becomes available. After those are completely upgraded, add two rapid-fire towers below and above the first catapults (so on the edge of the board) and upgrade them. These first towers should allow you to amass enough gold that you can buy virtually any towers you want. Continue adding and upgrading towers lining the path. You want to make sure you’re doing enough damage to withstand the enemies as they increase in health. But using this strategy, you should have no trouble finishing off enemies before they reach your side of the screen. Indeed, most enemies will be gone before they are halfway along the path!
As you’re following this strategy, if one enemy happens to get past all of your towers, quickly add a tower immediately next to the path, ideally in the middle of a long straight section. Rapid-fire towers work well for this but you can use wooden towers if you’re short on gold. Upgrade it as necessary or as gold allows. This tower should finish off any stragglers for you.
Relevant Guides: Neopets Battlefield Legends Perfect Score Strategy Guide

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Earn a perfect score of 1,000 and be on the high score table when trophies are awarded. (Tied scores will be awarded the same trophy regardless of what trophy position they are in.)
Strategy: Finish the game by solving each code and you should be able to get the necessary perfect score. Try to go as quickly as you can while still being accurate.
To solve the code, your goal is to figure out which colors are involved and where they appear. One strategy is to start by determining the colors first and, once you know the colors, determine the order – but it is faster to work on both aspects simultaneously. Start each level by testing the combination of all blank runes. You won’t get any yellow lights (because any blank rune would be in the right location) but if you get any green lights, you’ll know how many blank runes are in the code. From here, work from the inside out. Leave the appropriate number of blank runes in the inner circles and click the outer circles all to the same color of rune, such as white. (For example, if there are two blank runes, you would skip the first two inner rungs and switch the two outer runes to white.)
Here’s where it gets interesting: you might get all green lights – which means you can keep trying new colors – or you could start to see yellow lights. If you do, just keep working from the inside out. In our example, let’s say you see 1 green light and 2 yellow lights. That tells you two things: 1) you have exactly two blanks and one white rune in the code, and you still need to find the fourth color, and 2) one of the runes is in the right location, while the other two are not. You can start by assuming the innermost rune is the one that is correct, and continue guessing. In this case, the next guess could be blank-white-blank-pink. That first blank may not be the correct one, but you can use more guesses to keep gathering information. If it is correct, you’ll find the code in the process. If it’s not, then keep moving it outward. By continuing to try different combinations in a semi-systematic way while you’re working to determine the correct colors, you can reduce the number of guesses you need to solve the code.
Continuing on with the example, say the blank-white-blank-pink guess gets you 3 yellow lights. Now you know the 2 blanks are both in the wrong spots, so your code most be something-blank-something-blank. You also know one of those “something”s is white. If it was the second one, your guess of blank-blank-white-white would have had 2 green lights (the second blank and the white), so therefore the code must be white-blank-something-blank. You already know the something isn’t white, blank, or pink, so keep trying the other colors until you find the right one.
Let’s work through a different example. (Look at the table below for a visual representation of this example.) You guess 4 blanks and you get one green light. Your next guess is blank-white-white-white, and you get 1 green and 1 yellow. From here, you know the green can’t be for the blank, or else you would see two greens. So, it’s time to move the blank to the second position and try that out. You also know that white can’t be in the first position, because then you wouldn’t have seen a green on this guess. Thus, your next guess may be pink-blank-white-pink, which gets 1 green and 2 yellow. Now you know you have 1 blank, 1 white, and 1 pink. Try assuming the blank is correct, meaning neither pink is, so you should guess pink in the 3rd position. Remember we know white and blank both aren’t in the first spot, too, so your next guess could be yellow-blank-pink-white. This gets 3 green lights, which tells you that there is no yellow in the code and also the blank, pink, and white runes are in the right positions. The only remaining color is red, so the code must be red-blank-pink-white.
Guess | Outcome | Notes |
blank-blank-blank-blank | 1 green | There is exactly one blank in the code. |
blank-white-white-white | 1 green, 1 yellow | There is one blank and one white. Neither the blank nor the white is in the first position. |
pink-blank-white-pink | 1 green, 2 yellow | There is exactly one blank, one white, and one pink in the code. We don’t know which one is in the right spot, so we’ll just have to guess for now. |
yellow-blank-pink-white | 3 green | The blank, pink, and white are all in the right spots. There is no yellow in the code. |
red-blank-pink-white | 4 green | This is the code! |
If you’re struggling, it can help to write down your guesses as you make them and record the results. That way if you get stuck you can look back and see what possiblilities you may have already tried.
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Earn a perfect score of 1,250 and be on the high score table when trophies are awarded. (Tied scores will be awarded the same trophy regardless of what trophy position they are in.)
Strategy: The levels in this game can be tricky, but there are no lives in this game. You can try the levels as many times as you want until you’re successful. This is a puzzle/adventure game where the levels are the same every time. Follow a walkthrough guide to see what to do for each level; one is linked below.
Relevant Guides: Grand Theft Ummagine Maps and Level Guides

