Welcome to the UC Nostalgic Token Trading Guide! If you’re wondering how to determine the value of your tokens and translate that into NC trading, you’re in the right place. This guide provides a foundation to help you assess token values and answers some common questions about token trading. Remember, the information here is meant to serve as a guideline, not a strict rule.
Token values can vary, especially for tokens not yet released in the mall. When tokens are held by individual players, their value often reflects personal assessments, making some tokens “overvalued.” An example of this as of September 2024 is the desert token. For this reason, this guide does not attempt to set specific values for unreleased tokens.
Here, values are generally presented in “caps,” where a “cap” represents an item valued at 250NC or less in the NC Mall. This is typically represented by Gift Box Capsules (GBCs), which are valued at 200NC in the mall.
Nostalgic Pet Style Token Trading Basics and Abbreviations
In Neopets, token trading is a fun and complex activity in which Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies (DSSS) and regular Styling Studio Supplies (SSS) play a major role. These items allow users to apply custom styles to their pets, either by selecting a specific look or by randomly assigning one from current available options. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know about these items, their values, and how token trading works.
Nostalgic Token Key Abbreviations
- DSSS (Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies) – These supplies let you choose the exact style you want from the current options in the NC Mall. Value: 1400NC (7 caps).
- SSS (Styling Studio Supplies) – These supplies provide a random style based on what is available in the NC Mall for your pet’s species. Value: 600NC (3 caps).
Permanent Nostalgic Token Colors
These token colors are always available in the mall:
- Alien (Aisha only)
- Quigukiboy and Quigukigirl (Quiggle)
- Usukiboy and Usukigirl (Usul)
- Sponge, Jelly, Coconut Jubjub, Mallow Grundo, MSP Poogle, Blue (all species)
Not Yet Released Colors
These original colors have not yet made it to the NC Mall for token use:
- Lost Desert, Tyrannian, Ice
Recent and Upcoming Token Releases
Tokens are periodically released, adding new colors to the styling studio. Here’s a look at recent releases in 2024:
- January 23 – Darigan, Faerie, Grey
- March 26 – Baby, Maraquan, Plushie
- May 15 – Robot, Royal Boy, Royal Girl
- July 19 – Grey (18 new species)
- August 14 – Mutant
- September 13 – Faerie (8 new species)
- October 18 – Halloween (7 new species, 24 re-imagined)
- October 22 – Ghost (12 re-imagined)
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I need a pet of the same species to use a token? Yes, tokens can only be attached to pets of matching species.
- How can I get a token? Tokens are crafted through DSSS or SSS or acquired by trading Original Unconverted Pet tokens. If you want a specific color available at the time, DSSS guarantees that selection, while SSS will offer a random result.
- What’s the difference between DSSS and SSS? DSSS guarantees the exact color selection, while SSS assigns a random style, potentially resulting in a color you may not want.
- How do I attach or remove a token? In your pet’s Styling Chamber, select the token to attach it to a pet. To remove, select “remove” instead.
- How do I transfer a token to my inventory? In the Styling Chamber, click “move to inventory” to relocate a token from your chamber to your inventory.
- Can tokens be listed in Dress to Impress (DTI)? DTI doesn’t support direct token listing. However, you can list your tokens in your wishlist description or tradelist on DTI, or use Jellyneo for a visual token list.
- When will specific colors be released? Tokens are released roughly every month or two. You can keep an eye on community resources or image leak pages for hints on future releases.
- How are token values determined? Token values vary based on NC caps. DSSS is valued at 7 caps, while SSS is at 3 caps. The value of tokens, especially retired or unreleased ones, can increase based on rarity and demand. After release, tokens typically raise in value the longer they are unavailable in the mall.
- Is there a token value guide? Owls and other trading resources track token values, though no comprehensive guide exists due to fluctuating values.
- Is there a ‘grace period’ before retired tokens increase in value? Typically, tokens rise in value the longer they are unavailable, increasing by 3 caps per release cycle.
- How do I transfer a token after trading a pet? Tokens should ideally be removed before pet trading, as they can sometimes get stuck in the Styling Chamber.
- Do tokens move with pets upon transfer? No, tokens do not transfer with pets and can only be traded through gift boxes.
- What are Prismatic Brushes, and how are they valued? Prismatic Brushes, valued at 1 cap (250NC), are species-specific like tokens and are used to create alternate color styles. They function similarly to Dyeworks items, offering color variations on tokens.
Whether you’re new to token trading or just need a refresher, this guide covers the essentials for navigating DSSS, SSS, and NC trading practices. Happy styling!