Neopia’s favourite thrillseeking barmaid is back with an all-new adventure that’s out of this world! Having already mastered caves of the ice and pirate varieties, Hannah’s returned with a mission to make her way through the caves of Neopia’s moon, Kreludor-blocked- this adventurous Usul as she advances from one cavernous mine to the next, gathering up keys and as much treasure as possible. Be brisk about it, though, and keep an eye on her oxygen and fuel levels — otherwise it could be game over long before all fifteen of Kreludor’s caves have been conquered.
I’ll start out with an introduction to this game.
There are 15 levels in all. In each level, you need to collect all of the Treasure Chests, then you need to guide Hannah the Usul to the door that leads to the next level. In this game, unlike the first two in the series, Hannah depends on Fuel and Oxygen to keep going (the Fuel provides the boost to her Rocket Boots-she’s in space, after all-and she needs her Oxygen supply to breathe). Throughout the course of the level, you need to collect the Oxygen and Fuel tanks so Hannah doesn’t run out.
Use the arrow keys to move around, push up to jump, when you are in the air push up again to fire your Rocket Boots.
Keep an eye on your Oxygen and Fuel Levels – make sure you don’t run out.
Collect all the Treasure Chests on each level to open the exit door.
To open the Colour Coded Doors just collect the Key of the same colour.
Collect Hearts for extra lives.
Falling too fast is dangerous, if you see a yellow icon (!) use your Rocket Boots to slow your descent (push up).
Level 1: The Adventure Begins
Treasures: 2

Start by heading off to the right. Grab the Fuel Tank above you, the the Blue Key and Oxygen Tank to the right. Continue off to the right some more. Grab the Treasure Chest on your way down. Crawl through and continue to the left. Jump OVER the spikes in the ground. Finish the level by going through the Blue Door and grabbing the Treasure Chest. Exit through the Exit Door.
Level complete.
Level 2: An Introduction to Danger
Treasures: 4
Heart Crate

Grab the four Fuel Tanks and fall off the edge. Be careful, you will start to fall fast! Once you see the yellow (!) icon, tap the ‘up’ key to turn on your rocket boots. Don’t hold, just repeatedly tap slowly. Land at the bottom and collect the Oxygen Tanks and the Fuel Tank to the right. Continue up and to the right. Jump over the gap for now, and continue to collect the Treasure Chest, Fuel Tank, and Bonus Life. Now go down the gap that you jumped over before. Go on to the right, jumping over the Spikes. Use your Rocket Boots to get the items you see above you. Go back down and go further to the right to grab the items at the end of the tunnel. Turn around and go as far left as you can. Drop down to get the items, then jump over the gap with the Robot Guard patrolling. Also jump over the two sets of Spikes, grabbing items while you go. Finally, exit through the Exit Door.
Level complete.
Level 3: The Vault
Treasures: 6
Heart Crate

Go to the right and jump over the gap to collect the Treasure Chest. Then, fall down the gap that is further to the right (the one on the left is a dead end). On the way down, grab the Oxygen Tanks and the Fuel Tanks as you go. Once to the bottom, collect the two Treasure Chests above you to the left. Then go BENEATH the spikes to collect the Bonus Life. Now, you have to solve the puzzle with Keys and Doors. Here’s how you should approach this:
Middle, Bottom, Top, Middle, Bottom, Top.
Now, continue along the top to collect the three Treasure Chests. Now turn around and go along the bottom path to the Exit Door.
Level complete.
Level 4: Rock Your Rocket Boots
Treasures: 2
Heart Crate

In this level, you may end up running low on Fuel, so the technique in making the jumps is critical.
Start out by jumping off to the right, as far and as high as you can. When you reach your peak, give yourself enough Fuel to be able to safely land on the next platform (you can cut the Fuel before you are directly above the platform). Repeat this process again to get to the next platform (you barely need to use any fuel on this jump). Next, ascend to the items you will see above you to the right. Collect them all. The next part is a bit tricky. Fall of the edge, and IMMEDIATELY give yourself enough Fuel so you can go down and continue to the right without falling to the Spikes.
Use your Rocket Boots to lift yourself up above. Grab the Blue Key above you and head through the Door that you see. Continue to the left, jumping over the Spikes as you go. After the fourth set, collect the Fuel Tank and take the path you see above you to get more Fuel and a Bonus Life. Head back down and go left to reach the Exit Door.
Level complete.
Level 5: Robot Village
Treasures: 5
Heart Crate

Start taking the path that goes down and to the right. After a short fall, head to the left to collect the Fuel and Oxygen tanks. Fall down the next gap and head off to the right. Jump over the Robot Guard beneath you and collect the Fuel Tank and Blue Key. Before you leave, crawl into the Secret Area in the wall (see below) to grab a Bonus Life.