Difficulty: Hard
Trophy Requirements: Earn a perfect score of 850 and be on the high score table when trophies are awarded. (Tied scores will be awarded the same trophy regardless of what trophy position they are in.)
Strategy: Ruins Rampage is a lot like Grand Theft Ummagine, but it’s a little more difficult. It’s a lot of trial and error, but if you follow a walkthrough and practice, you can achieve the max score.
The trickiest part is the controls. Unlike many other games, once you press an arrow key, your character will keep walking in that direction until either it runs into an obstacle or you press the key in that same direction. It takes some getting used to, but once you get the hang of moving around, you can probably manage this trophy.
Relevant Guides: JellyNeo Guide

Difficulty: Hard
Trophy Requirements: Earn a perfect score of 5,000 and be on the high score table when trophies are awarded. (Tied scores will be awarded the same trophy regardless of what trophy position they are in.)
Strategy: To get 5,000 points, you must play with AAA; Abigail’s maximum score is 4,000. Hold down the right arrow key so your character moves faster. Choose a comfortable way to hold your hands over the keys for the items where there is one finger for each item. Then, learn which fingers match with which items so you can activate items quickly. This game is pretty challenging to get a perfect score, but with practice it’s not so bad. Sometimes early in the month you don’t even need the perfect score to get a trophy. Just keep trying and improving until you get it!
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

Sometimes called “Farming” games, these are games where if you just continue playing you can keep racking up points and earn a high score.

Difficulty: Easy
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: Play as normal (seat customers, take their order, pick their berry, feed them, and clean up after them) until you reach Level 2 and get a new type of berry. Now, for about two-thirds of customers, continue as normal. For the other third, go through the whole routine (seating, ordering, picking, feeding) except DO NOT clean up after them. They will get angry and storm out. You will earn points but you won’t advance in levels. Watch your berry meter and try to keep it about half full. As long as the meter doesn’t run out, you can play as long as you want, earning points until you have a score high enough for a trophy.
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article #1, Neopian Times Article #2, Neopian Times Article #3

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: Play on hard to get the most points. You can choose one of the easier levels but it will take much longer to get a high score. The goal with this game is to make sure it doesn’t end. As long as both you and Zenco have cards, you can keep earning points. This means occasionally you need to lose on purpose to make sure the game keeps going. You should let Zenco keep least 2-5 cards, and don’t let your hand get too small or else Zenco will just keep winning and then he’ll end the game.
It helps to write down Zenco’s cards. When you start the game, you won’t know what he has, so choose your card’s strong category. But when Zenco wins a hand, write down first the card you had and then the card Zenco had. (If there’s a tie, write down both cards in that order. If Zenco wins the tiebreaker, the order will be 1. your tied card, 2. Zenco’s tied card, 3. your lost card, 4. Zenco’s winning card. If you win the tie, disregard the two tied ones; they are now in your hand anyway.) Keep doing this until you see a repeat card. You now know all of the cards in Zenco’s hand, and you know what order he has them in. Now you can choose your categories based on whether you want to win or lose. Since you know what card Zenco will show you, you should be able to accurately predict the outcome.
When you’re winning, remember that you get a bonus for every 5 captures in a row. So you might want to let Zenco get a few more cards so you can score a run of 5 captures instead of just have him hovering around 5-7 cards.
Keep winning and losing hands until you are satisfied with your score. Then try to capture all of Zenco’s cards to get a few more points.
Relevant Guides: This Neopian Times Article has a similar, more visual method, and JellyNeo has a chart of all the characters’ scores

