baby eyrie
October ’20
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Baby Kougra
BN ➝ DN converted (funny compound RW)
August ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub
VWN ➝ WN UC Robot Kacheek
July ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Jetsam
VBN ➝ VBN UC Baby Kougra
VBN ➝ BN UC Halloween Lupe
VBN ➝ DN/BN UC Tyrannian Nimmo
VBN ➝ WN/DN UC Mutant Jetsam
May ’20
BN ➝ VBN UC Robot Jetsam
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Zafara
October ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Grey Grundo
August ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Mutant Skeith
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Acara
April ’19
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Baby Kougra (trader specifically wanted the Eyrie)
BN (900HSD) ➝ VBN UC Baby Kougra
BN (900HSD) ➝ 4L (Y2, CVCV)
V/BN ➝ 3L Draik
V/BN ➝ DN UC Desert Poogle
BN ➝ VWN Darigan Krawk custom
March ’19
V/BN ➝ WN UC Mutant Lupe
V/BN ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Techo
WN ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub
February ’19
DN ➝ 4L (CVCV format)
DN ➝ 4L (CVCV format)
January ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Kau
November ’18
VBN ➝ BN UC Halloween Lupe
April ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
January ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
baby kougra
October ’20
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Maraquan Chomby
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Baby Eyrie
September ’20
2800+HSD DN UC Baby Kougra ➝ BN UC Faerie Peophin
August ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Ixi (Specific interest in Kougra)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Lupe
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Uni
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Lupe
BN ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Lenny
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Kau
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Kau
BN ➝ RW Red Kau (Video game related)
July ’20
V/BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Kau
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Tyrannian Nimmo
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Halloween Zafara
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kau
VBN ➝ DN/BN UC Desert Poogle
VBN ➝ VBN UC Baby Eyrie
June ’20
DN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Lupe
DN ➝ DN UC Halloween Lupe
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Usul
May ’20
DN ➝ RW (food, plural)
WN ➝ 4# Mutant Gnorbu
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Wocky (Trader really wanted a baby kougra)
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kau
WN (Foreign RW) ➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny
April ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Uni
DN ➝ VBN UC Tyrannian Lenny
BN ➝ VBN UC Tyrannian Lenny
BN ➝ 3L Transparent Blumaroo custom
VWN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Gelert
VWN ➝ 745HSD 4L Grey Ixi custom
January ’20
BN ➝ 1300HSD 4L
BN ➝ 650HSD 2C Alien Aisha custom (uneven)
December ’19
BN ➝ VBN UC Mutant Skeith
September ’19
4L ➝ VWN UC Plushie Chomby
August ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Meerca
May ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Lenny
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Lenny
DN ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
April ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kau
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Uni
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Baby Eyrie (trader specifically wanted the Eyrie)
VBN ➝ BN UC Baby Eyrie (900HSD)
DN ➝ 1360HSD VWN MSP Poogle
DN ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
DN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Techo
VWN ➝ RW Unlimited Custom
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Meerca
March ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Uni
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Uni
WN ➝ BN UC Desert Aisha
WN ➝ 4L White Draik custom (CVCV)
BN ➝ VBN UC Robot Blumaroo
VBN ➝ 1593HSD VWN Invisible Kacheek
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kau
February ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Jetsam
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Meerca
VBN ➝ 1258HSD 4L White Kacheek custom (trophy)
BN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Chomby
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Meerca
DN ➝ 4L Elderly Girl Kacheek custom
DN ➝ 4L RW Female Royal Boy Draik custom (verb/noun)
BN ➝ WN UC Mutant Lupe
BN ➝ BN UC Halloween Moehog
VWN ➝ 4L RN Zombie Draik (singer)
BN ➝ VBN UC Robot Kacheek
BN ➝ RW Toy Uni (plural, animal related)
DN/BN ➝ VBN UC Mutant Hissi
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra
January ’19
VWN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Aisha (Trader wanted a baby kougra)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Koi
WN/DN ➝ DN UC Grey Jubjub
DN ➝ WN UC Coconut Jubjub
WN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Jubjub
DN ➝ 1300HSD RW (species/color irrelevant)
DN ➝ 1400HSD VWN Wraith Acara
December ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Ruki
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Jetsam
DN/BN ➝ RW basic (German, trade occurred from a game on the PC)
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Lupe
BN ➝ RW Stealthy Gelert custom (adverb, uncapped, trader had specific interest)
November ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Kougra (specific interest)
DN/BN ➝ 448HSD 4L RN Green Gelert (name of a star)
October ’18
BN ➝ 4L (can be considered a RW by some)
September ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
WN ➝ 600HSD 4L RW
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Grarrl
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kougra
August ’18
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Ixi (some stats – trader wanted a baby kougra)
July ’18
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Meerca
WN ➝ WN UC Grey lupe
June ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Robot Kacheek
BN ➝ VWN Ice Bori
VWN ➝ 2222HSD VWN Baby Aisha (trader wanted the kougra specifically)
V/WN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Lenny
BN ➝ WN UC Sponge Kiko
BN ➝ WN UC Sponge Kiko
VWN ➝ BN UC Darigan Hissi
May ’18
VWN (MS RW) ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble (Owner wanted lower tier inspiration)
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Techo
April ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Baby Eyrie
March ’18
V/WN ➝ RN Transparent Aisha (masculine)
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Lupe
February ’18
V/WN ➝ RW (species/color irrelevant – noun relating to abuse)
DN ➝ 2l RN (K-pop name, uncapped)
January ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Pteri
VWN ➝ 1500HSD VWN Desert Aisha custom
BN ➝ 3L (species/color irrelevant)
DN ➝ WN UC Baby Eyrie
VBN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Lupe
VWN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Skeith
BN ➝ BN UC Desert Aisha
BN ➝ VWN UC Halloween Lupe
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
baby skeith
August ’19
V/BN ➝ BN UC Robot Kacheek
July ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Kau
April ’19
VWN ➝ RW MS UC Faerie Aisha
March ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan Acara (RN MS)
January ’18
WN/DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Pteri
October ’18
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Moehog
V/BN ➝ RW Misspell (species/color irrelevant)
April ’18
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Pteri
January ’18
DN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Aisha (wanted a baby skeith specifically)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2016. Click here to view them.
darigan acara
August ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Baby Eyrie
DN ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
RW (uncommon) ➝ DN UC Plushie Buzz
May ’19
BN ➝ 1500HSD VWN (species/color irrelevant)
April ’19
WN ➝ DN/BN UC Tyrannian Skeith
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Blumaroo
March ’19
WN (RN MS) ➝ DN UC Baby Skeith
February ’19
WN (RN MS) ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Kau
September ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Skeith
August ’18
DN ➝ 875HSD RW (species/color irrelevant)
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Grarrl (trader wanted the grarrl)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan aisha
October ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Sponge Aisha
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Jubjub (Trader wanted to gift Jubjub to a friend)
September ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
August ’20
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
WN ➝ RW (Verb, common)
V/WN ➝ BN UC Sponge Aisha
July ’20
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Aisha
WN ➝ RN (Common, Feminine)
June ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Skeith
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
May ’20
WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Ixi
WN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
March ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Wocky
November ’19
DN (German compound) ➝ DN UC Plushie Zafara
DN (German compound) ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
October ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
September ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Ixi
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
July ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny (particular interest)
DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz
June ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Eyrie
DN ➝ WN UC Ice Bruce
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Xweetok
DN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Kau
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Yurble
May ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Kyrii (Specifically wanted the Kyrii)
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Sponge Blumaroo
April ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha (trader had specific interest in the faerie)
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Ixi
March ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Skeith
February ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
November ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Skeith
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Pteri
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Acara
August ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Tonu
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Yurble
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
June ’18
WN ➝ 3355HSD 3L (uneven, CVC format, 8 trophies)
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Skeith
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Pteri
April ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
January ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan blumaroo
August ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky (Trader wanted Blumaroos)
September ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Cybunny
August ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Plushie Buzz
June ’19
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Pteri
May ’19
VWN ➝ 3047HSD VWN Plushie Ixi
VWN ➝ VBN UC Plushie Bruce
April ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kau
WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Eyrie
February ’19
WN ➝ V/WN UC Tyrannian Blumaroo
January ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ruki
November ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Halloween Moehog
June ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Xweetok
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan bori
October ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Grarrl
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Lupe
August ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Kau
March ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Gelert
February ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Mutant Skeith
DN ➝ 300HSD 4L Mutant Poogle
August ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Eyrie
July ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Lupe
VWN ➝ 3L RN (Feminine)
May ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan bruce
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz
March ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Yurble (Trader wanted a Bruce)
January ’18
VWN ➝ 4L UC Halloween Moehog
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan buzz
August ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Jubjub
November ’18
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
April ’18
BN ➝ 3L Wraith Draik Custom (Pronounceable, some stats, gold trophy)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan cybunny
July ’20
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Korbat
WN ➝ DN UC Grey Aisha
January ’20
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Poogle
December ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra
November ’19
V/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
September ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Hissi
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Blumaroo
July ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Blumaroo
BN ➝ DN UC Robot Kacheek
April ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Darigan Ixi (trader specifically wanted a cybunny)
March ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Jetsam
February ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Lupe
May ’18
DN/BN ➝ 4L RW/RN Robot Draik (Japanese/Korean)
April ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Shoyru
DN ➝ WN UC Halloween Lupe (Dutch RW – trader wanted a Halloween Lupe)
January ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Blumaroo
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan draik
June ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Royal Girl Kyrii
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Mynci
VWN (600HSD) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Draik
May ’20
VWN (600HSD) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Draik
April ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Draik
November ’19
WN/DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Blumaroo
July ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Mynci
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Acara
February ’19
VWN ➝ 3L RN Stealthy Eyrie Custom (very common, neutral name)
DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kau
November ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Grarrl
July ’18
BN ➝ 6818HSD VWN Robot Draik (top 250 BD pets, trophy)
June ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Shoyru
February ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Bori
This pet has older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan eyrie
October ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Hissi
BN ➝ 3L RW Grey Draik (foreign)
September ’20
DN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Wocky
August ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Peophin
July ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Moehog
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kyrii
May ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
December ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Bori
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Peophin
September ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Peophin
August ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha (specifically wanted the eyrie)
May ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Hissi
April ’19
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Gelert
WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Blumaroo
WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Zafara
March ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Lupe (trader wanted a sponge lupe)
DN ➝ VBN UC Plushie Bruce
DN ➝ WN UC Mutant Skeith
DN ➝ DN UC Usuki Boy Usul
February ’19
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Zafara
January ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC MSP Poogle (trader specifically wanted the Eyrie)
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Gelert
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri
October ’18
DN ➝ RW Green Kougra (JPN, relating to nameless)
September ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ruki
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
August ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Bori
June ’18
VWN ➝ 2100HSD RW Royal Girl Mynci (type of animal)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
May ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kyrii
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan gelert
August ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Plushie Chomby
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Kougra
May ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Hissi
February ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan Scorchio
DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kau
December ’18
V/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Xweetok
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan grarrl
October ’20
VWN (5 trophies) ➝ VWN UC Grey Lupe
July ’19
RW ➝ VWN UC Grey Acara
March ’19
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Jubjub
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kau
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Lupe
September ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
August ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Acara (trader wanted the grarrl)
April ’18
V/WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Pteri
V/WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Shoyru (14 trophies, 400HSD)
This pet has older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan grundo
BN ➝ V/BN UC Darigan Meerca (Trader wanted the Meerca)April ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Nimmo
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Grundo
May ’19
WN ➝ BN UC Sponge Kiko
WN ➝ BN UC Darigan Lenny
April ’19
VBN ➝ DN UC Grey Jubjub
October ’18
VBN ➝ 1800HSD VBN Darigan Ixi custom
September ’18
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Grarrl
August ’18
DN ➝ 1550HSD VWN
March ’18
WN ➝ 1300HSD WN Stealthy Draik
January ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Halloween Lupe
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Jetsam
VBN ➝ BN UC Grey Lupe
VBN ➝ 1600HSD DN Baby Peophin custom
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan hissi
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Scorchio
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan EyrieJuly ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Hissi
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra
May ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
April ’20
VWN ➝ WN/DN UC Grey Peophin
July ’19
VWN (some stats) ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz (particular interest)
May ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Eyrie
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Gelert
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Peophin
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Chomby
April ’19
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Yurble
March ’19
VWN ➝ 3L (uncapped – trader had specific interest)
February ’19
V/BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Meerca
January ’19
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Buzz
November ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Pteri
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Techo
V/WN ➝ V/WN UC Grey Eyrie
October ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Halloween Moehog (Trader liked the Moehog)
August ’18
BN ➝ RN (species/color irrelevant – Name of a famous place)
June ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
April ’18
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Maraquan Gelert
February ’18
V/BN ➝ WN/DN UC Darigan Pteri (some stats)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015m 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan ixi
October ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Yurble (600HSD)
VWN ➝ V/BN UC Plushie Kacheek
August ’20
VBN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Techo
VBN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
June ’20
DN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Lupe
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
May ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
March ’20
WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Kacheek
November ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
April ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Cybunny (Trader specifically wanted a cybunny)
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kyrii
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
March ’19
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
February ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Korbat
November ’18
VWN ➝ 3342HSD 4L Ice Bori
October ’18
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Shoyru
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi
August ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kau (trader wanted the kay specifically)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Robot Ixi
July ’18
DN ➝ VBN UC Tyrannian Krawk
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan jetsam
August ’20
BN ➝ 4L Zombie Chomby (BC Trophy, some stats)
BN ➝ BN UC Sponge Grundo
December ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Hissi
April ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub (trader wanted the jetsam specifically)
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Jetsam
February ’18
V/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Meerca
BN ➝ DN UC Mutant Lupe
January ’18
BN ➝ V/BN UC Robot Jetsam
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan jubjub
October ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha (Trader wanted to gift Jubjub to a friend)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
December ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Grey Kougra
October ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kyrii
VWN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Hissi
January ’19
WN (MS) ➝ WN/DN UC Plushie Bruce
August ’18
BN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Shoyru
This pet has older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan kacheek
June ’20
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Mynci
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Eyrie
darigan kau
October ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Halloween Lupe
August ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Flotsam
March ’20
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Lupe
July ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Baby Skeith
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
April ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Blumaroo
February ’19
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Acara (RN MS)
DN (UC petpet) ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha (trader specifically wanted the kau)
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Peophin
WN ➝ VWN UC Robot Gnorbu
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Gelert
WN ➝ V/BN UC Maraquan Gelert
January ’19
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Lupe
DN (UC petpet) ➝ DN/BN UC Maraquan Kau
December ’18
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Yurble
October ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Kau
August ’18
VWN ➝ BN UC Darigan Ixi (Trader wanted the kau specifically)
This pet has older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan korbat
August ’20
VWN ➝ VBN UC Plushie Aisha
May ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Tonu
BN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz
September ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi (German RW)
April ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Wocky
March ’19
BN ➝ V/BN UC Plushie Cybunny
February ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Ixi
May ’18
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra (Trader wanted the kougra specifically)
April ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan kougra
November ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Usuki Girl Usul
October ’20
DN ➝ 2010HSD 4L custom
DN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Ixi
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Meerca
August ’20
VWN ➝ WN/DN UC Grey Peophin
July ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Sponge Blumaroo
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Gelert
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Hissi
May ’20
DN ➝ VWN UC Halloween Lupe
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
January ’20
VWN ➝ 600HSD 4L
December ’19
DN ➝ WNW UC Darigan Cybunny
DN ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Bori
November ’19
V/BN ➝ DN UC Mutant Skeith
April ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kougra
March ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Gelert
February ’19
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Desert Aisha
DN ➝ WN UC Baby Kougra
January ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Chomby
August ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Blumaroo
May ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
April ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ruki (trader loved the kougras name)
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Pteri
February ’18
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny
January ’18
DN ➝ RW Spotted Kau custom (foreign, milk related)
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Techo
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan krawk
May ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Tonu
April ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Royal Boy Kougra
March ’19
WN ➝ 2L RW Disco Aisha (very common)
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Kau
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Grarrl
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Tonu
February ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Plushie Tonu
January ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Grarrl
DN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Krawk
DN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan kyrii
July ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Eyrie
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Korbat
June ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Kougra
May ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Kau
January ’19
DN ➝ DN/WN UC Grey Uni
August ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan lenny
May ’20
BN ➝ VBN UC Robot Jetsam
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Uni
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Grey Jubjub
October ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Darigan Yurble
May ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Grundo
BN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2016. Click here to view them.
darigan lupe
November ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Chomby
WN ➝ DN UC Grey Grarrl
October ’20
DN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Ixi
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Techo
July ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Mutant Hissi
June ’20
5L ➝ 2500HSD 4L
December ’19
V/BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Lupe
September ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Robot Kacheek
April ’19
WN/DN ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Peophin
March ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Grarrl
DN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Blumaroo
WN ➝ 3L (CVC format)
January ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Flotsam
February ’19
WN ➝ BN UC Darigan Cybunny
January ’19
VWN ➝ VBN UC Grey Wocky (trader wanted this wocky specifically)
WN ➝ DN UC Grey Grundo
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Zafara
VWN ➝ DN UC Sponge Lupe
November ’18
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Peophin
August ’18
WN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Peophin
July ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Bori
WN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Ixi
April ’18
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Blumaroo
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Kyrii (Lupe had sentimental value to trader)
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Zafara
March ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
January ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kyrii
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Bori
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan meerca
October ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Kougra
July ’20
V/BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Grundo (Trader wanted the Meerca)
July ’19
BN ➝ 3L Ghost Lenny custom
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016. Click here to view them.
