Advert Attack Cheat Codes
- nopopups: Enter during gameplay to erase all pop-ups. (Unlimited use)
Attack of the Gummy Dice
- delightful: Sort during gameplay to change the present shakers into morph bones. (Once per game)
- explode: Type during gameplay to change the current gummy dice into a bomb. (Once per game)
- gummydice: Type during gameplay to change the current gummy dice to a different random color. (Once per game)
- blackpawkeet: Sort during gameplay on level 3 or higher to gain an additional life. (Once per game)
Attack of the Revenge
- marrow: Sort during gameplay for an additional life. (Once per game)
Attack of the Slorgs
- recon: Sort during gameplay to uncover the path. (Unlimited use)
- chargex4: Type during gameplay to show the laser. (Unlimited use)
- lookoutbruno: Sort during gameplay for an additional life. (Once per game)
Biscuit Brigade
- retreat: Type during gameplay to reveal the path. (Unlimited use)
- piecrust: Sort during gameplay to completely restore ammo. (Once per game)
- removedebris: Type during gameplay to remove debris on the field. (Once per game)
- supercannonball: Sort during gameplay for an enormous cannonball. (Once per game)
Bouncy Supreme
- bouncebouncebounce: Type during gameplay for an extra life. (Once per game)
- freetime: Sort during gameplay to stop time. (Once per game)
Bruno’s Backwoods Breakaway
- geoffrey: Sort during gameplay or at level breaks for an added life. (Once per game)
- monstermovie: Type during gameplay to turn the game black and white. Type again to return to color.
- kingaltador: Sort during gameplay for an added life. (Once per game)
Carnival of Terror
- custard: Type during gameplay to fully restore health. (Once per game)
- topdown: Sort during gameplay for an elevated perspective of the game. (Sort again to undo this perspective)
Castle Battles
- jboogie: Sort on the title screen to view the definitive game’s introduction. (Once per game)
Caves and Corridors
- gimmeabreak: Type during gameplay to gain an extra life. (Once per game)
- nomorerocks: Type during gameplay to get rid of rocks. (Once per game)
Chia Bomber 2
- empulse: Sort during gameplay to have an empulse impact. (Once per game)
Crisis Courier
- solidify: Sort during gameplay to stop Balthazar. (Once per game)
Clicking Secrets
- Clicking the small black window in the bottom left corner of the title screen will load a level with structures that spell out “Weepit was here.” (Limited functionality)
Dice Escape
- quaglor: Sort during gameplay to skip to the next level. (Unlimited use)
- moretimeruki: Type during gameplay to reset the timer. (Once per game)
- helpmeplease: Type during gameplay to reset the timer. (Once per game)
- faerie: Sort during gameplay to clear all obstacles. (Once per game)
- flybywire: Type during gameplay for a “wire” view of the game. (Type again to undo this view)
- deliciousflies: Sort during gameplay for unlimited life. (Once per game)
Dubloon Disaster
- pooltoy: Type in multiplayer to increase rebound on contact with other players.
- kougra: Sort when the level is starting to avoid that level. (Unlimited use)
- scallywags: Type during gameplay to create a whirlpool. (Once per game)
- shepherd: Sort on the title screen for double points. (Once per game)
Edna’s Shadow
- ummaginethief: Sort during gameplay to avoid the level. (Unlimited use)
Escape from Meridell Castle
- No additional cheats listed for this game.
Escape to Kreludor
- strawberryvanillachocolate: Sort during level breaks for an additional life. (Once per game)
Extreme Herder
- frozensnowflake: Sort during gameplay to have the ability to drop 7 items instead of 5. (Once per game)
Faerie Bubbles
- faerieland: Type during gameplay to turn the bubble in the cannon into a Rainbow Bubble. (Once per game)
- bug: Sort during gameplay to restore your Irritation B Headed off to full. (Once per game)
- slumberberry: Type during gameplay to push the bar up to the top. (Once per game)
- stardust: Type during gameplay to turn the bubble in the cannon into a Nova Bubble. (Once per game)
- rainbownegg: Sort during gameplay for a 20 point Rainbow Negg. (Once per game)
Faerie Caves II
- magicjugglingballs: Sort during gameplay for an added life. (Once per game)
Faerie Cloud Racers
- ineedmoretime: Sort during gameplay for an added fifteen favors. (Once per game)
- Note: If typed on the 1-player character selection screen and you wait a few seconds, you will automatically lose the game.
- spiderbite: Sort during gameplay for an added life. (Once per game)
- frumball: Type during gameplay for an extra life. (Once per game)
- cyodrake: Sort throughout gameplay for an added indication. (Once per game)
Gourmet Club Bowls
- stalactites: Sort during gameplay for an added life. (Once per game)
- superbowl: Type during gameplay to skip the level, resetting your points to 0. (Unlimited use)
- xagam: Sort during gameplay to increase full health. (Once per game)
Grand Theft Ummagine
- letimiyasleep: Sort during gameplay for a period reward. (Once per game)
Gwyl’s Great Escape
- No additional cheats listed for this game.