Carefully go up above you, first grabbing the items above and to the left. Now, head back up the path that leads to the place where you started (up and to the left). Now, continue along the upper path to the right. Collect the Oxygen and Fuel Tanks before heading through the Blue Door to grab the rest of the items. Turn around and head back again.
When you get back down to where you were before (near the two Robot Guards). Grab the Oxygen Tank above a Robot Guard, and head up and to the right. Jump over the gap and through the Purple Door, collecting the items. Finally, fall down the gap you just jumped over and head to the Exit Door.
Level complete.
Level 6: Treasure Adventure
Treasures: 8

Start by heading down the gap. There is another Secret Area to your left. Go through and collect the Fuel Tank. Now, use your Rocket Boots to take yourself up the narrow opening off to your right. Collect all the items on the platforms. Go down to where the Robot Guard is and take the path off to the right for even more items.
Turn around and head off to the left. Fall down the gap, landing on each of the platforms. Go through the Purple Door to the left and grab the items before continuing off to the right. Carefully avoid the Robot Guard and go through the Blue Door. Now simply just follow the path below you to the Exit Door.
Level complete.
Level 7: Watch Your Step!
Treasures: 7
Heart Crates: 2

Start of by collecting the items you see above you. Follow the path that goes down and collect more items once your in the chamber. Head down the next gap and go off to the right. Carefully avoiding the Robot Guard, grab the Purple Key. Fall down the gap to the right, and there is a Secret Area at the bottom on the right side. Go through and CAREFULLY fall down the gap. You will need to use your Rocket Boots to slow yourself down. There are also Spikes at the bottom, so be ready to move to the left.
Use your Rocket Boots to get yourself back to the top, and now head through the Purple Door to the left. Carefully collect the items on the platforms and continue to the left.
Head up the opening on the far left to collect the Treasure Chest. Take the path up above you (this is where we came from earlier) and when you reach the fork in the road, take the path that goes up and to the right. Carefully collect the items and head to the Exit Door to your right.
Level complete.
Level 8: Cool Your Jets
Treasures: 9

Start out by using your Rocket Boots to go up above. Follow the path down and to the right, and collect the items on both sides of you before proceeding.
Continue to follow this path down and to the right, making sure to aviod the Robot Guard. Head through the Blue Door and grab all the items in the pathway above you. Come all the way back down and head off to the right to collect a lone Treasure Chest. Turn around and continue to the left.
Go down the gap and over the Spikes off to your right (you’ll need your Rocket Boots for this jump). After collecting the items, go back over the Spikes and through the Purple Door you see above you to the left. Collect the Yellow Key at the end of this path, then turn around and head back to where the Purple Door was. Start to head down and to the left, grabbing items as you go.
Head down the gap and off to the right. Carefully avoid the Robot Guard and collect some more items.
Turn around and head off to your left. There is a Secret Area in the bottom-left corner. Go through there and grab the item.
Finally, follow the path that goes straight up, and it will lead you to the Exit Door.
Level complete.
Level 9: Big Drop! Don’t Make a Crater
Treasures: 12
Heart Crates: 2

Start out by dropping off the ledge to obtain the Oxygen and Fuel Tanks. Drop down to the next platform, then go up to get the Treasure Chest to the left. Drop straight down to land on another platform, then fall again, this time headed off to the right to collect a Treasure Chest.
Go down the gap to your right, and carefully guide Hannah to the bottom to collect the items. Climb back up and drop off to your left, being sure to use some Fuel so the fall isn’t so big. Collect the Treasure Chest and Fuel Tank and drop off and move to the left side to grab some more items.
Now comes another drop. You need to move all the way back over to the right side QUICKLY (you may need to use some Fuel) to find a Treasure Chest.
Next, carefully fall of the ledge and IMMEDIATELY move to the right to find some Oxygen and Fuel Tanks.
Drop off to the left. Below you will find some Treasure Chests and more. Continuing on down, fall down to the right sharply to find a few Fuel Tanks.
Now you have to drop off to the left (all the way to the other side), then back all the way to the right. You may need some Fuel for these drops.
Now comes another fall, this time stay on the right side. Collect that Treasure Chest.
As you can see, there are two Bonus Lives within view. To get them, fall off the ledge to the left and into the Secret Area in the wall. You may need some Fuel to do this.