darigan moehog
July ’20
VBN (trophy) ➝ 1100HSD 4L 3m custom (2 trophies)
February ’20
BN ➝ WN UC Mutant Usul
December ’19
BN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Kau
October ’19
V/WN (JPN RW) ➝ DN UC Mutant Skeith
September ’19
V/WN (JPN RW) ➝ VWN UC Grey Jetsam
September ’18
BN ➝ VBN UC Darigan Scorchio (Trader specifically wanted the Moehog)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan mynci
July ’20
VBN ➝ 3L (pronounceable, species/color irrelevant)
BN ➝ VBN UC Halloween Lupe
April ’20
WN ➝ 4L RW
November ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Halloween Lupe
August ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Mutant Scorchio
DN ➝ DN UC Mutant Buzz
May ’18
VWN (trophies) ➝ VBN UC Darigan Zafara (Trader wanted a zafara specifically)
VWN (trophies) ➝ 1045HSD DN FFQ custom (uneven, lvl 216)
This pet has older trades recorded from 2015. Click here to view them.
darigan peophin
October ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kyrii
BN (570HSD) ➝ BN UC Faerie Meerca (Y3)
August ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Eyrie
July ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Mynci
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
June ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Scorchio
December ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ruki
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Grundo
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Eyrie
November ’19
DN ➝ 4L RW (plural)
April ’19
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Usuki Boy Usul
DN/BN ➝ WN/DN UC Darigan Lupe
February ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan Kau
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri
January ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Pteri
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Pteri
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny (Specific interest in the Peophin)
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Pteri
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan pteri
July ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
DN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Shoyru
June ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Usul
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
May ’20
VWN ➝ VBN UC Grey Kougra
April ’20
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Aisha
February ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
January ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Peophin
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
VWN ➝ WN/DN UC Baby Skeith
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Grarrl
October ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Cybunny
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Ixi (trader specifically wanted the Pteri)
September ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan Zafara
April ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra
WN ➝ V/WN UC Darigan Grarrl
March ’18
BN ➝ 900HSD 3L (Species/color irrelevant – lvl 250)
February ’18
DN ➝ VBN UC Plushie Grundo (specific interest in the Pteri)
WN/DN (some stats) ➝ V/BN UC Darigan Hissi
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Peophin
DN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Peophin
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan scorchio
October ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Hissi
September ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Kau
August ’20
DN ➝ WN UC Plushie Bruce (trader specifically wanted the scorchio)
April ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Meerca
March ’19
V/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Zafara
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky (Foreign RW)
February ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Gelert
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Kau
January ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert (scorchio was a goal pet)
September ’18
VBN ➝ BN UC Darigan Moehog (Trader specifically wanted the Moehog)
VBN ➝ DN UC Halloween Lupe (Trader specifically wanted the Lupe)
January ’18
BN ➝ RW Halloween Elephante custom (Noun relating to law)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan shoyru
October ’20
VWN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Meerca
VWN ➝ DN UC Robot Gnorbu
August ’20
VBN ➝ VBN UC Robot Kacheek
BN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Kougra (Trader wanted shoyrus)
BN ➝ VBN UC Halloween Lupe
March ’20
BN ➝ WN UC Mutant Lupe
August ’19
WN ➝ WN UC Halloween Lupe
January ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Mutant Lupe
May ’18
DN ➝ RW Plushie Kacheek (comparative adjective)
April ’18
WN (14 trophies, 400HSD) ➝ V/WN UC Darigan Grarrl
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan skeith
October ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Kacheek (Trader had specific interest)
December ’19
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Mutant Hissi
February ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Acara
January ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Kau (trader was helping a friend)
September ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Acara
August ’18
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Blumaroo
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Jubjub
May ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Desert Aisha
February ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Meerca
January ’18
DN ➝ V/BN UC Tyrannian Peophin
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan techo
October ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Lupe
August ’20
VWN ➝ VBN UC Darigan Ixi
July ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Lenny
DN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Skeith
March ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Grundo
January ’19
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Grey Poogle
November ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Hissi
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra
DN ➝ 1700HSD 4L (species/color irrelevant)
September ’18
BN ➝ 1500HSD VWN Ice Bori Custom
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan tonu
November ’19
VBN ➝ VBN UC Robot Jetsam
August ’19
VBN ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan uni
August ’20
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Halloween Zafara
June ’20
DN ➝ WN UC Halloween Lupe
May ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Halloween Zafara
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Lenny
April ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
April ’19
WN ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
March ’19
VBN ➝ BN UC Mutant Buzz
VBN ➝ 511HSD (uneven) Cloud Acara (RN MS/uncommon RN)
DN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
VBN ➝ DN UC Grey Mynci
February ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
January ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Halloween Lupe
October ’18
BN ➝ V/BN UC Tyrannian Peophin
January ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra (wanted the Uni specifically)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan usul
June ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Pteri
DN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
January ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Skeith (Wanted Usul specifically)
June ’19
VBN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Kau
VBN ➝ BN UC Faerie Moehog
April ’18
BN ➝ RW Striped Lupe Custom (Adjective)
January ’18
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kyrii
This pet has older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan wocky
October ’18
VWN ➝ RN UC Faerie Draik
This pet has older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan yurble
October ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Lenny
April ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Ixi
March ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Bruce (trader specifically wanted a Bruce)
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Yurble
September ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Yurble
February ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
VWN ➝ RW Candy Kougra (suffixed, relating to desirable)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
darigan zafara
October ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Kougra (Trader had specific interest)
July ‘202
BN ➝ VBN UC Tyrannian Lenny
May ’20
DN ➝ RN (fandom character)
April ’20
DN ➝ WN UC Baby Eyrie
January ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
May ’19
WN ➝ 994HSD 4L (5 BC trophies)
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Gelert
April ’19
WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Eyrie
WN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Techo
March ’19
DN/BN ➝ V/BN UC Darigan Scorchio
January ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Lupe
DN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Jubjub
DN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Wocky
September ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Pteri
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kougra
May ’18
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub
DN ➝ V/BN UC Tyrannian Skeith
VBN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Mynci (trophies – trader wanted a zafara specifically)
April ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Lupe
February ’18
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC grey Gelert
January ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Grey Yurble (Wanted zafara as a gift for a friend)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
desert aisha
BN ➝ BN UC Sponge Kiko
BN ➝ BN UC Grey MynciAugust ’20
DN (Y2) ➝ RW “Feared”
DN (Y2) ➝ DN UC Grey Mynci
June ’20
VBN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kau
May ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ruki
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Shoyru
DN ➝ 1400HSD 3L
December ’19
DN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Ixi
DN ➝ RW Green Shoyru (Pokemon)
November ’19
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny (Aisha has sentimental value to trader)
October ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Eyrie
September ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Grundo
August ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Grarrl (wanted the aisha specifically)
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Eyrie (specifically wanted the eyrie)
July ’19
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Faaerie Pteri
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Blumaroo
June ’19
VWN ➝ RW Baby Aisha custom (500HSD)
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Yurble
May ’19
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Eyrie
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
February ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Uni
DN ➝ DN UC Usuki Boy Usul
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Meerca
BN ➝ RW (plant related)
BN ➝ 4L (trader specifically wanted the 4L)
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
January ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Robot Blumaroo
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Kacheek
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri
BN ➝ BN UC Desert Poogle (trader wanted the poogle specifically)
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Gelert
V/WN ➝ WN/DN UC Faerie Pteri
BN ➝ 4L Candy Aisha
December ’18
V/BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
October ’18
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Lupe
July ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Uni
May ’18
V/WN ➝ V/WN UC Grey Grarrl
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Skeith
April ’18
DN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Meerca
January ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
desert kau
July ’20
BN ➝ VBN UC Robot Blumaroo
BN ➝ DN UC Mutant Lupe
November ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kau
July ’18
V/BN ➝ WN UC Mutant Scorchio
February ’18
WN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Meerca
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2016. Click here to view them.
desert poogle
April ’19
DN ➝ V/BN UC Baby Eyrie
March ’19
DN ➝ V/BN UC Maraquan Grarrl
DN ➝ BN UC Robot Kacheek
January ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Desert Aisha (trader wanted the poogle specifically)
June ’18
VWN ➝ VBN UC Tyrannian Techo
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie aisha
WN ➝ DN UC Grey PeophinSeptember ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
August ’20
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
V/WN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Xweetok
July ’20
V/WN ➝ WN UC Grey Aisha
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Yurble
WN/DN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Kougra
VBN ➝ V/WN UC Mutant Skeith
VBN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Shoyru
June ’20
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Plushie Bruce
DN ➝ VBN UC Grey Kougra
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
May ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
BN ➝ VBN UC Grey Wocky
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
March ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Wocky
November ’19
V/BN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Hissi
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
BN ➝ 2L Shadow Draik
BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Lenny
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
October ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Aisha
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
BN ➝ VWN Mutant Ixi Custom (Trader liked the name)
September ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Eyrie
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
August ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Robot Jetsam
DN ➝ VWN UC Mallow Grundo
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Shoyru
June ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
May ’19
WN (Y2) ➝ WN UC Grey Kacheek (5L, uncapped)
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kau
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
April ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha (trader has specific interest in the Faerie)
RW MS ➝ VWN UC Baby Skeith
RW MS ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Hissi
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
March ’19
V/WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Ruki (specifically wanted a Ruki)
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
V/WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
February ’19
V/BN ➝ WN UC Grey Acara
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Wocky
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kau (UC petpet, trader specifically wanted the kau)
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Maraquan Gelert
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Kacheek
V/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Buzz
January ’19
V/BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Ruki
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
BN ➝ VWN UC Robot Blumaroo
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ruki
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
V/BN ➝ WN UC Mutant Skeith
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Eyrie
VWN ➝ VWN UC Desert Aisha
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Cybunny
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Lupe
V/WN ➝ V/WN UC Grey Eyrie
December ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi
October ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra
August ’18
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Buzz
July ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Hissi
DN ➝ VWN UC Halloween Wocky
May ’18
DN ➝ WN/DN UC Faerie Shoyru
April ’18
DN (Y2) ➝ RW Chocolate Draik (relating to being flawless)
February ’18
BN ➝ 1500HSD WN Royal Girl Kau custom
VWN ➝ RN (species/color irrelevant – RN had specific meaning to trader – feminine)
January ’18
VWN ➝ RW Faerie Draik (Relating to royalty)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kyrii
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie blumaroo
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie MeercaAugust ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Grundo
BN ➝ 4L Royal Mynci custom
July ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Meerca
January ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kyrii
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Meerca
December ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
October ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Wocky
July ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Cybunny
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
May ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Robot Kacheek
April ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Acara
March ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Mynci
BN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Zafara
February ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin (book trophy)
January ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz
December ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Ruki
BN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Kau
BN ➝ VBN UC Grey Wocky
September ’18
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Skeith (traders end goal)
August ’18
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Skeith
April ’18
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Lupe
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie draik
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Draik
VWN ➝ RW (flower)July ’20
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Royal Girl Aisha (Trader wanted Aisha to keep)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Grarrl
DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kau
June ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Draik (600HSD)
May ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Lupe
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Draik (600HSD)
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Meerca
January ’20
WN/DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Uni (Interested in Draiks name)
June ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Poogle
April ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kau
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Cybunny
February ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Draik
January ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Techo
December ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Girl Draik
October ’18
RN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Wocky
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie grarrl
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie DraikJuly ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Tuskaninny
March ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Krawk
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Aisha
February ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Kau
January ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Krawk
November ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Draik
August ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Draik
July ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kiko
June ’18
DN ➝ RW UC Faerie Shoyru
March ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Shoyru
DN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Peophin
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie ixi
V/BN ➝ BN UC Sponge Blumaroo
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Uni
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Jubjub
DN ➝ RW UC Desert Kau (foreign)
VBN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra
VBN ➝ DN UC Darigan LupeSeptember ’20
V/BN ➝ RW Royal Girl Gelert custom (prefix)
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Lupe
August ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra (Trader had specific interest in Kougra)
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Shoyru
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
BN ➝ VBN UC Grey Cybunny
July ’20
V/BN ➝ VBN UC Plushie Flotsam
V/BN ➝ V/WN UC Halloween Lupe
DN (foreign MS) ➝ DN UC Faerie Meerca
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kyrii
June ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Peophin
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
WN/DN ➝ BN UC Grey Kougra
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kougra (4C)(Trader wanted to help)
May ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Eyrie
BN ➝ DN UC Robot Kacheek
April ’20
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Uni
March ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Gelert
December ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Zafara
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Blumaroo
V/BN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
November ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Uni
October ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Yurble
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Zafara (compound RN)
September ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Eyrie
WN ➝ BN UC Darigan Aisha
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Aisha
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Peophin
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ruki
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Scorchio
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
July ’19
DN ➝ WN Darigan Kau
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
April ’19
WN/DN ➝ V/WN UC Grey Grarrl
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Aisha
March ’19
VWN ➝ RN Transparent Aisha custom (feminine)
WN ➝ VWN UC Ice Bruce
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
VWN (500HSD) ➝ VWN UC Desert Aisha
January ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
BN ➝ 2153HSD 4L
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Grarrl (trophy)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Gelert
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Ruki
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
December ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Ice Bruce
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
October ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Wocky
WN/DN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Shoyru
September ’18
VWN (400HSD) ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Bruce
August ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Buzz
July ’18
VBN ➝ WN UC Darigan Lupe
May ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
WN ➝ 3L RW Woodland Bori (Nature related)
VWN (some stats) ➝ 3100HSD 4L Pirate Draik
April ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Buzz
V/WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
V/WN ➝ BN UC MSP Poogle
V/WN ➝ 3600HSD VWN Maraquan Gelert Custom
March ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Zafara (trophy)
February ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Uni (Particular interest in the Uni)
DN ➝ WN/DN UC Faerie Peophin (Trader wanted an ixi specifically)
January ’18
DN ➝ 2427HSD VWN Mutant Draik custom
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Aisha
BN ➝ VWN UC Desert Aisha
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie kau
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
VWN ➝ WN UC Mutant SkeithJuly ’20
DN ➝ WN UC Baby Kougra
June ’20
DN ➝ VBN UC Desert Aisha
May ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Halloween Wocky
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
BN ➝ BN UC Robot Kacheek
BN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
December ’19
VBN ➝ BN UC Darigan Moehog
November ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Desert Kau
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Kyrii (wanted to help)
October ’19
VWN ➝ 1500HSD 4L Pastel Bori Custom
August ’19
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Tyrannian Peophin
V/BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Skeith
May ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha
April ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Halloween Lupe
DN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
March ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Techo
BN ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Nimmo
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Jubjub
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Grarrl
BN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
December ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi (trader specifically wanted a Kau)
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Lupe
November ’18
DN ➝ RW Grey Wocky Custom
DN ➝ RW Robot Aisha (adjective)
August ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Lupe
BN ➝ VBN UC Mutant Hissi
July ’18
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie kougra
DN (Y2) ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi (post-conversion pet)August ’20
VBN ➝ BN UC Darigan Shoyru (Trader wanted shoyrus)
July ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Moehog
June ’20
DN ➝ RN “Zetsu”
DN (4C) ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi (Trader wanted to help)
May ’20
BN ➝ VBN UC Grey Uni
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kau
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
March ’20
4L (could be considered a RW to some) ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
January ’20
VWN (Y2) ➝ WN UC Faerie Shoyru
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Zafara
September ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
August ’19
V/WN ➝ DN UC Grey Kacheek
V/WN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Meerca
WN ➝ 4L Draik custom
VWN ➝ WN UC Mallow Grundo (specific interest)
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Kyrii
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kyrii
June ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Kau
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Wocky
April ’19
BN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Kyrii
DN ➝ RN (feminine)
DN ➝ RW Yellow Draik
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Kougra
March ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Grundo
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Wocky
February ’19
BN ➝ 2826HSD VWN Red Draik (2 trophies)
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
BN ➝ BN UC Halloween Moehog
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Flotsam
January ’19
WN ➝ RW (species/color irrelevant)
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Pteri
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Techo
BN ➝ WN UC Mutant Skeith
December ’18
BN ➝ V/BN UC Desert Aisha
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Lupe
November ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra (specific interest)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Techo
October ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Meerca
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha
September ’18
VWN ➝ 3L RW Plushie Kougra (Japanese)
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan Zafara
DN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
August ’18
WN ➝ B UC Faerie Shoyru
May ’18
VWN ➝ 4L RW (species/color irrelevant – noun/vern relating to imperfections)
April ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Shoyru
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Shoyru
February ’18
WN/DN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Hissi
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Uni
WN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Techo
January ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Uni (Wanted the Uni specifically)
BN ➝ DN UC Mutant Scorchio (Wanted the scorchio specifically)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie kyrii
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Peohin
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie ShoyruAugust ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
July ’20
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Mynci
June ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Lupe
January ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Mynci
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Blumaroo
November ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Skeith
July ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Chomby
WN ➝ BN UC Plushie Flotsam
August ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
January ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Mynci
June ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Skeith
February ’18
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Gelert
January ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Lupe
BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Usul
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Techo
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie lenny
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Wocky
DN ➝ BN UC Grey KyriiAugust ’20
VBN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Shoyru
VBN ➝ DN UC Grey Grundo
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Flotsam
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
VBN ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub (Trader wanted jubjubs)
VWN ➝ VBN UC Darigan Ixi
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Aisha
May ’20
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ruki
DN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Hissi
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha
April ’20
VWN ➝ RN (feminine, nickname)
February ’20
November ’19
DN ➝ V/BN UC Darigan Cybunny (Wanted a cybunny specifically)
DN ➝ BN UC Desert Aisha (sentimental value to trader)
DN ➝ 2208HSD 4L Ice Draik
V/BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha
June ’19
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Bruce
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
April ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ruki
WN ➝ 4L RW
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Shoyru
V/WN ➝ BN UC Plushie Grundo
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Grundo
March ’19
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Grey Pteri
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Yurble
BN ➝ 2800HSD VWN Wraith Aisha
WN ➝ DN/BN UC plushie Grundo
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Zafara
VWN ➝ 3290HSD 4L Invisible Kau custom
February ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kyrii