Difficulty: Easy
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: To farm this game, move one character until it is only a few spaces away from the end. If you get a roll that you don’t want to use, choose this character. Because you have to win with an exact roll, this character won’t move (unless of course you’ve rolled that exact number, in which case you should choose the other character). Now that you have some control over your rolls, use the other character to try to land on the Tug-of-War space. The 100 point bonus you get for correctly predicting the winner is the highest bonus in the game. Then, land on the lone whirlwind space that’s six spots from the finish. You will be sent back to 3 spaces before the Tug of War square. Keep repeating this until you’ve earned enough points to get the trophy you desire.
(This works best if your stationary character is 1 space away from the end. That way you won’t be forced to pass a sqaure you want to land on with your moving character just because you happened to roll the number you can’t use with the stationary character.)
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: This game is farming because you can play levels over and over again. When you’re on the intro screen for a level, click the “Back” button to get back to the screen where you can select your level. It’s best to repeat high-reward, low-risk levels: Level 3, 9, and 11 are great choices. Also, the levels are the same every time, so with practice you should be able to clear these levels easily. Keep repeating levels until you’re happy with your score, and then send it for a good chance for a trophy.
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article, JellyNeo Guide

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: Getting the hang of the controls can be one of the hardest parts about this game. But once you do, you should have no trouble farming for a trophy. Navigate through levels 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and 2-1, collecting as many coconuts as you can. Try not to crash, since that will make you lose coconuts. At the start of Level 2-2, you should have 40-50 coconuts. Head right and drop down to the flat stretch. Here, try to do as many wheelies as you can. Tap one arrow key to keep the bike’s wheel in the air. Come down occasionally to bank points. When the timer is nearing 0, purposefully tip the bike over. You will lose one coconut but be allowed to restart the level with the full time. Repeat this process until you are satisfied with your score (or you run out of coconuts).
Make sure you don’t run out of time. If you do, you’ll lose more than one coconut and have fewer chances to gain more points!
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

Difficulty: Hard
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: In this game, you only get to keep the points you earn when you either finish a level or lose a life. However, that means if you keep losing lives, you can keep those points and boost your score. The easiest way to get a trophy on this game is to play the first level over and over again by strategically losing. In a level, collect all but one item from the Chia. Then keep circling until you see an extra life power-up. Grab that power-up and then crash into the wall to end the level and add the points to your score. Repeat until you’re satisfied with your score, and then send it.
You can use this strategy on any difficulty and any level, but playing on hard difficulty will earn the most points per level and thus minimize your time. It is recommended to repeat the first or second level because these are the easiest to circle until you can gain an extra life power-up. The first level is the easiest but the second level drops items with higher point values. Finally, notice that each item is worth a different number of points, so do as much as you can to make your last remaining item a low-point item like the Seashell Keyring.
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

These games are the same each time you play. With enough practice, you can master each level and earn that trophy.

Difficulty: Easy
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: This puzzle game is the same each time. Follow a walkthrough guide and keep practicing to get a high score. Try to complete each level as quickly as possible. Make sure you get the coins, since they are worth 20 points each. Write down the codes (they are different for everybody) and use them to practice later levels, but when you’re going for a trophy, start from Level 1 for the most points.
(Author’s Note: It took me only about 10 tries to get a bronze trophy, and that was in the middle of the month!)
Relevant Guides: JellyNeo has a nice walkthrough.