Hannah and the Pirate Caves
- superextrahypergravitymode: Sort on the main screen or during gameplay to unlock a mystery mode.
Hasee Bounce
- pleasegivemeonemillionneopointsthankyouhasees: Type during gameplay for a fun Easter egg (doesn’t have an actual effect).
- frenzy: Sort during gameplay for an added life. (Once per game)
Ice Cream Machine
- blimps: Sort during gameplay to make a Kiko blow up, flying over the screen. (Unlimited use)
Igloo Garage Sale – The Game
- foreverandeverandever: Sort before pressing spacebar to start the game for an additional life. (Once per game)
Itchy Invasion
- oscillabot: Sort during gameplay for an added life. (Once per game)
Jelly Blobs of Doom
- 1morekarpohplease: Type during gameplay for an added life. (Once per game)
- fishnegg: Type during gameplay for a 50 point Fish Negg. (Once per game)
- marissa: Type on the screen that says “Press the spacebar to play” to see “Now are you happy?” appear.
- boomshaketheroom: Sort during gameplay to get added shells after your next move. (Once per game)
- Typing random letters will generate massive blue blobs of jelly.
- snowghettiandmeatball: Sort during gameplay for 10 added snowballs. (Once per game)
Jolly Jugglers
- Click on the Drackonack’s eye to play the secret Drackonack Attack! level. (Once per game)
- hungrymeowclops: Sort during gameplay for an added life. (Once per game)
Kiko Match II
- channyhungry: Sort during gameplay for an added 30 seconds. (Once per game)
Kreludan Mining Corp.
- scrap: Sort during gameplay to gain full health. (Once per game)
Korbat’s Lab
- pyramibread: Sort during gameplay to show the next available combo. (Unlimited use)
- skip: Type during gameplay to skip a level while keeping any points you’ve obtained. (Unlimited use)
- monstermovie: Type during gameplay to turn the game black and white. Type again to go back to color.
- cheddar: Sort at the beginning of the game to show the cursor.
- destroy: Type during gameplay to launch multiple balls. (Once per game)
- rehaxtint: Sort during gameplay for an additional indication. (Once per game)
- caperiffic: Sort during gameplay for a time reward. (Once per game)
Let It Slide
- drfranksloth: Sort on the title screen to add an extra life. (Once per game)
Lost in the Woods
- ihopeyouallhavealovelyday: Sort during gameplay for an added life. (Once per game)
Meepit vs. Feepit
- turnips: Sort during gameplay to receive an additional life. (Once per game)
Neopian Bounty
- toby: Sort during gameplay to add a life. (Once per game)
Neopian Battlefield Legends
- cannonfire: Sort on the title screen to gain double attack power. (Once per game)
Neopian Museum
- museum: Type in the Museum to automatically fill the catalog. (Once per game)
Neopian Plumber
- thescottishplay: Sort on the title screen for a secret level. (Once per game)
Neopian Spellbook
- doubletake: Sort during gameplay for an additional life. (Once per game)
Ninja Assault
- sneaky: Sort during gameplay for an added life. (Once per game)
Operation Kreludor
- comeagain: Sort on the title screen to unlock all levels. (Once per game)
Paint Wars
- paintdrum: Sort during gameplay for an additional life. (Once per game)
Petpet Adventures
- myreward: Sort on the title screen to get a 50 point bonus. (Once per game)
Petpet Park
- extra: Sort during gameplay for an extra life. (Once per game)
Potato Counter
- spudparty: Sort during gameplay to unlock all levels. (Once per game)
- fun: Sort during gameplay for an added life. (Once per game)
Quest for the Golden Poogle
- golden: Type during gameplay to skip to the next level. (Once per game)
Raft Wars
- countdown: Sort during gameplay to create a time bonus. (Once per game)
- 1moreboard: Sort during gameplay to show all numbers. (Once per game)
Sandcastle Slush
- muffins: Sort during gameplay to show new towers. (Once per game)
Scavenger Hunt
- easy: Sort during gameplay for an additional life. (Once per game)
Sheetz of Cheese
- goldencheese: Sort during gameplay to unlock secret levels. (Once per game)
- rainbows: Sort during gameplay to increase points by double. (Once per game)
Splat-a-Kau: The Return
- nopopups: Type during gameplay for no pop-ups. (Unlimited use)
Spike’s Adventure
- platinum: Sort during gameplay to skip to the next level. (Once per game)
Snow Wars
- wizards: Sort during gameplay to turn all enemies into snowflakes. (Once per game)
Super Fruit
- extra: Type during gameplay for an additional life. (Once per game)
The Return of Dr. Sloth
- sloth: Sort during gameplay for an extra life. (Once per game)
The Slorgs’ Lament
- cheese: Sort during gameplay for a time bonus. (Once per game)
Tunnels and Trolls
- bomb: Sort during gameplay for a 50 point bonus. (Once per game)
Ultimate Bullseye
- gold: Sort during gameplay for 3 additional lives. (Once per game)
Werelizard’s Revenge
- magic: Sort during gameplay for an additional life. (Once per game)