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Pteri
December ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
November ’18
VBN ➝ DN UC Grey Uni
October ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Robot Gnorbu
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Grundo
June ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny
V/BN ➝ V/WN UC Baby Kougra
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
May ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Ixi
DN ➝ BN UC Usuki Girl Usul
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Cybunny (Trader wanted the cybunny specifically)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Bori
April ’18
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Maraquan Gelert
WN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Kougra
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Grundo
March ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
February ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Usuki Girl Usul
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Plushie Buzz
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Peophin (Specific interest in the Peophin)
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
DN ➝ BN Grey Mynci (Wanted a Mynci specifically)
DN ➝ VBN UC Darigan Cybunny
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Peophin
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Pteri
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie meerca
BN (Y3) ➝ BN UC Darigan Peophin (570HSD)
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Techo
VBN ➝ VBN UC Sponge Kiko
VBN ➝ VWN UC Darigan ShoyruSeptember ’20
BN ➝ 4L RW Baby Buzz custom (fitting)
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Blumaroo
August ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Mutant Skeith
July ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi (foreign MS)
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Blumaroo
February ’20
WN ➝ WN/DN UC Robot Kacheek
January ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Blumaroo
December ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Blumaroo
V/BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Lupe
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Quiggle
November ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri
August ’19
V/WN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Kougra
DN ➝ WN UC Baby Kougra
July ’19
V/WN ➝ 2577HSD DN (species/color irrelevant)
WN ➝ DN Faerie Ixi
WN ➝ BN UC Plushie Flotsam
June ’19
BN ➝ 4L (cvcv)
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
April ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Scorchio
WN ➝ VBN UC Maraquan Gelert
VWN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
March ’19
WN ➝ RN White Blumaroo (Anime name)
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
VWN ➝ WN/DN UC Grey Kyrii
WN ➝ WN UC Mutant Hissi
BN ➝ V/WN UC Tyrannian Peophin
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
February ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Baby Kougra
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Gelert
BN ➝ 1762HSD 4L Kacheek custom (2 trophies)
DN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Flotsam
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
WN ➝ WN UC Desert Aisha
BN ➝ V/BN UC Darigan Hissi
January ’19
V/WN (MS) ➝ VWN UC Mutant Skeith
September ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Kau
August ’18
WN ➝ 3L UC Robot Blumaroo
July ’18
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
April ’18
BN ➝ 3L Robot Draik
V/BN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
March ’18
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Moehog
BN ➝ RN basic (Pokemon)
February ’18
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Kau
DN ➝ V/BN UC Darigan Jetsam
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Skeith
DN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Hissi
WN (Y2, UC petpet) ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Xweetok
V/BN ➝ WN UC Desert Kau
January ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Plushie Buzz
VWN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Hissi (Stats)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie moehog
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant HissiJuly ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Jubjub
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kougra
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Eyrie
November ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Halloween Lupe
June ’19
BN ➝ VBN UC Darigan Usul
BN ➝ BN UC Sponge Kiko
October ’18
VBN ➝ BN UC Grey Jubjub
VBN ➝ VBN UC Baby Skeith
March ’18
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Meerca
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie peophin
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri
DN ➝ BN UC Grey KougraSeptember ’20
BN ➝ 2800+HSD DN UC Baby Kougra
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
June ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Pteri
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
May ’20
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
WN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Hissi
BN ➝ RW UC Mutant Skeith (Trader specifically wanted this skeith)
BN ➝ BN UC Sponge Blumaroo
December ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Zafara (liked this peophins name)
DN ➝ RW Alien Aisha (verb relating to moving)
September ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Kougra
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
July ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Ice Bruce
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Yurble
WN ➝ RW (foreign, multiple languages)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Blumaroo
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
June ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Yurble
May ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Desert Aisha
April ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Grarrl
V/WN ➝ RW MS UC Maraquan Grarrl (trader specifically wanted the Grarrl)
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Flotsam
WN ➝ RW (noun relating to insanity)
V/BN ➝ RW “Feral” Zombie Kacheek custom
V/BN ➝ RW Pastel Blumaroo custom (verb)
March ’19
DN ➝ V/BN UC Maraquan Gelert
VWN ➝ V/BN UC Darigan Ixi
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Aisha
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Peophin
BN ➝ V/BN UC Maraquan Gelert
DN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Gelert
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Meerca
February ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
VWN (Y2, 300HSD) ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Wocky
DN ➝ WN/DN UC Grey Uni
WN (book trophy) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Blumaroo
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Buzz(lvl -1)
January ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Lupe
WN ➝ BN UC Plushie Grundo
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Peophin
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Eyrie
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Pteri
DN ➝ 2000HSD 4L Ice Draik
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Peophin
November ’18
VWN ➝ 4L RN Baby Aisha custom (CVCV)
September ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Yurble
WN ➝ BN UC Plushie Grundo (500HSD)
August ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Ixi
WN ➝ VBN UC Grey Kougra
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Aisha
V/BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Lupe
July ’18
WN ➝ RN (Masculine)
WN ➝ DN UC Grey Cybunny (Trader was inspired by the cybunnys name)
June ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Eyrie
May ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Pteri
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kougra
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Shoyru
April ’18
VWN (foreign RW, PPL medal) ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Cybunny
February ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Plushie Buzz
DN ➝ 3L RN White Kacheek custom (feminine, nickname)
WN/DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi (Trader wanted an ixi specifically)
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok (Trader wanted a xweetok)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
BN ➝ 4L RN Marble Bori
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Lenny
VWN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Lenny (Specifically wanted the Lenny)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie pteri
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
WN ➝ BN UC Grey AishaSeptember ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Kyrii
August ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Flotsam
July ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Wocky
DN ➝ WN UC Halloween Moehog
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Kougra
June ’20
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Cybunny
WN (German RW) ➝ VWN UC Sponge Blumaroo (Uncommon RN)
March ’20
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Maraquan Hissi
June ’20
DN ➝ VBN UC Grey Kougra
BN ➝ DN UC faerie Aisha
April ’20
WN/DN ➝ RN White Peophin (feminine)
January ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Koi
December ’19
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Skeith
November ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha
VWN ➝ DN UC Robot Ixi
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
October ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha
August ’19
WN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Hissi
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
July ’19
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
June ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
March ’19
DN ➝ VBN UC Maraquan Gelert
February ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Peophin
DN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Kyrii
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Peophin
January ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Desert Aisha
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Shoyru
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
WN/DN ➝ V/WN UC Desert Aisha
BN ➝ 1600HSD 3L Custom
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Meerca
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Gelert
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan Eyrie
November ’18
BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Buzz
BN ➝ RW (species/color irrelevant)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Hissi
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Aisha
July ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Peophin
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Bori
VWN ➝ RW Silver Koi (Animal RW)
DN (1500HSD) ➝ BN UC MSP Poogle
DN (1500HSD) ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Scorchio (Traders end goal)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Blumaroo
June ’18
DN/BN ➝ WN/DN UC Grey Mynci
May ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
April ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Skeith
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Baby Skeith
V/WN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Kougra
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Cybunny
February ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Gelert
January ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie ruki
VWN ➝ WN UC Plushie Buzz
VWN ➝ VWN UC Desert Aisha
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Lenny
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kyrii
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Tyrannian DraikDecember ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Peophin
BN ➝ RW Mutant Cybunny (suffixed)
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
July ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny
April ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
DN ➝ WN UC Desert Aisha
March ’19
WN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Aisha (specifically wanted a Ruki)
February ’19
WN ➝ DN/BN UC Usuki Girl Usul
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Xweetok (Trader wanted a ruki)
January ’19
WN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Aisha
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan Blumaroo
DN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Kau
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
December ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Blumaroo
WN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
September ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Eyrie
August ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kyrii
July ’18
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Maraquan Gelert
June ’18
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushe Bruce
April ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Xweetok (Trader specifically wanted the Ruki)
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra (Trader loved the Kougras name)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Scorchio
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie shoyru
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kyrii
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Lupe
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan ScorchioSeptember ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kau
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Peophin
August ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kyrii
VBN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Lenny
July ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Wocky
BN ➝ VBN UC Maraquan Gelert
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Peophin
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Gelert
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Pteri
VBN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Aisha
VBN ➝ DN UC Darigan Pteri
June ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Gelert
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Pteri
May ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Gelert
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Uni
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Hissi
BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
April ’20
DN ➝ WN/DN UC Maraquan Skeith
March ’20
BN ➝ WN UC Grey Mynci
January ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra (Y2)
December ’19
WN ➝ 3L RW FFQ custom (sound/ -disallowed_word- some stats) ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Gelert
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Cybunny
June ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
May ’19
V/BN ➝ DN UC Grey Pteri
V/BN ➝ BN UC Grey Gelert
April ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
WN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Yurble
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Lenny
March ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Mynci
BN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Yurble
February ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Peophin
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Kougra
BN (lab stats) ➝ 4L RW (German, 4 trophies)
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Meerca
DN/BN ➝ RW (noun relating to music)
January ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Kau
December ’18
VWN ➝ 4L RW (common, religious)
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi
October ’18
DN/BN ➝ WN/DN UC Faerie Ixi
September ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Eyrie
August ’18
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Kougra
VBN ➝ DN UC Darigan Jubjub
VBN ➝ 1930HSD 4L
July ’18
BN ➝ 3L Baby Xweetok
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Kau
June ’18
DN ➝ 3L RN (Feminine nickname)
BN ➝ 2493HSD VWN Plushie Draik
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
RW ➝ DN UC Faerie Grarrl
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Yurble
May ’18
WN/DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha
April ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Yurble
BN ➝ BN UC Usuki Girl Usul
March ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Aisha
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Chomby
V/BN ➝ DN UC Grey Poogle
January ’18
BN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Aisha
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Grey Kougra
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Yurble
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Uni
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie techo
May ’20
BN ➝ WN/DN UC Plushie Yurble
August ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Kyrii
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Mynci
January ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Draik
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016. Click here to view them.
faerie tonu
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Grey TonuJune ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Usuki Girl Usul
March ’19
V/BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Yurble
WN ➝ BN UC Darigan Krawk
February ’19
VBN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Ixi
January ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
September ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi
August ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Aisha
WN ➝ 830HSD RW Plushie Kougra (noun/verb)
June ’18
DN ➝ 2L RW Stealthy Eyrie custom
May ’18
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Cybunny
January ’18
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Cybunny
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie tuskaninny
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Kougra
VWN ➝ RW Island Krawk (common)September ’19
V/WN ➝ RW (very common)
August ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Shoyru (specifically wanted the Shoyru)
April ’19
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Wocky
February ’19
V/BN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Wocky
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Cybunny
August ’18
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC grey Skeith
July ’18
January ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Plushie Skeith
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie wocky
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey GrarrlSeptember ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
August ’20
DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Blumaroo (Trader wanted Blumaroos)
BN ➝ 2200HSD VWN (species/color irrelevant)
BN ➝ VWN UC MSP Poogle (Wocky had sentimental value to trader)
DN ➝ VWN UC Usuki Boy Usul
July ’20
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Grey Aisha (Trader specifically wanted the wocky)
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
May ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra (trader really wanted a kougra)
VWN (uncommon RN) ➝ WN UC Grey Krawk
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Ixi
April ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Wocky
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kougra
March ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
February ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Korbat
January ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble (Wanted Yurble specifically)
DN ➝ DN UC Robot Ixi
November ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Zafara (Wocky was traders goal)
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Grundo
October ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kau (trader specifically wanted the kau)
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Yurble (Trader wanted the Yurble)
September ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny
August ’19
VWN ➝ VBN UC Plushie Cybunny
May ’19
BN ➝ 2788HSD Transparent Blumaroo
April ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Ice Bruce (5 trophies)
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Yurble
DN ➝ DN UC MSP Poogle
VWN ➝ V/BN UC Darigan Korbat
VWN ➝ V/BN UC faerie Tuskaninny
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie grundo (500HSD)
DN ➝ V/WN UC Grey Eyrie
March ’19
DN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Aisha
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Peophin
VBN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Gelert
February ’19
V/WN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Tuskaninny
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Aisha
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Eyrie
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin (Y2, 300HSD)
January ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Plushie Bruce
4L (1300HSD, 2 trophies) ➝ VWN UC Quiguki Boy Quiggle
V/WN ➝ WN UC Plushie Chomby
November ’18
VBN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Ixi
DN/BN ➝ WN UC MSP Poogle
September ’18
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi
June ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Yurble
May ’18
4L ➝ 2800HSD VWN White Aisha (Various trophies)
March ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Bruce
February ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Grundo
DN ➝ RW Split Bori (Relating to eating)
January ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Mynci
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Bruce
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Yurble
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie xweetok
WN ➝ WN UC MSP Poogle (Trader had specific interest in MSP)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey KorbatAugust ’20
WN ➝ 2697HSD 3L (Foreign RW)
WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
RW ➝ RW UC Mutant Skeith (2 trophies)
V/BN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Aisha
July ’20
RW ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
V/BN ➝ RW Invisible Kau custom (Neopets petpet)
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
June ’20
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
May ’20
DN ➝ 4L RW
March ’20
DN ➝ WN UC Plushie Bruce
BN ➝ 4L RN (French RN or nickname)
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi
July ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Acara
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
June ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Aisha
April ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Yurble
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Grey Wocky
VWN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Bori
WN/DN(German RW) ➝ RW UC Grey Flotsam
February ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Kougra
WN (German RW) ➝ WN UC Ice Bruce
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Ruki (trader wanted a ruki)
January ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Skeith
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Shoyru
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
WN ➝ BN UC Plushie Grundo
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
DN ➝ WN UC Sponge Blumaroo
BN ➝ DN UC MSP Poogle
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Bruce
December ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Grundo
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Lenny
DN/BN ➝ V/BN UC Darigan Gelert
November ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Bruce
October ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Acara
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Aisha
September ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Bruce
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Wocky
August ’18
DN/BN ➝ 2670HSD 4L Coconut Jubjub custom
June ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Blumaroo
May ’18
BN ➝ 4L RW Lab ray custom (verb relating to touching something)
DN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Skeith
April ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ruki (Trader specifically wanted the Ruki)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Peophin
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Lupe
WN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Ixi
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha
March ’18
WN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Cybunny
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
February ’18
V/BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca (Y2, UC petpet)
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Yurble
January ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin (Trader wanted a xweetok)
WN ➝ RW Red Shoyru (relating to an object of attention – RW had meaning to trader)
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
WN ➝ RW UC Robot Ixi (Traded with a friend)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Bruce
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
faerie yurble
VWN (600HSD) ➝ VWN UC Darigan Ixi
WN ➝ V/BN UC Plushie Kacheek
VWN (676HSD) ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Krawk
WN (Pokemon MS) ➝ WN UC Tyrannian KrawkJuly ’20
WN ➝ DN/BN UC Tyrannian Krawk
VWN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Peophin
VWN ➝ RN (Common, masculine)
March ’20
WN ➝ WN UC MSP Poogle
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz
January ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky (Wanted Yurble specifically)
November ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha (German compound)
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Scorchio
July ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny
VBN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
June ’19
DN ➝ 3000HSD VWN
BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Aisha
May ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Usuki Girl
April ’19
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Wocky
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Shoyru
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Hissi
DN/BN ➝ 2L RW Transparent Aisha
March ’19
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Lenny
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Kougra
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
V/BN ➝ BN UC Usuki Girl Usul
WN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Tonu
VWN ➝ 4L UC Grey Gelert
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Shoyru
V/BN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Gelert
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Flotsam (trader wanted a Flotsam)
February ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Plushie Grundo
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Acara
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Buzz
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
VWN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Gelert
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
January ’19
VBN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Gelert
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Grundo
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
December ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kau
October ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Ixi
August ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Grarrl (RW MS, trader specifically wanted the grarrl)
June ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Yurble
May ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra (RW MS – trader wanted lower tier inspiration)
March ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Kougra
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Peophin
February ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey acara
WN ➝ DN UC Grey IxiDecember ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz
July ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Xweetok
VWN ➝ RW UC Darigan Grarrl
May ’19
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Tyrannian Krawk
April ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi
March ’19
V/BN ➝ BN UC Grey Kougra
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Flotsam
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Grarrl
February ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Skeith
WN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Aisha
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Yurble
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Bruce
January ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Shoyru
November ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
October ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
June ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Grundo (Specifically wanted the acara)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey aisha
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie PteriSeptember ’20
DN ➝ 4L RW Baby Draik
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Chomby
July ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
WN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Aisha
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Wocky (Trader specifically wanted the wocky)
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan Cybunny
June ’20
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Zafara
April ’20
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Pteri
February ’20
WN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Kau
October ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Gelert
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Mynci
WN ➝ RN (common)
July ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
June ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz
April ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Scorchio
WN ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
February ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Peophin
October ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
September ’18
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Maraquan Gelert
July ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Eyrie
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Pteri
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Tyrannian Krawk
March ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
January ’18
V/BN ➝ 3L (species/color irrelevant)
V/BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
V/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Gelert
V/BN ➝ DN UC Baby Skeith (wanted a baby skeith specifically)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey chomby
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan LupeJuly ’20
DN ➝ WN UC Mallow Grundo (Specific interest)
May ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Hissi
March ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
January ’18
DN/BN ➝ VBN UC Grey Shoyru