To finish off the level, jump up and out of the Secret Area, and Fuel yourself back up to the ledge and the Exit Door.
Level complete.
Level 10: Back to the Start
Treasures: 12
Heart Crate

Jump over the gap to your right and start to follow the path up, collecting items as you go. Jump over the Robot Guard, then Fuel yourself up to where the Blue Door is. Go through it and collect the Treasure Chests. Fall back down and then down the gap to your left, carefully avoiding the Spikes. Collect the items there.
Turn around and head back towards where you started. Head down the gap that we jumped over at first. Grab that Fuel Tank, and take the path that goes down and to the right. Collect the items there and turn around to take the path that goes LEFT.
Continue to follow it down, collecting items as you go, until you see the next Robot Guard. Jump over the gap to your right and follow that path down to find two Treasure Chests and another Blue Key. Fuel yourself back up and go down the gap just to the right of the Robot Guard.
Start going to the right, carefully collecting the items. Continue down (once you go over the Spikes) and jump over the next to sets of Spikes to find some Treasure Chests, Fuel Tanks, and Oxygen Tanks.
There is a Secret Area in the left wall at the end of the path. Being very careful, crawl (use the ‘down’ arrow key) underneath the Spikes to collect a Bonus Life.
Retrace your steps back up to that Robot Guard. From here, take the path that goes up and to the left. Collect the items as you go. You’ll have a Key to all of the Doors, so just jump over all the gaps on your way to the Exit Door.
Level complete.
Level 11: Lunar Caverns
Treasures: 11
Heart Crate

This is a pretty good level to repeat for extra points. You get about 2500 points for each time you repeat it.
Anyways, to start out, Fuel yourself directly up to collect the Blue Key, which you will use to unlock the Door and collect the Purple Key. Grab that Fuel Tank to the right and the Oxygen Tank below and go through the Purple Door to your right.
Jump up on that first platform and Fuel yourself up to the cavern above. Collect ALL the items up here before heading back down the gap.
Now we’re going to take the path that is directly to the right. Jump over the Spikes, through the Purple Door and collect all those items. Turn around and follow the path straight down (in the center).
Take the path that you will see to your right. Head through the Door and OVER the gap for now. All you need here is that Key that you see on the right. You can leave those Oxygen Tanks for now as well.
Turn around and go back over the gap and take the path back to the center.
Now follow the path down and to the left. Collect all the items you see and retrace your steps. Climb up the platforms and take the first path to the left. Make sure that you’ve collected the Treasure Chest you see above you.
There are two Robot Guards here, but you can avoid one of them altogether. Carefully jump up onto the platform where the top Robot Guard is patrolling, then up onto the platform above him. Collect all the items in sight, then turn around and go back over both of the Guards.
When you get back to the center, take the path just below you that goes to the right. This time, go DOWN the gap and collect all those items you see (especially the Bonus Life), making sure to avoid the Robot Guard.
Just continue to follow this path, jumping over Spikes and collecting items as you go. This will lead you right to the Exit Door.
Level complete.
Level 12: Choose Wisely
Treasures: 8
Heart Crate

Start out by collecting the items you see on the screen, then take the path that goes up and to the right. Collect the items at the end of the path, then turn around and go back to where you started the level.
Now go down that gap and follow the path to the right. Jet yourself across the Spikes and through the Secret Area to collect the items in the little cove.
Retrace your footsteps and head through the Purple Door that you see. Just follow this path along, collecting the items as you go.
When you see the split in the path above you, take the path to the right, through the Blue Door and collect the items there. Remember to jump for that top Treasure Chest, it won’t fall to you!
Retrace your footsteps and take the path that goes over to the left (the one that we skipped a few seconds ago). Follow this path up, then over the Spikes, collecting items (especially the Heart Crate) as you go.
After that, just continue to follow this path right up to the Exit Door.
Level complete.
Level 13: Satellite Canyon
Treasures: 10
Heart Crates: 2