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: There’s no real trick to this game; it mostly takes practice. Figure out a good route through the level and go as quickly as possible. And stay alive!
You can also replay a level to try to get a higher score on it, but you will only be awarded the increase in points. (For example, if you score 100 points the first time and score 120 points the second time, your total score will increase by only 20 points.)
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: In this game, Gwyl is rather difficult to control. But because of that, it’s a pretty unpopular game, so the high scores tend to be fairly low. With practice, you can get the hang of the controls and score high enough for a trophy.
Use the code gwylsgreatestescapeever on the continue game screen to enter a secret level that can get you 21 gems.
Relevant Guides: JellyNeo Guide

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: The key to getting a trophy score in this game is to repeat Level 19. Try to keep all your lives until Level 19. You can even start at Level 15 by losing on Level 16-19 and then clicking “Continue Game.” Use the code “rampage” for an extra life, too. So you should have 4 lives at the beginning of Level 19.
In Level 19, push all the blocks in the middle 3 columns to the bottom of the screen to clear a space. Then collect all of the machine parts except for the 1-point item (located in the top right corner). Meanwhile, push the blocks into the robots as much as possible. For some reason, on this level, destroying an enemy with a block sometimes awards 25 points instead of the typical 1 point, so this level is ripe for point-earning! Plus, the enemies respawn, so you’ll never run out. Keep destroying enemies until time runs out. Then repeat the level, using the same strategy. Watch out, though – the enemies will push blocks at you, so you’ll have to dodge them to keep your lives. If you get hit by a block, you will respawn without starting the level over, so you’ll miss out on time when you could be earning points.
When you have only 1 life left, use the same strategy to earn points until there are fewer than 10 seconds left in the level. (If you play with the sound on, the game will beep to let you know the level is close to ending.) At that time, collect the 1-point item in the top right corner to move on to Level 20. In Level 20, there is a machine part worth 250 points, and you don’t want to miss it!
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article, JellyNeo

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: The hardest part of this game is figuring out how to line up Edna and her Shadow so you can finish the level. Look at a guide to learn how to do that for each level. You get bonus points for the number of seconds remaining in each level, so try to finish as quickly as possible. Other tips:
- Collect every time power-up you can. They add 10 seconds to your time, and if you finish the level without needing them, that’s the same as a 10-point bonus.
- Destroy all the enemies. Not only does it make the level a lot easier to finish, it maximizes your points.
- Destroy most of the destroy-able blocks (all the ones you don’t need to finish the level). Sometimes there is a hidden apple core underneath them, and collecting that will give you 5 extra points.
Relevant Guides: The Shadow

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: This is a pretty straightforward platform game. However, the controls for this game are slightly different than in others, so moving your character comes with its own little quirks. With practice, though, this trophy shouldn’t be too bad. The key is to collect as many space foods as you can while you have full health; these will give you 100 points. Make sure you visit the 5 secret areas:
- Wuba Prime: At the mid-level marker, instead of falling down, jump up from the edge into the wall and walk to the right through the secret tunnel to get one space food bonus.
- Octozodi: At the beginning there is a large section filled with enemies and moving platforms. Make your way down to the bottom left of this section, where there is a lone green enemy. Jump up into the wall (without the superjump) and travel left through the secret tunnel to the secret area, which contains 12 stars.
- Wuba Secundus: At the beginning of the level there is a long stretch of section where you make your way left, and then you jump up to the next section above it where you make your way right. At the end of this second section there is a series of very small moving platforms all above each other. Jump to the top of these and jump left into the wall. Travel left down the secret staircase to get to a secret area with 28 stars, a shield bonus, and a speed bonus. Jump right to get to the next section and use the shield/speed combination to run right along the long stretch of platform, easily destroying all the enemies with your shield as you go.
- Kreludor: After the mid-level marker, continue traveling right and down the path. There will be 2 stairs heading down and right, with a pointy enemy traveling along the bottom platform. Here, jump left into the wall and travel down the secret staircase to reach an area with 4 space foods and some stars.
- Kreludor: For this secret area, you need to have the super jump or else you can’t reach it. So make sure you keep that power-up throughout the level! Towards the end of the level there is a long column of moving platforms above one another. The first two are traveling vertically and then there are several traveling horizontally. Go to the top of this column, move to the right stationary platform, and then jump left to the top of the left stationary platform to find an area with 8 space foods and some stars.
Relevant Guides: Assignment 53 Guide Animations