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey cybunny
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
VBN ➝ BN UC Faerie IxiJuly ’20
VBN ➝ VBN UC Grey Wocky
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
June ’20
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri
WN ➝ WN UC Plushie Buzz (helped a friend)
May ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Baby Kougra (Foreign RW)
April ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Shoyru
March ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Jetsam
December ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Grarrl
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Zafara
November ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Usuki Girl Usul
September ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Wocky
VWN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Hissi
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Gelert
July ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ruki
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha (particular interest)
May ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Zafara (Trader wanted the cybunny specifically)
April ’19
VWN ➝ 2C Maractite Hissi custom (some stats)
January ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Flotsam
BN ➝ 599HSD 4L FFQ custom (trader wanted 4Ls)
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha
October ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Pteri
July ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin (Trader was inspired by the cybunnys name)
June ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
VWN ➝ 4L RW Baby Kyrii custom (Name sounds baby-like, trader was seeking 4Ls)
May ’18
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Lenny (Trader wanted the cybunny specifically)
April ’18
V/BN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Skeith
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Pteri
February ’18
DN ➝ RW (species/color irrelevant – noun relating to abuse)
VWN (stats) ➝ V/WN UC Darigan Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey eyrie
VWN ➝ WN UC Usuki Girl UsulOctober ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Desert Aisha
September ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha
June ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha
May ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Kyrii
BN ➝ WN UC Desert Aisha
WN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Blumaroo
April ’19
WN ➝ BN UC Plushie Grundo
WN ➝ 900HSD 4L RW Invisible Kau custom (Chinese)
V/WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz
February ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
January ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
V/WN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Aisha
December ’18
WN ➝ DN UC MSP Poogle
November ’18
V/WN ➝ V/WN UC Darigan Hissi
July ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Aisha
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
February ’18
BN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Blumaroo
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey flotsam
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan KauJuly ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Sponge Lupe
August ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Pteri
July ’19
WN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Scorchio
April ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
RW ➝ WN/RW UC Faerie Xweetok (German RW)
March ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Acara
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Yurble (Trader wanted a Flotsam)
February ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
January ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Lupe
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Cybunny
November ’18
WN ➝ WN/DN UC Grey Uni
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey gelert
October ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Bori (Trader wants to keep Bori)
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha
July ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
BN ➝ BN UC Usuki Boy Usul (Particular interest in Usuki)
June ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Kougra
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Ixi
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Ixi
December ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Hissi
November ’19
WN/DN ➝ RN (masculine)
WN/DN ➝ 4L RW (Plural)
October ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Grey Aisha
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra
June ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Shoyru
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
May ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Zafara
BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Shoyru
April ’19
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Scorchio
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Eyrie
March ’19
4L ➝ VWN UC Faerie Yurble
DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kougra
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
February ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Meerca
VWN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Hissi
January ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Desert Aisha
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Eyrie
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Lupe
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Scorchio (goal pet)
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
December ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
VWN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Gelert
November ’18
VWN ➝ 3L (CVC format, trader specifically wanted the 3L)
August ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kyrii
March ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Jubjub
February ’18
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Zafara
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Grey Kyrii
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri
DN ➝ VBN UC Plushie Grundo
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
DN/BN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Aisha
DN/BN ➝ RN 3L (species/color irrelevant, nickname, feminine)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey grarrl
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan LupeOctober ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Bori
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Wocky
December ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Cybunny
August ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha (wanted the aisha specifically)
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Techo
May ’19
V/WN ➝ WN/DN UC Faerie Ixi
March ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Acara
January ’19
WN (1 trophy) ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
WN ➝ WN UC Sponge Lupe
November ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Peophin
August ’18
BN ➝ 1600HSD VWN
May ’18
V/WN ➝ V/WN UC Desert Aisha
January ’18
WN (misspell, some stats) ➝ BN UC Grey Yurble (some stats, 2 trophies)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey grundo
DN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Lenny
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie BlumarooJanuary ’20
WN ➝ WN/DN UC Robot Kacheek
December ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Peophin
BN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Quiggle
October ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Baby Eyrie
September ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Desert Aisha
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Grundo
April ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
March ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kougra
February ’19
DN ➝ RN Camo Krawk (Compound name of a movie character)
January ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan Lupe
March ’18
BN ➝ 1350HSD VWN Chocolate Draik
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey ixi
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Tonu
DN ➝ DN UC Robot IxiSeptember ’20
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Acara
DN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Scorchio (Trader specifically wanted a VWN T1)
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
May ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Krawk
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Shoyru
April ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Sponge Aisha
September ’19
VWN (German RW) ➝ VWN UC Darigan Korbat
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Xweetok
May ’19
VWN (MS) ➝ BN UC Plushie Kougra
April ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Acara
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Yurble
DN ➝ RW (uncapped)
February ’19
VWN (MS) ➝ BN UC Plushie Shoyru
DN/BN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Tonu
DN ➝ DN UC Robot Ixi
RW (1200HSD) ➝ 650HSD RW (German, 6 trophies, trader liked the name)
December ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kau (trader specifically wanted a Kau)
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
November ’18
V/BN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Wocky
October ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Ixi
VWN ➝ WN UC Plushie Chomby
BN ➝ WN UC Grey Pteri (Trader specifically wanted the Pteri)
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Yurble
September ’18
DN ➝ RW (type of dance)
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Tonu
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Lupe (trader specifically wanted the lupe)
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Wocky
August ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie grundo
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
V/BN (some stats) ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra (trader specifically wanted a baby kougra)
DN ➝ 2197HSD WN Transparent Blumaroo
July ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Pteri
May ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Halloween Moehog
WN ➝ 4L RN (species/color irrelevant – feminine – often used as a nickname)
April ’18
VWN ➝ BN UC Darigan Korbat
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Korbat
January ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Halloween Zafara (wanted the zafara specifically)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey jetsam
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey CybunnyNovember ’19
VWN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Shoyru
September ’19
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Darigan Moehog (JPN RW)
August ’19
VWN ➝ RN White Draik (masculine)
June ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Koi
March ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Darigan Cybunny
February ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
December ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Grundo
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Buzz
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey jubjub
May ’20
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Lenny
April ’20
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Mutant Hissi
October ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Yurble
August ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Buzz
May ’19
VWN ➝ 1757HSD 4L Dimensional Peophin custom
April ’19
DN ➝ VBN UC Darigan Grundo
March ’19
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kau
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Grarrl
February ’19
V/BN ➝ DN UC Mutant Hissi
January ’19
DN ➝ WN/DN UC Baby Kougra
V/BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Zafara
V/BN ➝ WN UC Baby Kougra
December ’18
BN ➝ RW White Kacheek Custom (French/Spanish)
DN (some stats) ➝ BN UC Robot Kacheek
October ’18
BN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Moehog
BN ➝ BN UC Halloween Lupe
August ’18
BN ➝ 1684HSD WN Spotted Lupe Custom
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Skeith
March ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Gelert
January ’18
VWN (some stats) ➝ BN UC Grey Yurble (some stats,
2 trophies)
WN ➝ 3L RW/RN (species/color irrelevant – animal/video game series)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey kacheek
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Skeith (trader had specific interest)July ’20
VWN ➝ RW UC Faerie Xweetok
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny
March ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Tonu
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Ixi
January ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Quiguki Girl Quiggle (specifically wanted the Kacheek)
October ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Lupe
August ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Pteri
DN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Kougra
July ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Gelert
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Aisha
May ’19
WN (5L, uncapped) ➝ WN UC Faerie Aisha (Y2)
March ’19
BN ➝ 4L RW (plural)
February ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Cybunny
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
DN ➝ V/BN UC Maraquan Gelert
January ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
December ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
November ’18
VWN ➝ 2800HSD RW (car related)
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Yurble
August ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Sponge Blumaroo
BN ➝ WN UC Grey Lupe
July ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Eyrie
May ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Zafara
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey kau
April ’19
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Sponge Grundo
March ’19
VWN (400HSD) ➝ DN UC Usiki Girl Usul
February ’18
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Meerca
DN/BN ➝ 1500HSD WN Royal Girl Kau
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey koi
August ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Usuki Boy Usul
June ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Jetsam
April ’19
V/WN ➝ BN UC Desert Aisha
January ’18
V/BN (some stats, 6 trophies)➝ V/BN UC Sponge Koi (some stats)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey korbat
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie XweetokJuly ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kyrii
BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Cybunny
February ’20
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Wocky
January ’20
DN ➝ RW UC Tyrannian Peophin
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey kougra
VBN ➝ DN UC Grey Peophin
DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Zafara (Trader had specific interest)
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie PeophinSeptember ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Aisha
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
August ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Gelert
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Plushie Bruce
July ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Aisha
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Pteri
VBN ➝ WN/DN UC Faerie Aisha
June ’20
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kyrii
WN ➝ DN UC MSP Poogle
VBN ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Tuskaninny
BN ➝ RW Island Krawk (common)
BN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Lupe
BN ➝ WN/DN UC Faerie Ixi
BN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Chomby
VBN ➝ DN UC faerie Aisha
May ’20
VWN (5L) ➝ DN UC Plushie Cybunny
VWN (5L) ➝ WN UC Plushie Poogle
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Shoyru
BN ➝ DN UC MSP Poogle
VBN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Pteri
March ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Tonu
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Tyrannian Draik
December ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Acara
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan Jubjub
November ’19
VWN ➝ WN/DN UC Usuki Girl Usul
April ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Darigan Korbat
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Tyrannian Krawk
VWN ➝ RW (animal)
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
March ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Lupe
BN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Acara
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
February ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
BN ➝ WN UC Grey Wocky
VWN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Ixi
VWN ➝ VWN UC Ice Bruce
September ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Sponge Moehog (Trader wanted a Moehog)
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Grundo (Trader specifically wanted a grundo)
August ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Aisha
VBN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Bruce (Trader was helping a friend)
May ’18
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Korbat (trader wanted the kougra specifically)
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Zafara
April ’18
V/BN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Pteri
V/BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Lenny
VWN ➝ VWN UC Robot Ixi
WN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Skeith
March ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
DN/BN ➝ WN/DN UC Maraquan Gelert
February ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Plushie Grundo
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Yurble
January ’18
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
WN (RW MS) ➝ VWN UC Plushie Bruce
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey krawk
July ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Koi
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Usul
May ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Wocky (uncommon RN)
February ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Plushie Lenny
June ’19
VWN UC Grey Krawk ➝ BN UC Plushie Jubjub
January ’19
WN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Draik
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey kyrii
September ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri
August ’20
WN ➝ 2700HSD VWN (species/color irrelevant)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
May ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ruki
November ’19
WN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Hissi
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kau (wanted to help)
October ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Jubjub
August ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
July ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Wocky
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Grundo
June ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Wocky
May ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Eyrie
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha (Specifically wanted the Kyrii)
April ’19
V/BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Kau
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Zafara
VWN ➝ BN UC Darigan Ixi
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Eyrie
March ’19
VBN ➝ DN UC Robot Gnorbu
WN/DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Meerca
February ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
V/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri
January ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Sponge Lupe
December ’18
WN ➝ 2L RW Brown Draik
August ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Ruki
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Lupe
May ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Eyrie
April ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Lupe (Lupe had sentimental value to trader)
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Zafara
February ’18
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Plushie Buzz (particular interest in the Kyrii)
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey lupe
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Bori
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
BN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Grarrl
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Grarrl (5 trophies)September ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
August ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Lupe
BN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
June ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kyrii
DN ➝ DN UC Mutant Skeith
March ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Robot Gnorbu
May ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Mutant Skeith
WN ➝ WN UC Robot Kacheek
April ’19
BN ➝ 1672HSD 4L Candy Kougra (trophy)
WN ➝ WN UC Desert Aisha
January ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha
December ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
DN ➝ 4L RN (uncommon)
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
October ’18
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Tyrannian Peophin
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Desert Aisha
September ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi (trader specifically wanted the lupe)
August ’18
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Kyrii
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Kacheek
July ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Baby Kougra
April ’18
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Xweetok
January ’18
V/BN ➝ 702HSD VWN Biscuit Kacheek
BN ➝ VBN UC Darigan Grundo
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey meerca
DN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
DN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian TechoJanuary ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Pteri
October ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey moehog
BN ➝ RN 3L White Draik custom (fishing brand)
DN/BN ➝ 950HSD VWN Candy Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey mynci
BN ➝ BN UC Desert AishaAugust ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha (Y2)
July ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Peophin
DN ➝ WN UC Coconut Jubjub (6 trophies)
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kyrii
March ’20
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
January ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kyrii
December ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Uni
BN ➝ 3L RW FFQ custom (sound/ -disallowed_word- relating to success)
January ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kyrii
June ’18
WN/DN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Pteri
January ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny (Wanted a mynci specifically)
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey peophin
DN ➝ VBN UC Grey Kougra
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie AishaAugust ’20
WN/DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kougra
June ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Usuki Girl Usul
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
April ’20
WN/DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Hissi
November ’19
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Shoyru
October ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Hissi
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz
September ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Eyrie
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
May ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Hissi
April ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Sponge Blumaroo
March ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Wocky
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Peophin
February ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Pteri
WN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Blumaroo
WN ➝ BN UC Plushie Grundo
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Skeith
January ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Usuki Girl Usul
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
DN ➝ 1930HSD 4L Baby Ixi custom
November ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Grarrl
BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Lupe
October ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Pteri
July ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
April ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Xweetok
March ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Yurble
January ’18
BN ➝ 2150HSD DN Baby Elephante (uneven – trader wanted lab stats)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey poogle
January ’19
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Techo
March ’18
DN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Shoyru
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey pteri
September ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
August ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Flotsam
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Kacheek
June ’19
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Blumaroo
May ’19
DN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Shoyru
March ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Lenny
October ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Peophin
September ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Sponge Blumaroo
July ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Aisha
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi
June ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky (Specifically liked the wocky)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey scorchio
November ’19
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
August ’19
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Ixi
July ’19
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Grey Flotsam
April ’19
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Aisha
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
July ’18
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri (1500HSD, scorchio was an end goal for the trader)
April ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ruki
March ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey shoyru
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie IxiMay ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Desert Aisha
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Kougra
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ruki
April ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Cybunny
January ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Skeith
August ’19
WN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Hissi
January ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
May ’18
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Peophin
April ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Cybunny
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Kougra
January ’18
VBN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Chomby
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey skeith
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey TonuJune ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
March ’19
February ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Peophin
January ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Xweetok
November ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
August ’18
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Tuskaninny
June ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015. Click here to view them.
grey techo
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie MeercaSeptember ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Sponge Kiko
August ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Grarrl
May ’19
BN ➝ VWN Basic Kyrii
March ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kau
May ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Baby Kougra
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Moehog
March ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Grey Zafara
January ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kyrii
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey tonu
WN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey IxiJuly ’20
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Tonu
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Skeith
June ’20
WN ➝ DN UC Sponge Aisha
May ’20
WN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Draik
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Korbat
March ’20
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
August ’19
WN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kougra
WN ➝ VWN UC Usuki Girl Usul
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
grey uni
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie IxiAugust ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
BN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Lupe
May ’20
VBN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
April ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
December ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Mynci
November ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
October ’19
August ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Plushie Buzz
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
July ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Lenny
May ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
March ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
BN ➝ BN UC Desert Aisha
WN/DN ➝ RN (Feminine, uncommon spelling)
February ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
WN/DN ➝ BN UC Grey Zafara
WN/DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
January ’19
WN/DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kyrii
December ’18
WN/DN ➝ RN (feminine, common)
November ’18
DN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Lenny
WN/DN ➝ WN UC Grey Flotsam
August ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub (some stats, avvie)
July ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
February ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi (Particular interest in the Uni)
January ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Usuki Boy Usul
DN ➝ 1830HSD VWN (species/color irrelevant)
VWN ➝ BN UC Robot Pteri
WN (foreign RW) ➝ RN 3L (species/color irrelevant, nickname, feminine)
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey usul
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey KrawkApril ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Koi
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015. Click here to view them.