In this level, some of the falls are pretty large, so remember to use your Rocket Boots to make them easier!
Go off to the left and collect the Fuel Tanks on the platform above you. Now fall off along the left side to land on a small platform, then another fall off the right edge will take you to a few items.
Now fall off the left edge of this platform to collect another Treasure Chest, then be ready to jump over the Robot Guard in the pit to your right.
There is a small platform about halfway across the gap that you should land on. Now fall off the the right and onto a ledge with a few more items. Fall of to the left of this to find another small platform about halfway across the gap.
Now carefully jet yourself down and to the left to collect the Heart Crate (there are Spikes so you need to ease your way through the fall).
Fall off onto the ledge to the right. Go off to the right, through the Purple Door, and collect the items here, making sure to leave an Oxygen Tank or two for later.
Go back to the left and off the edge, just walking down the ledges. When you get to the place with the Robot Guard, fall over near the left side of the gap and land on that platform.
Now you can fall off again to the far right side, but be careful not to go too far down! There is a Secret Area on that right side that will take you to another Heart Crate.
Once you get back outside the Secret Area, fall down just off the edge to a platform below (you may need some Fuel here). Now fall off to the left and collect the Fuel Tank in the bottom left corner of the map.
Jump over those Spikes and take the path to the rightm collecting items as you go.
You’ll have to jet yourself up this opening. At the next opening, SLOWLY jet yourself up, as there are Spikes waiting at the very top.
Go through the inlet on the left and make your way to the Exit Door.
Level complete.
Level 14: Hold Your Breath
Treasures: 2
Heart Crate

Read this brief paragraph before you start the level, as you won’t have time for a break.
You have to quickly make your way through the level without picking up a single Oxygen Tank (there aren’t any). You’ll need some Fuel, but don’t try to get every single one, you won’t have enough time. Just pick it up when you are running low and you get the chance.
There are three Keys that you need, as well as two Treasure Chests. Take a look at the map above to see where they are (just follow the orange line). REMEMBER THIS!
Good luck, and there’s a Heart Crate that you can pick up on the way.
Level complete.
Level 15: Final Cave
Treasures: 10
Heart Crates: 2

Begin by heading to the right and falling down the gap. Continue down this tunnel until you find a Purple Key. Once you have grabbed it, head back up towards where you started.
Now take the path to the right. Open the Purple Door to obtain the Blue Key, then go through the Blue Door above you to access the next path. Continue along this path until you have collected all the items.
Now turn around and go back down the gap. Follow along this path until you reach a chamber. Collect all the items in it and continue along up and to the right.
Collect the Oxygen Tank on the platform above you, then carefully continue along to the right.
Once you have collected the Heart Crate in the Secret Area, you can head down the gap.
Carefully move past the first Robot Guard by heading to the right. Now get by the next Guard by heading left. Collect the Blue Key and other items at the end of this tunnel, and then carefully get back by both Robots.
Now take the path that heads to the left and collect all of the items in this chamber. Turn around and get back to the Robots. You can now open the Yellow Door near the second Robot to get to the next part of the level.
Collect all the items on the various platforms before continuing down the path to the right, where you will collect a few Treasure Chests.
When you get near the end, carefully collect all three Yellow Keys. If you need to, you can use some Fuel to hang out above them until they pass. Finally, head through the Yellow Doors and jump over to the Exit Door to finish the game.
Level/Game complete.
Congratulations on completing the game! Hopefully you have a high enough score to get a trophy for the game.

If you would like to link to my page, go right ahead.

