Guide to Dice of Destiny

Dice of Destiny Legit Guide

Okay, so this game is a pretty easy way to get some fast Neopoints. There isn’t much strategy involved, you just need a little bit of good luck. Fortunately, you don’t have to pay for this chance game, so if you’re having a particularly unlucky day, you’ll never lose Neopoints on it. So, give it shot! You have nothing to lose, after all.

Your Objective

To master this game, you must eliminate all nine levers by rolling the dice and then choosing the levers that add up to the sum of your roll. Once you do that, you go onto the next round. Simple enough, right?

Game Play

There are five rounds in this game and each time you must clear all the levers before moving on. The first round you are given 20 rolls, the second 17, the third 15, the fourth 12, and the fifth 10. So, it gets progressively harder to eliminate all the levers.

To play, you simply click on whether you want to roll one or two die and off you go. You can’t roll the dice again if the number you rolled is able to clear a lever. So, if you rolled a five, and you had lever two and three available, the option to roll again wouldn’t work. Obviously, if you rolled a five, but only had lever one, then you could roll again until you run out of rolls.

If you get lost, this helpful huge, black arrow will pop up and tell you a possible combination.

Each lever cleared is worth ten points, plus ten points for clearing the round, and any leftover rolls are taken over into the bonus round, where you can either lose or gain points. There are three different faces on the die and if you roll two of a kind, then you can either get points or lose them. But, if you don’t get a match then you don’t lose or receive points. The green die give you ten extra points, the yellow give you five extra points, while the redsubtracts ten points, so you don’t want those.

It shouldn’t be that hard to remember. It’s kind of like a stop light and the bad die have knives on them, after all.

So, you keep on playing like this until you have completed the five rounds or run out of rolls before eliminating all the levers. Then you submit your score for some Neopoints!


You don’t have a time limit in this game, so don’t rush yourself. Think out what levers you decide to use for a certain combination, especially when you get down to the fifth round where you only have ten rolls.

I like to get rid of the higher numbers first because you can use the lower numbers in a lot more combinations.

1 – 1
2 – 1,1 & 2
3 – 1,2 & 3
4 – 1,4 & 2,2 & 4
5 – 1,4 & 3,2 & 5
6 – 1,5 & 2,4 & 3,3 & 6
7 – 1,6 & 2,5 & 3, 4 & 7
8 – 1,7 & 2,6 & 3,5 & 4,4 & 8
9 – 1,8 & 2,7 & 3,6 & 4,5 & 9
10 – 1,9 & 2,8 & 3,7 & 4,6 & 5,5 & 10
11 – 1,10 & 2,9 & 3,8 & 4,7 & 5,6 & 11
12 – 1,11 & 2,10 & 3,9 & 4,8 & 5,7 & 6,6 & 12

Overall, just keep on trying, you can’t always be lucky, after all.

The Rewards

If you manage to get a high score, you may get one of these lovely trophies. Right now, scoring about a 660 would get you a highscore. So, 500 points for completing each round, plus 160 in the bonus rounds.