grey wocky
V/BN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Kau
V/BN ➝ DN UC Darigan EyrieJuly ’20
VBN (some stats) ➝ VBN UC Grey Cybunny
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
VBN ➝ V/WN UC Mutant Skeith
May ’20
VBN ➝ 3L RN (uncapped)
VBN ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kougra
March ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha
December ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
November ’19
WN ➝ RN (masculine)
October ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Blumaroo
September ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Usuki Boy Usul
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Shoyru
June ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Aisha
BN ➝ BN UC Ice Bruce
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Kyrii
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Kougra
May ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Aisha
April ’19
WN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Xweetok
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Ixi
March ’19
VWN (Foreign RW) ➝ VWN UC Darigan Scorchio
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra
February ’19
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Kougra
WN ➝ 3L Transparent Aisha custom
VWN ➝ DN UC Usuki Girl Usul
VWN ➝ V/BN UC Plushie Bruce
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Yurble
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Yurble
January ’19
VBN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Lupe (trader wanted the wocky specifically)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Hissi
V/BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Zafara
December ’18
VBN ➝ BN UC Faerie Blumaroo
October ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
April ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Lenny
March ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Yurble
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Scorchio
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Pteri (Specifically liked the wocky)
DN ➝ 1200HSD 4L Elderly Girl Buzz
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey yurble
July ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
June ’20
V/WN ➝ DN UC MSP Poogle
May ’20
BN ➝ WN UC Sponge Blumaroo
BN ➝ BN UC Sponge Blumaroo
October ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Jubjub
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Wocky (Trader wanted the yurble)
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
April ’19
RW ➝ DN UC Plushie Shoyru
March ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Yurble
DN ➝ VWN UC Desert Aisha
February ’19
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Lupe
December ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Plushie Bruce
November ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
September ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Yurble
WN ➝ RW (type of dance)
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
August ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Aisha
June ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
April ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
BN ➝ V/WN UC Plushie Buzz
March ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
January ’18
BN (some stats, 2 trophies) ➝ WN UC Grey Grarrl (Misspell, some stats)
BN (some stats, 2 trophies) ➝ VWN UC Grey Jubjub
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Wocky
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Shoyru
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan Zafara (Wanted Zafara as a gift for a friend)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
grey zafara
December ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin (liked this Peophins name)
WN ➝ WN UC Plushie Buzz
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Cybunny
October ’19
DN (compound RN) ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
April ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kyrii
March ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Blumaroo
February ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Eyrie
BN ➝ WN/DN UC Grey Uni
May ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
April ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Kyrii
March ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Techo
VWN (trophy) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
January ’18
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
halloween lupe
September ’20
VWN ➝ RW Stealthy Draik (setting for movie series)
BN ➝ RW Baby Draik (Verb, relating to favoring)
August ’20
VBN ➝ BN UC Darigan Shoyru
VBN ➝ 805HSD VWN Desert Draik (Trophy, trader had specific interest)
July ’20
V/WN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Ixi
VBN ➝ BN UC Darigan Mynci
June ’20
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Uni
DN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
BN ➝ VBN UC Baby Eyrie
BN ➝ BN UC Coconut Jubjub
May ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra
April ’20
VWN ➝ BN UC Halloween Wocky
November ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Mynci
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Moehog
August ’19
VWN ➝ 4L Plushie Kacheek
WN ➝ VBN UC Mutant Buzz (some stats)
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Mutant Scorchio
DN/BN ➝ 4L Basic
DN (405HSD) ➝ RN Camo Krawk (uncommon)
VWN ➝ DN Y1 Royal custom (some stats, compound RW)
WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Shoyru
July ’19
BN ➝ RW Rainbow Eyrie Custom (animal)
May ’19
WN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Mynci
WN ➝ VWN Baby Blumaroo (from no pass UC Shuffle)
WN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Scorchio
April ’19
VWN ➝ 4L Robot Cybunny
V/WN ➝ 650HSD 3L Mutant Draik
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kau
DN/BN ➝ 748HSD 4L (CVCV foreign RW)
March ’19
BN ➝ RW/RN Plushie Wocky custom (Japanese temple
VWN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Techo
BN ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Nimmo (trader specifically wanted the Lupe)
February ’19
V/BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Lupe
V/BN ➝ VBN UC Mutant Scorchio (Pet auction, trader wanted a scorchio)
January ’19
DN/BN ➝ 3L White Cybunny (unpronounceable)
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Uni
DN ➝ 270HSD 4L custom
DN ➝ WN UC Mutant Lupe
November ’18
V/BN ➝ DN UC Mutant Usul
BN ➝ VBN UC Baby Eyrie
October ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Jubjub
September ’18
DN ➝ VBN UC Darigan Scorchio (trader specifically wanted the Lupe)
August ’18
WN ➝ VWN FFQ custom
VWN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Skeith (Foreign RW, owner wanted a lupe)
June ’18
VBN ➝ 4L 300HSD Alien Aisha custom
May ’18
DN ➝ VWN Ice Bori
DN ➝ BN UC Mutant Lupe
V/BN ➝ 870HSD VWN Brown Moehog (trophy)
April ’18
WN (Dutch RW) ➝ DN UC Darigan Cybunny (Trader was seeking Halloween Lupe)
February ’18
BN ➝ 4L Basic
January ’18
BN ➝ 4L Maraquan Draik custom
VWN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
VWN ➝ BN UC Darigan Grundo
DN ➝ 1600HSD DN Stealthy Ogrin custom
BN ➝ RW Alien Aisha Custom (Verb, suffixed)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
halloween moehog
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie PteriFebruary ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
VWN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Blumaroo
BN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
November ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Blumaroo
October ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Hissi (Trader liked the moehog)
May ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi
4L ➝ RN (species/color irrelevant – very common male name)
January ’18
4L ➝ VWN UC Darigan Bruce
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
halloween wocky
DN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Skeith
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie KauApril ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Halloween Lupe
July ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
halloween zafara
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Kau
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan UniJuly ’20
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Baby Kougra
V/BN ➝ RN Woodland Uni custom (Uncommon or MS)
May ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Uni
DN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Skeith
January ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi (wanted the zafara specifically)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
maraquan chomby
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Baby Kougra
DN ➝ VBN UC Sponge KoiJune ’20
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Kougra
VWN ➝ 4L Mutant Gelert
July ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Kyrii
November ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Mallow Grundo
February ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
April ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Mutant Hissi
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
maraquan gelert
WN ➝ WN UC MSP Poogle
VBN ➝ BN UC Faerie ShoyruMay ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
April ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Wocky
BN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
March ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Bori
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny
July ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru (some stats)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
DN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Meerca (wanted the Meerca specifically)
April ’19
VBN ➝ BN UC Usuki Girl Usul
VBN ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
March ’19
VBN ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
VBN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri
BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Yurble
V/BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Peophin
BN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Wocky
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
February ’19
V/BN ➝ DN UC Grey Kacheek
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Yurble
V/BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Kau
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Skeith
January ’19
BN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Yurble
December ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
September ’18
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Aisha
July ’18
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Ruki
June ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Bruce
April ’18
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Lenny
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Hissi
March ’18
WN/DN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Kougra
WN/DN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Blumaroo
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
maraquan grarrl
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Lupe
BN ➝ VBN UC Sponge KoiApril ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
RW MS ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Peophin (trader specifically wanted the grarrl)
March ’19
V/BN ➝ DN UC Desert Poogle
September ’18
WN ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Grundo
V/BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Lupe
August ’18
VWN (RW MS) ➝ BN UC Faerie Yurble (Trader specifically wanted the grarrl)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2016. Click here to view them.
maraquan hissi
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan HissiMay ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
March ’20
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Pteri
January ’20
WN ➝ WN/DN UC Maraquan Skeith
December ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Gelert
November ’19
BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Aisha
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Kyrii
October ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Jubjub
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Peophin
September ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Cybunny
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny
August ’19
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Shoyru
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Pteri
April ’19
VWN ➝ RW MS UC Faerie Aisha
February ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert
January ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
July ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
May ’18
V/BN ➝ WN UC Mutant Skeith
February ’18
BN ➝ WN/DN UC Faerie Kougra
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Meerca
January ’18
DN (stats) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Meerca
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
maraquan kau
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Scorchio
BN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Wocky
DN ➝ BN UC Sponge LupeAugust ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Bori
VWN ➝ 4L RW Pirate Lupe
July ’20
WN ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
May ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kyrii
February ’20
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Aisha
WN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Bori
June ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha
January ’19
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kau (UC petpet)
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ruki
December ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Blumaroo
October ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Kau
September ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Meerca
August ’18
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Mutant Skeith
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
maraquan krawk
October ’20
DN/BN ➝ WN/DN UC Plushie Zafara (Trader specifically wanted the Zafara)
August ’20
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Scorchio
May ’20
DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Shoyru
August ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Tuskaninny
February ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Cybunny
DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kau
January ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Royal Girl Mynci
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Krawk
November ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Plushie Hissi
BN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Mynci
V/WN ➝ VWN (single character pet name)
August ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Aisha (trader was looking for UC royals)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
maraquan scorchio
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2016. Click here to view them.
maraquan skeith
January ’20
WN/DN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Hissi
March ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
February ’19
DN ➝ RN Blue Hissi (masculine)
May ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
April ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
WN ➝ WN Grey Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
coconut jubjub
VWN ➝ BN UC Baby Eyrie
VWN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Lenny (Trader wanted jubjubs)July ’20
WN (6 trophies) ➝ DN UC Grey Mynci
June ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Mutant Jetsam
BN ➝ BN UC Halloween Lupe
May ’20
VWN ➝ BN UC faerie Ixi
December ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Robot Kacheek
October ’19
DN ➝ VBN UC Robot Jetsam
September ’19
VWN ➝ RW Premium Perk custom (noun, some stats)
August ’19
VWN ➝ VBN UC Darigan Tonu
VWN ➝ 1070HSD 4L Magma Draik custom
VWN ➝ 1187HSD WN Candy Aisha
May ’19
BN ➝ VWN Steampunk Hissi custom
April ’19
VWN ➝ 1200HSD 4L
March ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Baby Eyrie
February ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
VWN ➝ 430HSD RW MS custom
January ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
BN ➝ 850HSD WN Magma Kougra
August ’18
VWN (some stats, avvie) ➝ BN UC Grey Uni
May ’18
VWN (some stats) ➝ V/BN UC Darigan Zafara
April ’18
VWN ➝ BN UC Darigan Jetsam (trader wanted the jetsam specifically)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
ice bruce
July ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
June ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Plushie Flotsam
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Wocky
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha
April ’19
VWN (5 trophies) ➝ WN UC Faerie Wocky
March ’19
WN ➝ RN Royal Girl Draik (Common, 13 trophies)
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Lupe
February ’19
WN (some stats) ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok (German RW)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
VWN ➝ WN UC Robot Ixi
January ’19
WN ➝ VBN UC Plushie Zafara
December ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
October ’18
VWN ➝ 2628HSD VWN Invisible Wocky custom
August ’18
WN ➝ RN Mutant Kacheek custom (masculine)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
quiguki boy quiggle
VWN ➝ WN UC Plushie Kau
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie BlumarooMarch ’19
VWN (3 trophies) ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kougra
January ’19
VWN ➝ 4L UC Faerie Wocky (1300HSD, 2 trophies)
August ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Scorchio
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
quiguki girl quiggle
VWN ➝ BN UC Royal Girl KougraJanuary ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek (Specifically wanted the kacheek)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
mallow grundo
WN ➝ DN UC Grey Chomby (Specific interest)June ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Lupe
March ’20
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Techo
December ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Hissi
August ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra (specific interest)
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha
November ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Chomby
August ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Lenny
VWN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Skeith (foreign RW)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
msp poogle
VWN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian KrawkAugust ’20
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok (Trader had specific interest in MSP)
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Wocky (Wocky had sentimental value)
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
July ’20
WN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Gelert
June ’20
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Kougra
DN ➝ V/WN UC Grey Yurble
May ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Kougra
April ’20
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Jubjub
March ’20
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Yurble
January ’20
VBN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
September ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Chomby
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Wocky
April ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Krawk (Trader specifically wanted an MSP)
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
WN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Bruce
January ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Eyrie (trader specifically wanted the Eyrie)
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Xweetok
December ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Eyrie
November ’18
WN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Wocky
July ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Robot Ixi
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Tuskaninny
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri (1500HSD)
June ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Aisha
April ’18
BN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Ixi
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Xweetok
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
usuki boy usul
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie WockyJuly ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Gelert (Trader wanted a Usuki specifically)
September ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Buzz
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
August ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Koi
April ’19
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Peophin
DN ➝ VWN White Kacheek (trader really liked the name)
March ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Eyrie
VWN ➝ RN Halloween Hissi (Feminine)
February ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
January ’18
DN ➝ RN Pastel Kougra custom (uncommon, trader liked the name)
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Uni
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
usuki girl usul
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan KougraJune ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Peophin
November ’19
WN/DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
WN ➝ DN UC Plushie Grundo
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Eyrie
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Shoyru
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny
October ’19
WN/DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Pteri
August ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Tonu
June ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Tonu
May ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
April ’19
BN ➝ VBN UC Maraquan Gelert
March ’19
BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Yurble
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kau (400HSD)
February ’19
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Ruki
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
January ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Peophin
August ’18
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Cybunny
May ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
April ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
March ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Techo (16 trophies)
DN ➝ RN basic (Pokemon name)
February ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
January ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Bruce
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
mutant buzz
VBN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Quiggle
VBN ➝ 280HSD 4LJanuary ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Jetsam
August ’19
VBN (some stats) ➝ WN UC Halloween Lupe
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Mynci
BN ➝ 4L Tyrannian Krawk (foreign RN)
April ’19
BN ➝ 3L Ghost Chia
BN ➝ RN (Japanese) Green Ruki
March ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Jetsam
BN ➝ VBN UC Darigan Uni
February ’19
V/BN ➝ RW Desert Eyrie custom (relating to protecting)
April ’18
BN ➝ RW Mutant Kiko custom (verb – past tense relating to disfiguring)
February ’18
BN ➝ 467HSD 4L Purple Aisha (trophy)
January ’18
VBN ➝ 359HSD 4L (species/color irrelevant – uneven)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
mutant hissi
BN (post-conversion pet) ➝ DN UC Faerie Kougra (Y2)August ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Moehog
July ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Lupe
April ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC MSP Poogle
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Grey Jubjub
December ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Jetsam
VWN ➝ VWN UC Mallow Grundo
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Skeith
August ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Acara
July ’19
BN ➝ 670HSD RW Island Draik (suffixed)
WN ➝ WN UC Mutant Skeith
June ’19
WN/DN ➝ DN UC Robot Kacheek
May ’19
MS ➝ BN UC Plushie Flotsam
BN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
April ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Techo
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Tyrannian Skeith
BN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Uni
March ’19
VBN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Techo
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
February ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub
DN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Jubjub
VBN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
December ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Techo
BN ➝ RW Chocolate Gnorbu (food related)
August ’18
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Skeith
VBN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kau
September ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
July ’18
MS ➝ RW UC Woodland Uni
April ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Chomby
WN ➝ RW Stealthy Draik custom (Adjective)
BN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Scorchio
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
mutant jetsam
VWN ➝ VWN UC Baby Eyrie
WN/DN ➝ VBN UC Baby EyrieJune ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Coconut Jubjub
January ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Buzz
December ’19
WN ➝ 4L Pirate Krawk (all number name)
August ’19
BN ➝ 659HSD WN custom
VBN ➝ 4L RW Ice Usul (foreign)
April ’19
BN ➝ 4L Ice Draik (some stats, auction board)
March ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Buzz
February ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Mutant Usul
DN ➝ 900HSD VWN Striped Kacheek (lvl 212)
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Lupe
January ’19
BN ➝ RN Zombie Aisha custom (TV show character)
November ’18
BN ➝ 3L (species/color irrelevant, VCC format)
October ’18
DN ➝ 4L White Xweetok
July ’18
BN ➝ TBA” Maraquan Draik
April ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Jetsam
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
mutant lupe
VWN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Uni
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey LupeJuly ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Scorchio (Trader specifically wanted a Lupe)
DN ➝ BN UC Desert Kau
June ’20
VWN ➝ BN UC Mallow Grundo
VWN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
DN ➝ RW (fandom, plural)
BN ➝ RN Maraquan Ixi custom (feminine, uncommon)
VBN ➝ 4L Ice Grarrl (obscure video game word)
May ’20
V/BN ➝ WN Tyrannian Kacheek (fitting for color)
March ’20
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Kau
WN ➝ BN UC Darigan Shoyru
May ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Mynci (no pass UC Shuffle)
April ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Scorchio
March ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Usul
WN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Techo
WN ➝ V/BN UC Baby Eyrie
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Usul
February ’19
BN ➝ RN MS Basic
BN ➝ V/BN UC Halloween Lupe
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Uni
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Lupe
BN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
BN ➝ 4L (CVCV format)
WN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
January ’19
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Kau
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Shoyru
DN ➝ VWN Striped Eyrie Custom (Misspell, trade was to help someone)
WN ➝ DN UC Halloween Lupe
December ’18
WN ➝ 1285HSD VWN (species/color irrelevant)
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Kau
September ’18
BN ➝ V/BN UC Maraquan Grarrl
August ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kau
BN ➝ RW Zombie Blumaroo (adverb)
June ’18
DN ➝ RW Striped Chomby (Chinese)
May ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Halloween Lupe
BN ➝ RW Desert Draik (Verb)
February ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Jetsam
January ’18
VWN ➝ VBN UC Baby Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
mutant meerca
WN ➝ 4# (Relevant year in a few games)September ’20
BN ➝ RW (suffix)
August ’20
BN ➝ RW MS Mutant Draik
WN ➝ 4L Halloween Bruce custom
May ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Scorchio
July ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Gelert (wanted the meerca specifically)
May ’19
BN ➝ RW Basic (plural)
February ’19
WN ➝ RW Royal Kyrii (island related name)
January ’19
WN ➝ RW Usuki Girl Usul (adjective)
September ’18
BN ➝ 4L Pirate Draik custom
May ’18
VBN ➝ 380HSD 4L Pirate Krawk
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
mutant scorchio
September ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi (Trader wanted a VWN T1)
August ’20
BN ➝ 4L RW Brown Lenny (Plural Pokemon)
VWN ➝ DN UC Mutant Skeith
BN ➝ RW Royal Girl Bori custom
DN ➝ RW (Dessert related)
June ’20
VWN ➝ BN UC Darigan Peophin
May ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Meerca
September ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Desert Aisha
August ’19
BN ➝ VWN (Foreign RW)
DN ➝ 3L Desert Bruce
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Halloween Lupe
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Mynci
June ’19
BN ➝ 3L Stealthy Eyrie
May ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Halloween Lupe
April ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Lupe
March ’19
VBN ➝ 4L Plushie Kacheek custom
WN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
BN ➝ VWN (compound RW, trader had particular interest)
February ’19
VBN ➝ V/BN UC Halloween Lupe (Pet auction, trader wanted a mutant scorchio)
VBN ➝ BN UC Mutant Usul (trader was helping a friend)
BN ➝ RN (Uncommon, French)
BN ➝ 300HSD 4L (lvl 250)
DN ➝ 4L (species/color irrelevant)
BN ➝ RW basic
BN ➝ 4L Transparent Hissi custom (fitting misspell)
January ’19
DN ➝ RW Robot Draik
November ’18
August ’18
BN ➝ 3L (uncapped cvc format)
WN ➝ 4L RW Relic Peophin (JPN food RW)
July ’18
BN ➝ RW Red Gnorbu (adverb)
DN ➝ RW (Noun relating to grammar)
WN ➝ V/BN UC Desert Kau
BN ➝ VWN Alien Aisha custom
May ’18
BN ➝ RN Halloween Eyrie custom (Obscure name)
April ’18
VWN ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
VWN ➝ 1100HSD VWN (species/color irrelevant)
March ’18
VBN ➝ VWN 338HSD Water Pteri
BN ➝ VWN Red Xweetok (Could be considered RN to some)
February ’18
V/BN ➝ 522HSD VWN Eventide Draik Custom
January ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra (Wanted the scorchio specifically)
DN ➝ 782HSD VWN Chocolate Blumaroo (Uneven but trainable, trophy)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
mutant skeith
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kau
WN ➝ WN UC Robot KacheekAugust ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Meerca
DN ➝ VWN UC Mutant Scorchio
RW (2 trophies) ➝ RW UC Faerie Xweetok
July ’20
V/WN ➝ VBN UC Grey Wocky (some stats)
V/WN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Aisha
June ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Lupe
May ’20
RW ➝ BN UC Faerie Peophin (Trader specifically wanted this skeith)
January ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Usul (Wanted Usul specifically)
December ’19
DN ➝ 3L (nickname)
VBN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Pteri
November ’19
DN ➝ V/BN UC Darigan Kougra
October ’19
DN ➝ V/WN UC Darigan Moehog (JPN RW)
August ’19
BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Kau
BN ➝ DN UC Baby Eyrie
July ’19
WN ➝ WN UC Mutant Hissi
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Techo
May ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Lupe
VWN ➝ RN (video game character)
March ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Eyrie
February ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Bori
VWN ➝ V/BN UC Maraquan Gelert
January ’19
WN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Aisha
WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Meerca (MS)
September ’18
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Blumaroo (Skeith was traders end goal)
August ’18
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Mutant Hissi
WN ➝ Dn/BN UC Maraquan Kau
May ’18
WN ➝ V/BN UC Maraquan Hissi
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
mutant usul
V/BN ➝ 4L MS Island Kacheek (Y3)July ’20
V/BN ➝ RW Baby Lenny custom (Type of vehicle)
February ’20
WN ➝ BN UC Darigan Moehog
August ’19
BN ➝ RW Stealthy Kacheek
May ’19
VBN ➝ 4L Spotted Kougra
April ’19
VBN ➝ RW (4 trophies, psychology related)
BN ➝ 660HSD VWN (foreign game RN)
VBN ➝ 4L Pirate Draik (personal pet auction)
March ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Lupe
VBN ➝ RW (suffixed, creepy)
VBN ➝ 626HSD VWN Woodland Kacheek
VBN ➝ RW Stealthy Blumaroo (suffixed, pet auction)
BN ➝ WN UC Mutant Scorchio
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Lupe
February ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Mutant Jetsam
BN ➝ VBN UC Mutant Scorchio (trader was helping a friend)
BN ➝ RW MS Mutant Draik
BN ➝ RW Toy Uni (plural, animal related)
December ’18
BN ➝ 1200HSD DN Royal Girl Mynci
November ’18
DN ➝ V/BN UC Halloween Lupe
BN ➝ 3# Ghost Wocky
September ’18
BN ➝ RN MS Maraquan Wocky
August ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
January ’18
VBN ➝ 4L Checkered Kacheek
VBN ➝ 1085HSD BN Maraquan Gelert (uneven, labbed)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie acara
May ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Draik
January ’19
V/BN ➝ RN (Feminine, common)
V/BN ➝ V/WN UC Plushie Aisha
October ’18
VBN ➝ DN UC Royal Boy Shoyru (Trader specifically wanted the Shoyru)
plushie aisha
VBN ➝ VWN UC Darigan KorbatJuly ’20
DN ➝ WN UC Plushie Zafara
June ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Royal Boy Kougra
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kougra
May ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Tonu
November ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Bori
March ’19
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Grarrl
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Cybunny
January ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Plushie Shoyru
V/WN ➝ V/BN UC Plushie Acara
September ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Aisha
August ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kougra
DN ➝ BN UC Royal Girl Cybunny
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie blumaroo
VWN ➝ RN (Common, Feminine)
BN ➝ VWN UC Quiguki Boy Quiggle
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie KougraJanuary ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Royal Girl Cybunny
November ’19
VWN ➝ WN/DN UC Darigan Draik
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016. Click here to view them.