![]() | Neopian Times Publication This section of the guide was published in the 571st issue of the Neopian Times. |
Do you enjoy playing the Hannah games, and are interested in making a cave of your very own that other users can play, and that you could possibly win a spotlight for? If so, this guide is here to teach you how to make your very own Kreludor Cave!
In order to start making your own cave, open up the game and click on ‘Level Editor.’ You will then be asked if you’d like to start a new level or open up one you have worked on in the past. Assuming this is your first time designing a cave, click on ‘New Level.’
You will now be viewing an instructions page. If you’d like you can read the instructions provided in the game, but I will summarize everything for you as well.
In order to place objects in the map, click on the object you are about to place, then click on the spot on the map where you wish to place it. To move around on the map, use your arrow keys. To zoom in or out, press + or -.
Before you start designing your cave, allow me to explain what all of these objects are and what purpose they serve.
The first option, in the upper left, is a square of blank space. Use this when you are trying to delete something that you already placed on the map.
Next up is the terrain. This is just your typical block of land that Hannah has to walk on. All of the purple you see on your screen is the terrain.
Next up is the first type of spike. This spike will hang from the ceiling, and if Hannah touches this spike at any point then the user will lose a life. Place these around your cave to make the player take extra caution!
The fourth item on the list is the fuel tank. This is used to fill Hannah’s fuel supply, allowing her to use her jet-pack to fly around the cave. You will probably need to place these along the path somewhat frequently so the player doesn’t run out of fuel.
Next up is a similar item, the oxygen tank. In the Kreludor Caves, Hannah relies on an oxygen supply to help her breathe, and if she runs out, a life is lost. Scatter these throughout the cave as well so the player has a chance to keep Hannah’s oxygen supply up. However, if you want your cave to be a race against time, make it hard to find these tanks so the player has to keep moving!
After that come the robot guards. These guards will pace back and forth across a certain area of the cave, and if Hannah touches them the player will lose a life. Try using a lot of these to make it tough for the player to get around!
The close out the top row, we have three keys of different color. If you want to include any locked doors in your cave, make sure you have at least as many keys as doors so the player is able to unlock all of them. You will read more about the doors in a minute.
The first item in the bottom row is Hannah herself. Wherever you place this tile is where the player will begin your cave. This is absolutely necessary to include or else your level won’t work.
Next to Hannah is a tile that looks similar to the terrain but has a question mark on it. You can use several of these tiles to create a ‘secret area,’ which is an area of terrain that Hannah is able to walk through, leading her to hidden areas of your cave where you can stash goodies like treasure chests and bonus lives. Try to trick the player by using this!
The third item on the bottom row is similar to an item on the top row, but these spikes are placed on the floor of your cave. If the player steps on these, they will lose a life.
After that are the bonus lives that I mentioned earlier. These will award the player with one extra life, and you can include more than one of these per level. Next up is the exit door, where Hannah will make her way to after collecting all of the treasure chests. You have to put this somewhere on the map or you won’t be able to submit your cave.
After that come the famous treasure chests. Hannah needs to collect all of the chests that you have placed around your cave in order to complete the level. You should include at least one of these for the player to find, but I suggest including a lot more as well. Put them in difficult places to reach to provide the player with a real challenge!
To round out the objects we have the three different colored doors that I mentioned earlier. These aren’t required in your level, but if you do decide to include them, try to place the key needed to unlock the door somewhere far away from the door itself, to really make the player scramble around to open up the path! And just to be perfectly clear, the key and door colors correspond, meaning that you can only open a yellow door with a yellow key, etc.
Now that you are familiar with all of the objects, it’s time to design your cave! If winning the spotlight is your goal, you need to have a level with an above average difficulty, but not so hard that it is nearly impossible to beat. Remember all of the tips I gave you so far and try to create a cave that you feel has a chance to win the spotlight. Try playing some of the levels that have won the spotlight in the past and use them as guidelines as to how difficult your level should be.
Once you have designed a cave you are satisfied with, click the button on the top toolbar that shows Hannah running. This will allow you to try out your level to make sure that it’s beatable and up to your standards. Once you are satisfied and have beaten the level, you will be taken back to the design page. Once here, click on the floppy disk icon to save your level. Click the ‘Save’ button to save it to your account. Once this is done, other users will be able to play your level by searching your username on the ‘Play’ screen. To exit the level designer, click the ‘X’ icon on the top of your screen, just make sure you’ve saved your level.
Well congratulations, you’ve finished building your very own cave! Now it’s time to enter your level to be considered for the spotlight. Go to the ‘Competitions’ page, located in Pet Central to get to the spotlight page. Make sure you’ve read all of the rules before submitting your cave! Now click on ‘Submit Your Level.’ Enter a title for your level, a short description, then select the level that you just designed on the checklist below (ignore the big box where you can paste a code). Once all of this is done, you can go ahead and submit your level, and hope that TNT picks you as the lucky winner! Good luck!