Difficulty: Hard
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: You may be tempted to focus on getting the goodie bags. However, goodie bags are worth only 5 points and the Minitheuses are worth 10 points. When you don’t have the Faerie Yooyu power-up, focus on hitting the Minitheuses and collect goodie bags when you can. Use the Faerie power-up and the Mutant power-up when available and advantageous – sometimes you’re better off not picking up the Faerie power-up, since it’s followed by an area with lots of enemies rather than goodie bags. Keep practicing to get to know the levels so you’ll know what’s coming up next.
This trophy can be challenging to earn because scores high enough for trophies are often reviewed. You may want to send your score a day or two before the first of the month and hope it gets accepted on the first. You can always try on the first, too!
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article

A lot of people struggle with flash game trophies. But there are plenty of trophies in Neopia that are awarded for being creative! Consider trying your hand at one of these and you just might win.

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Have a poem published in the Poetry Contest.
Strategy: Writing the poem is sometimes the most challenging part of this trophy. First, come up with an idea. You could write a story, like a famous character’s backstory; sing the praises of your favorite items or aspects of the site; or discuss something related to the current site event. Here are some tips:
- Check the Neopian calendar to see what Neopian holidays are coming up. If you pick a topic related to one of these, you can increase your chances of getting published on that day.
- Learn about poetic and literary devices, and use them. Make sure you know what stanzas and rhyme scheme are and learn some of the typical poetic structures.
- Try to use uncommon or interesting poetic structures. It’s often easiest to write a poem with an abcb rhyme scheme (meaning you have 4 line stanzas, and the second and fourth lines rhyme), but that means a lot of people do it. You can get published with this structure but you may increase your chances if you choose something different like an abab, aabb, or aaa rhyme scheme. You could also try something really different like a poem composed of limericks (aabba rhyme scheme) or haikus.
- Use a rhyming dictionary and a thesaurus to help you figure out how to say what you want to say within the structure of your poem.
- Make your poem emotional. Evoking some emotion from the reader will make your poem more compelling and more likely to get published.
- Read some poetry. Not necessarily Neopian poetry, since that might stifle your creativity, but read poetry on other topics. This will expose you to new poetic structures and give you a sense of what makes a good poem. (Author’s Note: My favorite poet is Shel Silverstein. Some of my published poems have been inspired by his work.)
Relevant Guides: The Poetry Contest: A Guide to Getting Published

Note: This trophy appears on your pet’s lookup.
Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Win first, second, or third place in your species to earn your pet a trophy.
Strategy: For some species, this is a very easy trophy. Species like Jetsam or Elephante often have 3 or fewer entries, so depending on the week, you’re guaranteed a trophy. But for others, you’ll have to work harder.
Once you have a drawing of your pet, this trophy comes down to advertising. Put your voting link in your NeoBoard signature and head to the NeoBoards to advertise. It often works well to start a board on the Art Chat asking for people to vote and offering to vote for their entries. You don’t have to say who you’re voting for, but you should look at each entry and compliment them. You may decide to vote for them or you may not, but it’s polite to give a sincere compliment. Every artist works hard on their entry and they deserve to hear something nice about it. Another option for advertising is the Quest Help chat. While you can’t directly ask for votes, having your vote link in the signature while you’re helping out other players with their faerie quests will sometimes get them to throw some votes your way.
If you’re in a guild or have other Neofriends, make sure you let them know your pet is in the Beauty Contest, too. They’ll probably vote for you without much prompting.
If this doesn’t work for you, keep trying. Some weeks the competition is harder than others, so you just have to keep trying until you’re successful.
Relevant Guides: Crystal Cave BC Guide, The Unofficial BC FAQ