plushie bori
November ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Aisha
February ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Draik
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015. Click here to view them.
plushie bruce
WN ➝ DN/BN UC grey Kougra
WN ➝ DN UC Darigan Scorchio (trader specifically wanted the scorchio)July ’20
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Bori
June ’20
V/WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
March ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Bori
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
June ’19
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
May ’19
VBN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Blumaroo
April ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC MSP Poogle
March ’19
VBN ➝ DN UC Darigan Eyrie
VWN ➝ 3000HSD 4L (CVCV)
February ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC grey Acara
VWN ➝ WN UC Robot Ixi
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
January ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
WN/DN ➝ WN (MS) UC Darigan Jubjub
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
December ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Yurble
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
November ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
September ’18
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi (400HSD)
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
August ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra (Trader was helping a friend)
June ’18
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ruki
DN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Gelert
March ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Wocky
January ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
DN ➝ DN UC Usuki Girl Usul
BN ➝ 2460HSD VWN Electric Wocky (Mythology RW)
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Kougra (RW MS)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Xweetok
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie buzz
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Cybunny (helped a friend)May ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ruki
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
VWN ➝ BN UC Darigan Korbat
March ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Yurble
December ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Acara
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Zafara
October ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Peophin
September ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Usuki Boy Usul
August ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Darigan Blumaroo
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Bruce
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Uni
DN ➝ RW UC Darigan Acara (uncommon)
July ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Hissi (some stats, particular interest)
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha
June ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Aisha
April ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Eyrie
February ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
DN/BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Aisha
DN/BN (lvl -1) ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
January ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Blumaroo
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Hissi
September ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Nimmo
August ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha
April ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
V/WN ➝ BN UC Grey Yurble
February ’18
WN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Kyrii (particular interest in the Kyrii)
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Lenny
January ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Meerca
VWN (stats) ➝ VWN UC MSP Poogle
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Jetsam
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie chia
plushie chomby
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Aisha
DN ➝ DN UC Grey IxiAugust ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Gelert
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Cybunny
July ’20
DN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Kau
May ’20
DN ➝ 540HSD RW White Uni (fandom character name, noun)
November ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Ixi
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Grundo
September ’19
VWN ➝ 4L UC Baby Kougra
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Cybunny
VWN ➝ 590HSD 3L RW Royal Aisha Custom (5 trophies, very common verb)
April ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi
DN ➝ DN UC MSP Poogle
DN ➝ DN UC Robot Ixi
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Scorchio
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Kougra
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Aisha
January ’19
WN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Wocky
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie cybunny
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kougra
DN ➝ VWN (5L) UC Grey KougraAugust ’19
VBN ➝ VBN UC Tyrannian Krawk
VBN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Wocky
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Chomby
July ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
March ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Krawk
BN ➝ BN UC Royal Girl Cybunny
WN ➝ WN UC Plushie Kiko
V/BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Korbat
February ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Plushie Kougra
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Tuskaninny
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
January ’19
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Zafara
October ’18
DN ➝ RW (species/color irrelevant, space related)
August ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Usuki Girl Usul
May ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Kougra (trader loved the cybunnies name)
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Tonu
April ’18
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Korbat
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin (Foreign RW, PPL medal)
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Tyrannian Krawk
March ’18
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
January ’18
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Tonu
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie draik
May ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Plushie Acara
February ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Draik
January ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Kougra
January ’18
VWN ➝ BN UC Royal Girl Shoyru
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie elephante
plushie eyrie
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Girl Mynci
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie JetsamMarch ’19
VBN ➝ RN (Movie character RN)
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kacheek
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie flotsam
DN (some stats, 3 trophies) ➝ BN UC Plushie grundo (trophies)August ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Pteri
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
July ’20
VBN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Ixi
April ’20
VWN ➝ 2100HSD 3L Baby Koi custom
August ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
July ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Kyrii
June ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Ice Bruce
May ’19
BN ➝ MS UC Mutant Hissi
September ’18
BN ➝ 1643HSD 3L (species/color irrelevant)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie gelert
BN ➝ BN UC Royal Girl CybunnyJuly ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Royal Girl Mynci
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Quiggle
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie gnorbu
plushie grarrl
WN ➝ VWN UC Royal Girl KyriiMay ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Shoyru
plushie grundo
BN (trophies) ➝ DN UC Plushie Flotsam (3 trophies)November ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
DN ➝ WN UC Usuki Girl Usul
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Wocky
July ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kyrii
May ’19
DN/BN ➝ 2560HSD RW Toy Chia (uncapped)
April ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Grey Eyrie
DN/BN (500HSD) ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
March ’19
BN ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Lenny
BN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Techo
February ’19
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Lenny
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Yurble
BN ➝ WN UC Grey Peophin
January ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
December ’18
VWN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Krawk
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
October ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
September ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Kougra (Trader specifically wanted a grundo)
BN (500HSD) ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
August ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi
June ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Acara (Specifically wanted the acara)
April ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
February ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
VBN ➝ DN UC Grey Gelert
VBN ➝ DN UC Darigan Pteri (specific interest in the Pteri)
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie hissi
August ’19
BN (600HSD) ➝ DN UC Royal Boy Mynci
July ’19
BN (600HSD) ➝ DN UC Plushie Lupe
November ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Plushie Yurble
BN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Krawk
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie ixi
July ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Tonu
April ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Kyrii
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie jetsam
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie EyrieMay ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Lupe
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie jubjub
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey KrawkAugust ’18
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Techo
plushie kacheek
BN ➝ WN UC Grey Tonu
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Ixi
V/BN ➝ WN UC Faerie YurbleAugust ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC MSP Poogle
BN ➝ 2L RW (greeting or exclamation)
BN ➝ VWN UC MSP Poogle
July ’20
BN ➝ WN UC Plushie Zafara
June ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kacheek
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Zafara
BN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kougra
BN ➝ 4L RW Biscuit Usul (Neopets)
May ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Peophin
April ’20
BN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Krawk
November ’19
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Sponge Aisha
October ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Aisha
July ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Tuskaninny
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Poogle
February ’19
V/BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Wocky
January ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Tonu
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie kau
June ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Quiguki Boy Quiggle
April ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Draik
March ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Krawk
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kougra
February ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Grarrl
VWN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Krawk
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Draik
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Girl Mynci
January ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Zafara
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie kiko
WN ➝ WN UC Plushie CybunnyAugust ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Royal Boy Kougra
July ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Grarrl
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie koi
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey KrawkApril ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Usul
February ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Girl Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie korbat
plushie kougra
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Blumaroo
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Aisha
BN ➝ BN UC Plushie KacheekMay ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Cybunny
April ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Wocky
DN ➝ 3L RW Baby Kau (Animal)
December ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Mynci
September ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Grey Tonu
May ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi (MS)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Poogle
March ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Quiguki Boy Quiggle (3 trophies)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kau
February ’19
DN ➝ WN UC Plushie Cybunny
October ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Poogle
September ’18
BN ➝ RW “Flaw” Robot Hissi custom
August ’18
VWN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Mynci
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Aisha
July ’18
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Royal Boy Kougra (some stats)
April ’18
V/BN ➝ BN UC Sponge Aisha
January ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Zafara
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie krawk
plushie kyrii
July ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Cybunny
February ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Korbat
plushie lenny
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy KorbatFebruary ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Krawk
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015. Click here to view them.
plushie lupe
March ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Draik
July ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Hissi (600HSD)
May ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Jetsam
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie meerca
BN ➝ VWN UC Sponge Aisha
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Draik
plushie moehog
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Kyrii
plushie mynci
December ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Kougra
March ’19
VWN ➝ WN/DN UC Royal Girl Cybunny
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie nimmo
plushie peophin
plushie poogle
May ’20
WN ➝ VWN (5L) UC Grey Kougra
July ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
June ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Draik
May ’19
VWN ➝ RN (600HSD, very common masculine name)
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kougra
October ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Plushie Kougra
May ’18
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Yurble
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie pteri
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016. Click here to view them.
plushie quiggle
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie scorchio
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Maraquan KrawkOctober ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Shoyru
August ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Quiguki Boy Quiggle
June ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Sponge Aisha
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie shoyru
May ’20
VWN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Krawk
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi
August ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Tuskaninny (specifically wanted the shoyru)
July ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Tonu
April ’19
DN/BN ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Krawk
DN ➝ RW UC Grey Yurble
February ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi (MS)
January ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Xweetok
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Acara
WN ➝ DN UC Plushie Aisha
November ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Cybunny (trader wanted the shoyru back)
WN ➝ 3454HSD 3L (CVC format, 8 trophies)
October ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Scorchio
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Ixi
March ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Grarrl
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie skeith
May ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Tonu
January ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Tuskaninny
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie techo
August ’18
VWN ➝ V/BN UC Plushie Jubjub
plushie tonu
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie AishaJuly ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Ixi
DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Shoyru
May ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Skeith
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Krawk
February ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Krawk
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie tuskaninny
DN ➝ BN UC Maraquan KrawkJuly ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Grarrl
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
plushie uni
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie HissiJanuary ’20
BN ➝ WN/DN UC Faerie Draik (Interested in Draiks name)
plushie usul
plushie wocky
March ’19
DN/BN ➝ V/BN UC Royal Girl Shoyru (2300HSD, 12 trophies)
plushie yurble
WN/DN ➝ BN UC Faerie TechoDecember ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Mynci
November ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Plushie Hissi
May ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Poogle
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
plushie zafara
WN/DN ➝ DN/BN UC Maraquan Krawk (Specific interest in Zafara)July ’20
WN ➝ DN UC Plushie Aisha
WN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
June ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
November ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky (Wocky was traders goal)
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Aisha (German compound)
May ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny (Trader wanted the cybunny specifically)
January ’19
VBN ➝ WN UC Ice Bruce
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Cybunny
January ’18
VWN (9 trophies, some stats) ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Krawk
V/WN ➝ RN (species/color irrelevant – author name)
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kougra
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Kau
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
robot blumaroo
March ’19
VBN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
January ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha
August ’18
3L ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
robot gnorbu
DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan ShoyruMarch ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Lenny
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Lupe
March ’19
DN ➝ VBN UC Grey Kyrii
WN ➝ RN Robot Poogle custom (TV show related)
February ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Kau
October ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
robot ixi
DN ➝ DN UC Grey IxiJanuary ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
November ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Pteri
DN ➝ RW (common)
April ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
February ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi
WN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Bruce
WN ➝ VWN UC Ice Bruce
WN ➝ VWN UC Robot Pteri
August ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Ixi
July ’18
June ’18
VWN ➝ RN (male)
April ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
Jaunary ’18
RW ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok (Traded with a friend)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
robot jetsam
VBN ➝ BN UC Baby Eyrie
VBN ➝ BN UC Darigan LennyNovember ’19
VBN ➝ VBN UC Darigan Tonu
October ’19
VBN ➝ DN UC Coconut Jubjub
August ’19
VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha
January ’18
V/BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Jetsam
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
robot kacheek
WN ➝ WN UC Mutant SkeithAugust ’20
VBN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Techo
VBN ➝ VBN UC Faerie Kougra
WN ➝ VWN UC Baby Eyrie
May ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kau
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
February ’20
WN/DN ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
January ’20
WN/DN ➝ WN UC Grey Grundo
December ’19
BN ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub
September ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Lupe
August ’19
BN ➝ V/BN UC Baby Skeith
July ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Cybunny
DN ➝ 1500HSD VWN
June ’19
DN ➝ WN/DN UC Mutant Hissi
May ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Blumaroo
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Lupe
March ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Desert Poogle
February ’19
VBN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
December ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Jubjub (some stats)
July ’18
BN ➝ 875HSD RW (Noun relating to abandoning)
June ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
robot pteri
VWN ➝ WN UC Robot IxiJanuary ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Uni
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
royal boy
royal boy acara
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan DraikMay ’18
VWN (350HSD) ➝ WN UC Royal Boy Shoyru
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
royal boy cybunny
September ’19
VWN ➝ RN Stealthy Draik (Feminine, very common)
July ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Kyrii
April ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Draik
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
royal boy draik
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie DraikApril ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Draik
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
royal boy kau
royal boy korbat
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie LennyFebruary ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kyrii
royal boy kougra
DN ➝ V/BN UC Plushie PteriJune ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Aisha
July ’19
RN ➝ 4L UC Royal Boy Kyrii
April ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Draik
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Krawk
March ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Cybunny
January ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Draik
August ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kiko
July ’18
V/WN (some stats) ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
royal boy kyrii
VWN ➝ 3L RW Pirate Draik (common)July ’19
4L ➝ RN UC Royal Boy Kougra
February ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Moehog
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
royal boy mynci
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Draik
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Girl DraikAugust ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Hissi (600HSD)
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Ixi
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Techo
July ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Draik
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015. Click here to view them.
royal boy shoyru
May ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Plushie Grarrl
March ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Girl Kougra
October ’18
DN ➝ VBN UC Plushie Acara (Trader specifically wanted the Shoyru)
June ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Draik
May ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Acara (350HSD)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
royal girl
royal girl aisha
BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Draik (Trader wanted Aisha to keep)June ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Skeith
April ’19
WN ➝ 4L RN (Common, Feminine)
August ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Maraquan Krawk (trader was seeking UC royals)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
royal girl cybunny
BN ➝ BN UC Plushie Gelert
DN ➝ BN UC Royal Boy ShoyruMarch ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Plushie Cybunny
WN/DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Mynci
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Aisha
DN ➝ DN UC Royal Boy Kougra
January ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Krawk
VWN ➝ DN UC Plushie Blumaroo
November ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Royal Girl Mynci
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Shoyru (trader wanted the shoyru back)
August ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Plushie Aisha
BN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Kougra
February ’18
DN ➝ 4L RW Camouflage Usul (Noun relating to a method used to catch something)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
royal girl draik
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy MynciMay ’20
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Plushie Bori
December ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Draik
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
royal girl grarrl
royal girl kau
royal girl korbat
royal girl kougra
BN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian KrawkFebruary ’20
BN ➝ VWN UC Quiguki Girl Quiggle
March ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Shoyru
February ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Koi
January ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Royal Girl Mynci
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Krawk
August ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Royal Girl Cybunny
May ’18
DN ➝ WN UC Plushie Cybunny (trader loved the cybunnys name)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
royal girl kyrii
VWN ➝ WN UC Plushie GrarrlJune ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Draik
May ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Girl Shoyru
March ’20
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Wocky
August ’19
DN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Techo
April ’18
DN ➝ DN UC Plushie Ixi
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
royal girl lupe
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2016. Click here to view them.
royal girl mynci
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Gelert
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie EyrieFebruary ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kau
January ’19
VWN ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Kougra
BN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Krawk
December ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Yurble
November ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Krawk
BN ➝ BN UC Royal Girl Cybunny
August ’18
DN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015. Click here to view them.
royal girl shoyru
VWN ➝ VWN UC Royal Girl KyriiMarch ’19
V/BN (2300HSD, 12 trophies) ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Wocky
January ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Draik
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016, & 2017. Click here to view them.
sponge aisha
DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan AishaAugust ’20
BN ➝ V/WN UC Darigan Aisha
July ’20
BN ➝ RN (Common, masculine)
June ’20
DN ➝ WN UC Grey Tonu
May ’20
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Meerca
April ’20
DN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi
November ’19
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
August ’19
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Ice Bruce
September ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Aisha
June ’18
WN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Scorchio
April ’18
BN ➝ V/BN UC Plushie Kougra
March ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Draik
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
sponge blumaroo
BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie IxiJuly ’20
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra
June ’20
VWN (uncommon RN) ➝ WN UC Faerie Pteri (German RW)
May ’20
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Yurble
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Yurble
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Peophin
BN ➝ 5L RW (noun/verb, common)
May ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Eyrie
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Aisha
April ’19
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Peophin
January ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
September ’18
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Pteri
August ’18
DN ➝ BN UC Grey Kackeek
July ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Pteri
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
sponge grundo
April ’19
WN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Kau
March ’19
WN ➝ 621HSD VWN Plushie Grundo custom
May ’18
DN ➝ 1652HSD WN Camouflage Scorchio (uneven)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
sponge kiko
VBN ➝ VBN UC Faerie MeercaSeptember ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Grey Techo
BN ➝ BN UC Desert Aisha
July ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Skeith
May ’19
BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Grundo
June ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Moehog
June ’18
WN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
WN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
sponge koi
VBN ➝ BN UC Maraquan Grarrl
VBN ➝ DN UC Maraquan ChombyJanuary ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
January ’18
V/BN (some stats) ➝ V/BN UC Grey Koi (some stats,
6 trophies)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
sponge lupe
BN ➝ DN UC Maraquan KauJuly ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Flotsam
June ’20
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Kougra
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Ixi
October ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
March ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Eyrie (trader wanted a sponge Lupe)
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Kougra
VWN ➝ V/BN UC Ice Bruce
February ’19
VWN ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Yurble
January ’19
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Kyrii
DN ➝ VWN UC Darigan Lupe
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Grarrl
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
sponge moehog
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
sponge peophin
May ’20
VWN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
July ’18
VWN ➝ 3L RW Pink Kau (Animal RW – Trader specifically wanted the Peophin)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
tyrannian blumaroo
March ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Lupe
February ’19
V/WN ➝ WN UC Darigan Blumaroo
VWN ➝ WN UC Grey Peophin
VWN ➝ VWN UC Halloween Moehog
December ’18
WN ➝ RW Camo Kau custom (animal related)
August ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Kougra
March ’18
WN ➝ WN/DN UC Maraquan Gelert
February ’18
WN ➝ BN UC Grey Eyrie
January ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Cybunny
BN ➝ VWN Ice Bori
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
tyrannian bori
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Gelert (Trader wants to keep Bori)July ’20
WN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Bruce
March ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Plushie Bruce
February ’20
VWN ➝ WN UC Maraquan Kau
December ’19
DN ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Eyrie
April ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Xweetok
January ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Lupe
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
tyrannian draik
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Tonu
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Faerie RukiMarch ’20
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
April ’19
VWN ➝ 3114HSD RW (7 trophies)
WN ➝ BN UC Royal Boy Kougra
January ’19
WN ➝ WN UC Grey Krawk
August ’18
BN ➝ DN UC Faerie Grarrl
March ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Grarrl
WN ➝ WN UC Sponge Aisha
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
tyrannian ixi
BN ➝ VWN UC grey Kougra This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2016. Click here to view them.
tyrannian kau
BN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
BN ➝ BN UC Halloween Zafara
BN ➝ DN/BN UC Baby KougraJuly ’20
BN ➝ V/BN UC Baby Kougra
June ’19
BN ➝ 1400HSD RN (JPN)
BN ➝ VBN UC Darigan Usul
April ’19
VWN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Kyrii (No pass UC Shuffle)
February ’19
VWN ➝ V/BN UC Darigan Scorchio
January ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Skeith (trader was helping a friend)
BN ➝ BN UC Baby Eyrie
October ’18
V/BN ➝ 3L (species/color irrelevant, CVC format)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
tyrannian krawk
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Yurble (676HSD)
WN ➝ WN UC Faerie Yurble (Pokemon MS)September ’20
July ’20
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Faerie Yurble
May ’20
WN ➝ VWN UC Grey Ixi
April ’20
WN ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
March ’20
WN ➝ BN UC Royal Girl Kougra
August ’19
VBN ➝ VBN UC Plushie Cybunny
April ’19
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Acara
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
DN ➝ VWN UC MSP Poogle (trader specifically wanted a Poogle)
DN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Shoyru
March ’19
DN ➝ BN UC Plushie Cybunny
December ’18
BN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Grundo
July ’18
VBN ➝ DN UC Darigan Ixi
DN/BN ➝ VWN UC Grey Aisha
April ’18
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Cybunny
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Plushie Zafara (9 trophies, some stats)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
tyrannian lenny
DN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
July ’20
VBN ➝ BN UC Darigan ZafaraJune ’20
BN ➝ RW Zombie Blumaroo (prefixed)
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Skeith
May ’20
V/BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Mynci
V/BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Techo
April ’20
VBN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
VBN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
March ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Robot Gnorbu
July ’19
VWN ➝ VWN UC Grey Uni
VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Techo
May ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
April ’19
BN ➝ 2# Glowing Draik (minor uneven lab stats)
August ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Mallow Grundo
January ’18
VWN ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin (specifically wanted the Lenny)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
tyrannian mynci
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Quiggle
BN ➝ V/BN UC Tyrannian LennyMay ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Lupe (no pass UC Shuffle)
BN ➝ WN UC Halloween Lupe
December ’18
BN ➝ RW Gold Draik (relating to guidance)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2017. Click here to view them.
tyrannian nimmo
DN/BN ➝ DN/BN UC Baby Kougra
DN/BN ➝ VBN UC Baby EyrieApril ’20
DN ➝ BN UC Darigan Grundo
May ’19
DN ➝ RW Rainbow Poogle (Plural)
March ’19
DN ➝ V/BN UC Baby Eyrie
DN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kau
DN ➝ BN UC Halloween Lupe (Trader specifically wanted the lupe)
DN ➝ RW (Pokemon)
September ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Plushie Buzz
tyrannian peophin
August ’19
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Kau
March ’19
V/WN ➝ BN UC Faerie Meerca
October ’18
V/BN ➝ BN UC Darigan Uni
V/BN ➝ 4L Ice Krawk (Y2)
V/BN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Lupe
January ’18
V/BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Skeith
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
tyrannian quiggle
BN ➝ VBN UC Mutant BuzzMay ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Mynci
December ’19
VWN ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Meerca
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Grundo
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
tyrannian skeith
June ’20
BN ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Lenny
May ’20
BN ➝ DN UC Halloween Zafara
BN ➝ DN UC Halloween Wocky
January ’20
VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Shoyru
December ’19
BN ➝ 4L
November ’19
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kyrii
April ’19
DN/BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
DN/BN ➝ WN UC Darigan Acara
August ’18
WN (foreign RW) ➝ VWN UC Mallow Grundo
WN (foreign RW) ➝ VWN UC Halloween Lupe (owner wanted a lupe)
June ’18
WN ➝ DN UC Faerie Kyrii
May ’18
V/BN ➝ DN UC Darigan Zafara
April ’18
WN ➝ V/BN UC Grey Cybunny
March ’18
BN ➝ 3C RW Zombie Lenny custom (Science related abbreviation. Trader had particular interest)
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015. Click here to view them.
tyrannian techo
May ’20
BN ➝ V/BN UC Tyrannian Lenny
March ’20
VWN ➝ V/WN UC Mallow Grundo
VWN ➝ 2200HSD (uneven) VWN pet
April ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
VWN ➝ WN UC Darigan Zafara
BN ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
March ’19
VWN ➝ WN UC Mutant Lupe
VWN ➝ VWN UC Halloween Lupe
BN ➝ VBN UC Mutant Hissi
February ’19
BN ➝ DN UC Grey Meerca
BN ➝ RN Island Kacheek
January ’19
BN ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
December ’18
BN ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
June ’18
VBN ➝ VWN UC Desert Poogle
March ’18
VWN (16 trophies) ➝ BN UC Usuki Girl Usul
February ’18
VWN ➝ WN UC Faerie Kouogra
This pet has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2017. Click here to view them.
Battledome trades made from November 2017 to April 2018 are likely influenced by the plot going on during this time frame. These trades may or may not reflect the usual trading pattern for BD to UC trades in terms of what HSD trades for what tier UC. Keep that in mind when referencing this section.October ’20
2010HSD 4L custom ➝ DN UC Darigan Kau
August ’20
2697HSD 3L (foreign RW) ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok
2200HSD VWN ➝ BN UC Faerie Wocky
280HSD 4L ➝ VBN UC Mutant Buzz
805HSD VWN Desert Draik (Trophy) ➝ VBN UC Halloween Lupe (Trader had specific interest)
2700HSD VWN (species/color irrelevant) ➝ WN UC Grey Kyrii
July ’20
1100HSD 4L 3m custom (2 trophies) ➝ VBN UC Darigan Moehog
June ’20
4L 2500HSD ➝ 5L UC Darigan Lupe
May ’20
1400HSD 3L ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
540HSD RW White Uni (fandom character name, noun) ➝ DN UC Plushie Chomby
April ’20
2100HSD 3L Baby Koi custom ➝ DN UC Plushie Flotsam
February ’20
1850HSD RN (Masculine, common) ➝ RW UC Plushie Techo (plural)
January ’20
600HSD 4L ➝ VWN UC Darigan Kougra
1300HSD 4L ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
November ’19
2208HSD 4L Ice Draik ➝ DN UC Faerie Lenny
October ’19
1500HSD 4L Pastel Bori Custom ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kau
August ’19
659HSD WN custom ➝ BN UC Mutant Jetsam
1070HSD 4L Magma Draik custom ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub
590HSD 3L Royal Aisha custom (5 trophies, very common verb) ➝ VWN UC Plushie Chomby
1187HSD WN Candy Aisha ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub
July ’19
2577 DN (species/color irrelevant) ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Meerca
670HSD RW Island Draik (suffixed) ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
1500HSD VWN ➝ DN UC Robot Kacheek
June ’19
1400HSD RN (JPN) ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Kau
3000HSD VWN ➝ DN UC Faerie Yurble
May ’19
3047HSD VWN Plushie Ixi ➝ VWN UC Darigan Blumaroo
2788HSD Transparent Blumaroo ➝ BN UC Faerie Wocky
1757HSD 4L Dimensional Peophin custom ➝ VWN UC Grey Jubjub
1500HSD VWN (species’/color irrelevant) ➝ BN UC Darigan Acara
994HSD 4L (5 trophies) ➝ WN UC Darigan Zafara
2560HSD RW Toy Chia (uncapped) ➝ DN/BN UC Plushie Grundo
April ’19
650HSD 3L Mutant Draik ➝ V/WN UC Halloween Lupe
900HSD 4L RW Invisible Kau custom (Chinese) ➝ WN UC Grey Eyrie
1672HSD 4L Candy Kougra (trophy) ➝ BN UC Grey Lupe
1360HSD VWN MSP Poogle ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
748HSD CVCV (foreign RW) ➝ DN/BN UC Halloween Lupe
3114HSD RW (7 trophies)➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Draik
1200HSD 4L ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub
March ’19
621HSD VWN Plushie Grundo custom ➝ WN UC Sponge Grundo
626HSD VWN Woodland Kacheek ➝ VBN UC Mutant Usul
3000HSD 4L (CVCV) ➝ VWN UC Plushie Bruce
2800HSD VWN Wraith Aisha ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
550HSD 4L RN (CVCV) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
1593HSD VWN Invisible Kacheek ➝ VBN UC Baby Kougra
3290HSD 4L Invisible Kau custom ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
February ’19
1258HSD 4L White Kacheek custom (trophy) ➝ VBN UC Baby Kougra
1762HSD 4L Kacheek custom (2 trophies) ➝ BN UC Faerie Meerca
2826HSD VWN Red Draik (2 trophies) ➝ BN UC Faerie Kougra
300HSD 4L Mutant Poogle ➝ DN UC Darigan Bori
900HSD VWN Striped Kacheek (lvl 212) ➝ DN UC Mutant Jetsam
300HSD 4L (lvl 250) ➝ BN UC Mutant Scorchio
430HSD RW MS custom ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub
January ’19
599HSD 4L FFQ custom ➝ BN UC Grey Cybunny (trader wanted 4Ls)
2153HSD 4L ➝ BN UC Faerie Ixi
270HSD 4L custom ➝ DN UC Halloween Lupe
2000HSD 4L Ice Draik ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
1600HSD 3L Custom ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
850HSD WN Magma Kougra ➝ BN UC Coconut Jubjub
1300HSD RW (species/color irrelevant) ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
1400HSD VWN Wraith Acara ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
1930HSD 4L Baby Ixi custom ➝ DN UC Grey Peophin
December ’18
1200HSD DN Royal Girl Mynci ➝ BN UC Mutant Usul
1285HSD VWN (species/color irrelevant) ➝ WN UC Mutant Lupe
November ’18
2800HSD RW (car related) ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
448HSD 4L RN Green Gelert (stars name) ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
3454HSD 3L (CVC format, 8 trophies) ➝ WN UC Plushie Shoyru
3342HSD 4L Ice Bori ➝ VWN UC Darigan Ixi
1700HSD 4L (species/color irrelevant) ➝ DN UC Darigan Techo
October ’18
1800HSD VBN Darigan Ixi custom ➝ VBN UC Darigan Grundo
2628HSD VWN Invisible Wocky custom ➝ VWN UC Ice Bruce
September ’18
600HSD 4L RW ➝ WN UC Baby Kougra
1643HSD 3L (species/color irrelevant) ➝ BN UC Plushie Flotsam
1500HSD VWN Ice Bori custom ➝ BN UC Darigan Techo
August ’18
875HSD RW (species/color irrelevant) ➝ DN UC Darigan Acara
1684HSD WN Spotted Lupe custom ➝ BN UC Grey Jubjub
1930HSD 4L ➝ VBN UC Faerie Shoyru
830HSD RW Plushie Kougra (noun/verb) ➝ WN UC Faerie Tonu
1600HSD VWN ➝ BN UC Grey Grarrl