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Have a submission (article, short story, serial story, or comic) published to earn a trophy. Have 10 submissions published to earn an avatar.
Strategy: As long as you’re a decent writer, the real challenge with being accepted to the Neopian Times is coming up with a good idea for content. Look for inspiration from other NT publications, but make sure your idea is original. For articles, consider topics in this areas: game guides, information about items within a specific theme, wearables/customization guides, how-to guides about another aspect of the site, an upcoming holiday, information on Neopian lands, interviews with Neopian characters, etc., etc. The possible topics are nearly limitless!
If you’re really struggling to come up with an idea, think about this:
- What am I especially good at?
- What advice do I often find myself giving when talking to other Neopets players?
- What is my favorite Neopian holiday/character/event/land?
- What aspect of Neopets have I always wondered about?
Relevant Guides: Neopian Times Article #1, Neopian Times Article #2, Talia’s Guide to Becoming an NT Star, H33lix’s Comic Guide

Difficulty: Medium
Trophy Requirements: Feed 1 kadoatie (kad) to earn a bronze trophy. Earn a silver trophy after 10 feeds, and earn a gold trophy after 25 feeds.
Strategy: Your goal in kadding should be to learn the keyboard shortcuts so you can navigate your computer fast enough to feed. These directions are for a PC, but if you can find the right shortcuts for a Mac, you can use the same strategy. Here are the shortcuts you will need:
Shortcut | Effect |
Triple-click | Highlights the whole line |
Ctrl+C | Copy the highlighted text |
Shift+Tab | Navigate to the next tab in your browser |
Ctrl+V | Paste the text on the clipboard |
Enter | Click where the text cursor is (not the mouse) |
Open the Kadoatery in one tab and open 2-3 tabs of the Shop Wizard. In the Shop Wizard tabs, select “Identical to this phrase” and then click on the search box so it has the focus. Then navigate back to the Kadoatery.
When the kads refresh, triple-click on a food name to highlight it. Use Ctrl+C to copy the food name. Then use Shift+Tab to navigate to the next tab, which is one of the Shop Wizards. The cursor should already be in the search box, so quickly press Ctrl+V to paste the food name and then Enter to search. Click on the first shop and let it load. Click the item and press Enter to agree to buy it. Then use Shift+Tab to navigate back to the Kadoatery and click on the kad you want to feed. If somebody else has beaten you to it, repeat the process with one of your other prepared Shop Wizard windows. You may not get the feed on the first time, but sometimes you can successfully feed your second or third try during the same refresh.
Other tips to remember:
- Visit the Games NeoBoard to find out when the kads last refreshed and when you can expect them to refresh again.
- Set an alarm to go off a few seconds before the kads are supposed to refresh. That way you won’t lose track of time and miss the refresh.
- Practice. While this method is pretty fast, it takes practice to do it well. Keep trying and eventually you’ll get it.
- If you’re really struggling, you can choose to feed an unbuyable. Those are usually much easier. However, it can get expensive very quickly. If you’re going for the avatar or even the gold or silver trophy, you’ll save a lot of NP if you learn to feed fast instead.
Relevant Guides: Dex’s Kadoatery Guide, Nyctophobia: A Kadoatery Guide, The tooseas Kadoatery Guide, Neopian Times Article explaining the time system

Difficulty: Medium/Hard
Trophy Requirements: Be in the top 17 on the high scores tables when trophies are awarded.
Strategy: Food Club scores are calculated as the sum of your winnings. Each time you collect your winnings, it is like submitting a new score. So, to get a trophy, you need to hold off on collecting your winnings. You can save winnings for a maximum of 7 days. Because of the timing of Food Club, that means you can collect winnings from up to 8 rounds of bets. Time your savings so you collect all 8 days on the first of the month for the best chance at a trophy.
Because scores are based on actual Neopoints won, older accounts (which can bet more each round) have an advantage. People with older accounts can probably follow another user’s bets and have a decent shot at a trophy. Younger accounts will need to be more creative. For younger accounts, you will probably need to make your own bets.
The trick to winning the trophy is to make bets with high payoffs – and then get lucky by having those pirates win. You can’t control that, so you may need to try for several months before your risky bets pay off.
Relevant Guides: Food Club – A Complete Guide of Definitions and How to Bet, Anisa’s Food Club Bets, Garet’s Food Club Bets