1550HSD VWN ➝ DN UC Darigan Grundo
2670HSD 4L Coconut Jubjub custom ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Xweetok
2197HSD WN Transparent Blumaroo ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi
July ’18
875HSD RW (Verb relating to abandoning) ➝ BN UC Robot Kacheek
6818HSD VWN Robot Draik (top 250 BD pets, trophy) ➝ BN UC Darigan Draik
June ’18
2222HSD VWN Baby Aisha ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra (Trader wanted the kougra specifically)
300HSD 4L Alien Aisha custom ➝ VBN UC Halloween Lupe
380HSD 4L Pirate Krawk ➝ VBN UC Mutant Meerca
2493HSD VWN Plushie Draik ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
May ’18
870HSD VWN Brown Moehog (trophy) ➝ V/BN UC Halloween Lupe
2800HSD VWN White Aisha (various trophies) ➝ 4L UC Faerie Wocky
3100HSD 4L Pirate Draik ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi (some stats)
April ’18
1100HSD VWN (species/color irrelevant) ➝ VWN UC Mutant Scorchio
3600HSD VWN Maraquan Gelert Custom ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Ixi
March ’18
900HSD 3L (species/color irrelevant – lvl 250) ➝ BN UC Darigan Pteri
1300HSD WN Stealthy Draik ➝ WN UC Darigan Grundo
1350HSD VWN Chocolate Draik ➝ BN UC Grey Grundo
950HSD VWN Candy Kougra ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Moehog
338HSD VWN Water Pteri ➝ VBN UC Mutant Scorchio
February ’18
467HSD 4L Purple Aisha (trophy) ➝ BN UC Mutant Buzz
1500HSD WN Royal Girl Kau ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Kau
1500HSD WN Royal Girl Kau custom ➝ BN UC Faerie Aisha
522HSD VWN Eventide Draik custom ➝ V/BN UC Mutant Scorchio
January ’18
1500HSD VWN Desert Aisha custom ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
2427HSD Mutant Draik custom ➝ DN UC Faerie Ixi
1830HSD VWN (species/color irrelevant) ➝ DN UC Grey Uni
702HSD VWN Biscuit Kacheek ➝ V/BN UC Grey Lupe
982HSD VWN Maractite Peophin ➝ BN UC Grey Jubjub
1200HSD 4L Elderly Girl Buzz ➝ DN UC Grey Wocky
2460HSD VWN Electric Wocky custom (Mythology RW) ➝ BN UC Plushie Bruce
1600HSD DN Baby Peophin Custom ➝ VBN UC Darigan Grundo
1600HSD DN Stealthy Ogrin Custom ➝ DN UC Halloween Lupe
This section has additional older trades recorded from 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
April ’20
745HSD 4L Grey Ixi custom ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
March ’20
2200HSD VWN ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Techo
January ’20
650HSD 2C Alien Aisha custom ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
March ’19
511HSD Cloud Acara (RN MS/Uncommon RN) ➝ VBN UC Darigan Uni
June ’18
3355HSD 3L (CVC format, 8 trophies) ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
May ’18
1652HSD WN Camouflage Scorchio ➝ DN UC Sponge Grundo
1045HSD DN FFQ custom (lvl 216) ➝ VWN UC Darigan Mynci
January ’18
2150HSD DN Baby Elephante ➝ BN UC Grey Uni (trader wanted lab stats)
359HSD 4L (species/color irrelevant) ➝ VBN UC Mutant Buzz
1085HSD BN Maraquan Gelert (labbed) ➝ VBN UC Mutant Usul
782HSD VWN Chocolate Blumaroo (trainable, trophy) ➝ DN UC Mutant Scorchio
This section has additional older trades recorded from 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
real name
It is important to note that RN names are subjective. The kinds of pets these words trade for vary greatly depending on specific interest in the pet.July ’20
RN (Common, Feminine) ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
RN (Uncommon or MS) Woodland Uni custom ➝ V/BN UC Halloween Zafara
RN (Common, masculine) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Yurble
RN (Common, masculine) ➝ BN UC Sponge Aisha
June ’20
RN “Zetsu” ➝ DN UC Faerie Kougra
RN (Common, feminine) ➝ VWN UC Plushie Blumaroo
RN Maraquan Ixi (uncommon) ➝ VBN UC Mutant Lupe
May ’20
RN (fandom character) ➝ DN UC Darigan Zafara
3L RN (uncappped) ➝ VBN UC Grey Wocky
April ’20
RN (feminine, nickname) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Lenny
RN White Peophin (feminine) ➝ WN/DN UC Faerie Peophin
4L (French RN or nickname) ➝ BN UC Faerie Xweetok
February ’20
1850HSD RN (Masculine, common) ➝ RW UC Plushie Techo (plural)
November ’19
RN (masculine) ➝ WN UC Grey Wocky
RN (masculine) ➝ WN/DN UC Grey Gelert
September ’19
RN Stealthy Draik (feminine, very common) ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Cybunny
August ’19
RN (masculine) ➝ VWN UC Grey Jetsam
RN (common) ➝ WN UC Grey Aisha
RN Camo Krawk (uncommon) ➝ DN UC Halloween Lupe
May ’19
RN (video game character) ➝ VWN UC Mutant Skeith
RN (600HSD, very common – masculine) ➝ VWN UC Plushie Poogle
June ’19
1400HSD RN (JPN) ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Kau
April ’19
RN (feminine) ➝ DN UC Faerie Kougra
4L RN (Common, feminine) ➝ WN UC Royal Girl Aisha
RN (Japanese) Green Ruki ➝ BN UC Mutant Buzz
March ’19
RW/RN Plushie Wocky custom (Japenese temple) ➝ BN UC Halloween Lupe
RN Transparent Aisha custom (feminine) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
4L RN (JPN) ➝ VWN UC Grey Skeith
RN Royal Girl Draik (Common, 13 trophies) ➝ WN UC Ice Bruce
RN (Movie character RN) ➝ VBN UC Plushie Eyrie
RN White Blumaroo (Anime RN) ➝ WN UC Faerie Meerca
550HSD 4L RN (CVCV) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
RN Robot Poogle custom (TV show) ➝ WN UC Robot Gnorbu
RN (Feminine, uncommon spelling) ➝ WN/DN UC Grey Uni
RN 3L White Draik custom (fishing brand) ➝ BN UC Grey Moehog
RN Halloween Hissi (feminine) ➝ VWN UC Usuki Boy Usul
February ’19
RN (Uncommon, French) ➝ BN UC Mutant Scorchio
RN Blue Hissi (masculine) ➝ DN UC Maraquan Skeith
RN Camo Krawk (Compound name of a movie character) ➝ DN UC Grey Grundo
RN Island Kacheek ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Techo
3L RN Stealthy Eyrie custom (very common, neutral name) ➝ VWN UC Darigan Draik
4L RN Zombie Draik (singer) ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
January ’19
RN Pastel Kougra custom (uncommon) ➝ DN UC Usuki Boy Usul (Trader liked the name)
RN Zombie Aisha custom (TV show character) ➝ BN UC Mutant Jetsam
RN (feminine, common) ➝ V/BN UC Plushie Acara
December ’18
RN (feminine, common) ➝ WN/DN UC Grey Uni
4L RN (uncommon) ➝ DN UC Grey Lupe
November ’18
4L RN Baby Aisha custom ➝ VWN UC Faerie Peophin
448HSD 4L RN Green Gelert (name of a star) ➝ DN/BN UC Baby Kougra
August ’18
RN Mutant Kacheek custom (masculine) ➝ WN UC Ice Bruce
RW (species/color irrelevant – Name of a famous place) ➝ BN UC Darigan Hissi
July ’18
RN (masculine) ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
3L RN (Feminine) ➝ VWN UC Darigan Bori
June ’18
RN (male) ➝ VWN UC Robot Ixi
3L RN (Feminine nickname) ➝ DN UC Faerie Shoyru
May ’18
RN Halloween Eyrie custom (Obscure name) ➝ BN UC Mutant Scorchio
4L RW/RN Robot Draik (Japanese/Korean) ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Cybunny
RN 4L (species/color irrelevant – feminine – often used as a nickname) ➝ WN UC Grey Ixi
RN (species/color irrelevant – very common male name) ➝ 4L UC Halloween Moehog
March ’18
RN Transparent Aisha (masculine) ➝ V/WN UC Baby Kougra
RN Basic (Pokemon) ➝ BN UC Faerie Meerca
RN Basic (Pokemon) ➝ DN UC Usuki Girl
February ’18
RN 2L (K-pop name, uncapped) ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
RN (species/color irrelevant – feminine) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha (RN had specific meaning to trader)
RN 3L White Kacheek Custom (feminine nickname) ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
January ’18
RN (species/color irrelevant – author name) ➝ V/WN UC Plushie Zafara
RN 4L Marble Bori ➝ BN UC Faerie Peophin
RN 3L (species/color irrelevant, nickname, feminine) ➝ WN UC Grey Uni (foreign RW)
RN 3L (species/color irrelevant, nickname, feminine) ➝ DN/BN UC Grey Gelert
RN/RW 3L (species/color irrelevant – animal/video game series) ➝ WN UC Grey Jubjub
2077HSD RN Transparent Aisha custom (Name of a place) ➝ VWN UC Grey Zafara
This section has additional older trades recorded from 2015 & 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.
real word
It is important to note that RW names are subjective. The kinds of pets these words trade for vary greatly depending on specific interest in the pet.October ’20
3L Grey Draik (foreign) ➝ BN UC Darigan Eyrie
RW Maraquan Kacheek custom (foreign) ➝ BN UC Mutant Scorchio
September ’20
BN ➝ RW (suffix)
RW Royal Girl Gelert custom (prefix) ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Ixi
RW Stealthy Draik (setting for movie series) ➝ VWN UC Halloween Lupe
4L RW Baby Draik ➝ DN UC Grey Aisha
RW Baby Draik custom (verb, relating to favoring) ➝ BN UC Halloween Lupe
4L RW Baby Buzz custom (fitting) ➝ BN UC Faerie Meerca
August ’20
4L RW Pirate Lupe ➝ VWN UC Maraquan Kau
RW (flower) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Draik
RW “Feared” ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha (Y2)
RW Brown Lenny (Plural Pokemon) ➝ BN UC Mutant Scorchio
RW (verb, common) ➝ WN UC Darigan Aisha
2L RW (greeting or exclamation) ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
RW Magma Draik (relating to fire) ➝ VWN UC Grey Scorchio
RW Royal Girl Bori custom ➝ BN UC Mutant Scorchio
RW Red Kau (video game related) ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
RW (Dessert related) ➝ DN UC Mutant Scorchio
July ’20
RW Baby Lenny custom (type of vehicle) ➝ V/BN UC Mutant Usul
RW Invisible Kau (Neopets petpet) ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Xweetok
June ’20
4L RW Biscuit Usul (Neopets) ➝ BN UC Plushie Kacheek
RW (fandom, plural) ➝ DN UC Mutant Lupe
RW Zombie Blumaroo (prefixed) ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Lenny
RW Island Krawk (common) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Tuskaninny
RW Island Krawk (common) ➝ BN UC Grey Kougra
May ’20
RW (food, plural) ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
4L RW ➝ DN UC Faerie Xweetok
5L RW (noun/verb, common) ➝ BN UC Sponge Blumaroo
540HSD RW White Uni (fandom character name, noun) ➝ UC Plushie Chomby
April ’20
4L RW ➝ WN UC Darigan Mynci
3L RW Baby Kau (Animal) ➝ DN UC Plushie Kougra
December ’19
RW Alien Aisha (Verb relating to moving) ➝ DN UC Faerie Peophin
3L RW FFQ custom (sound/ -disallowed_word- sound/ -disallowed_word- Pokemon) ➝ DN UC Desert Aisha
RW Mutant Cybunny (suffixed) ➝ BN UC Faerie Ruki
November ’19
4L RW (plural) ➝ DN UC Darigan Peophin
4L RW (plural) ➝ WN/DN UC Grey Gelert
RW (common) ➝ DN UC Robot Ixi
September ’19
RW (very common) ➝ V/WN UC Faerie Tuskaninny
RW Premium Perk custom (noun, some stats) ➝ VWN UC Coconut Jubjub
August ’19
3L RW Pirate Draik (common) ➝ VWN UC Royal Boy Kyrii
RW Stealthy Kacheek ➝ BN UC Mutant Usul
4L RW Ice Usul (foreign) ➝ VBN UC Mutant Jetsam
July ’19
RW 670HSD Island Draik (suffixed) ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
RW (foreign, multiple languages) ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
RW Rainbow Eyrie Custom (animal) ➝ BN UC Halloween Lupe
June ’19
RW Baby Aisha custom ( -disallowed_word- plural) ➝ BN UC Mutant Meerca
May ’19
RW Rainbow Poogle (plural) ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Nimmo
April ’19
900HSD RW 4L Invisible Kau custom (Chinese) ➝ WN UC Grey Eyrie
RW Yellow Draik ➝ DN UC Faerie Kougra
RW (animal) ➝ VWN UC Grey Kougra
RW (noun relating to insanity) ➝ WN UC Faerie Peophin
RW (4 trophies, psychology related) ➝ VBN UC Mutant Usul
4L RW ➝ WN UC Faerie Lenny
3114HSD RW (7 trophies) ➝ VWN UC Tyrannian Draik
2L RW Transparent Aisha ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Yurble
RW “Feral” Zombie Kacheek custom ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Peophin
RW Pastel Blumaroo custom (verb) ➝ V/BN UC Faerie Peophin
RW Unlimited custom ➝ VWN UC Baby Kougra
4L RW ➝ VWN UC Faerie Ixi
March ’19
2L RW Disco Aisha (very common) ➝ WN UC Darigan Krawk
RW/RN Plushie Wocky custom (Japanese temple) ➝ BN UC Halloween Lupe
RW (suffixed, creepy) ➝ VBN UC Mutant Usul
4L RW (plural) ➝ BN UC Grey Kacheek
RW (uncapped) ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi
RW (Pokemon) ➝ DN UC Tyrannian Nimmo
RW Stealthy Blumaroo (suffixed, pet auction) ➝ VBN UC Mutant Usul
February ’19
RW Desert Eyrie custom (relating to protecting) ➝ V/BN UC Mutant Buzz
RW Royal Kyrii (island related) ➝ WN UC Mutant Meerca
RW (plant related) ➝ BN UC Desert Aisha
RW (relating to success) ➝ BN UC Grey Mynci
650HSD RW (German, 6 trophies) ➝ RW UC Grey Ixi (1200HSD, trader liked the name)
4L RW (German, 4 trophies) ➝ BN UC Faerie Shoyru
RW (noun relating to music) ➝ DN/BN UC Faerie Shoyru
RW Basic ➝ BN UC Mutant Scorchio
4L RW Female Royal Boy Draik custom (noun/verb) ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
RW Toy Uni (plural, animal related) ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
RW Toy Uni (plural, animal related) ➝ BN UC Mutant Usul
January ’19
RW (species/color irrelevant) ➝ WN UC Faerie Kougra
RW Usuki Girl Usul (adjective) ➝ WN UC Mutant Meerca
RW Robot Draik ➝ DN UC Mutant Scorchio
1300HSD RW (species/color irrelevant) ➝ DN UC Baby Kougra
December ’18
4L RW (common, religious) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Shoyru
RW Chocolate Gnorbu (food related) ➝ BN UC Mutant Hissi
RW basic (German) ➝ DN/BN UC Baby Kougra (trade occurred from a game on the PC)
2L RW Brown Draik ➝ WN UC Grey Kyrii
RW White Kacheek custom (French/Spanish) ➝ BN UC Grey Jubjub
RW Gold Draik (relating to guidance) ➝ BN UC Tyrannian Mynci
RW Stealthy Gelert custom (adverb, uncapped, trader had specific interest) ➝ BN UC Baby Kougra
RW Camo Kau custom (animal related) ➝ WN UC Tyrannian Blumaroo
November ’18
2800HSD RW (car related) ➝ VWN UC Grey Kacheek
RW Grey Wocky Custom ➝ DN UC Faerie Kau
RW (species/color irrelevant) ➝ BN UC Faerie Pteri
RW ➝ DN UC Mutant Scorchio
RW Robot Aisha (adjective) ➝ DN UC Faerie Kau
October ’18
RW ➝ WN UC Baby Kougra
RW Green Kougra (JPN, relating to nameless) ➝ DN UC Darigan Eyrie
RW (species/color irrelevant, space related) ➝ DN UC Plushie Cybunny
September ’18
600HSD 4L RW ➝ WN UC Baby Kougra
3L RW Plushie Kougra (Japanese) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra
RW (type of dance) ➝ DN UC Grey Ixi
RW (type of dance) ➝ WN UC Grey Yurble
RW “Flaw” Robot Hissi custom ➝ BN UC Plushie Kougra
August ’18
875HSD RW (species/color irrelevant) ➝ DN UC Darigan Acara
830HSD RW Plushie Kougra (noun/verb) ➝ WN UC Faerie Tonu
4L RW Relic Peophin (JPN food RW) ➝ WN UC Mutant Scorchio
July ’18
RW Woodland Uni ➝ MS UC Mutant Hissi
RW Zombie Blumaroo (adverb) ➝ BN UC Mutant Lupe
RW Red Gnorbu (adverb) ➝ BN UC Mutant Scorchio
RW (relating to grammar) ➝ DN UC Mutant Scorchio
875HSD RW (Relating to abandoning) ➝ BN UC Robot Kacheek
3L RW Pink Kau (Animal RW) ➝ VWN UC Sponge Peophin (Trader specifically wanted the Peophin)
RW Silver Koi (Animal RW) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Pteri
RW “TBA” Maraquan Draik ➝ BN UC Mutant Jetsam
June ’18
4L RW Baby Kyrii Custom (Sounds baby-like, trader wanted 4Ls➝ VWN UC Grey Cybunny
VWN Striped Chomby ➝ DN UC Mutant Lupe
2100HSD RW Royal Girl Mynci (type of animal) ➝ VWN UC Darigan Eyrie
2L RW Stealthy Eyrie Custom ➝ DN UC Faerie Tonu
May ’18
RW Desert Draik (Verb) ➝ BN UC Mutant Lupe
4L RW/RN Robot Draik (Japanese/Korean) ➝ DN/BN UC Darigan Cybunny
4L RW (species/color irrelevant – noun/verb relating to imperfections) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Kougra
4L RW Lab ray custom (verb relating to touching something) ➝ BN UC Faerie Xweetok
RW Plushie Kacheek (comparative adjective) ➝ DN UC Darigan Shoyru
RW 4L Woodland Bori (nature related) ➝ WN UC Faerie Ixi
April ’18
RW Mutant Kiko custom (verb – past tense – relating to disfiguring) ➝ BN UC Mutant Buzz
RW Striped Lupe Custom (adjective) ➝ BN UC Darigan Usul
RW Stealthy Draik custom (adjective) ➝ WN UC Mutant Hissi
RW Chocolate Draik (relating to being flawless) ➝ DN UC Faerie Aisha (Y2)
March ’18
3C RW Zombie Lenny custom (Science related abbreviation)➝ BN UC Tyrannian Skeith (Trader had particular interest)
February ’18
RW (species/color irrelevant – noun relating to abuse) ➝ DN UC Grey Cybunny
RW (species/color irrelevant – noun relating to abuse) ➝ V/WN UC Baby Kougra
RW 4L Camouflage Usul (Noun relating to a method used to catch something) ➝ DN UC Royal Girl Cybunny
RW Candy Kougra (suffixed, relating to something desirable) ➝ VWN UC Darigan Yurble
RW Split Bori (relating to eating) ➝ DN UC Faerie Wocky
January ’18
RW Red Shoyru (relating to an object of attention) ➝ WN UC Faerie Xweetok (RW had special meaning to trader)
RW Spotted Kau custom (foreign, milk related) ➝ DN UC Darigan Kougra
RW Halloween Elephante Custom (Noun relating to law) ➝ BN UC Mutant Scorchio
RW Faerie Draik (relating to royalty) ➝ VWN UC Faerie Aisha
RW Alien Aisha custom (verb, suffixed) ➝ BN UC Halloween Lupe
3L RW/RN (species/color irrelevant – animal/video game series) ➝ WN UC Grey Jubjub
This section has additional older trades recorded from 2015, 2016 & 2017. Click here to view them.